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Eddie Stokes De Garbo June 29, 2013 Comm. 110 Culture Artifact - Farmal Outline Infro | dan't know about you, but growing up I loved to watch Bruce ge kick the crap out af people. There's just something 50 intoxicating about watching peaple fan ¢ having their arms contorted in an abnormal fashion. Yeah I know Bruce Lee wD 4 practiced Jeet Kune Do not Pencak Silat, and yes | know he was Chinese not | Indonesian. While Bruce Lee might not have been the poster child for Pencak | Silat, ne did teach people all around the world that just because someane is | smatier ihan you, deesn’t mean you should necessarily pick a fight with them Pencak Siiat is one of the oldest forms of martial arts in human existence. ts teachings have helped influence many other forms of marfial arts that we see today. B. Indenesian martial arts (Pencak Silat) is he most infuential form of martial arts ever created. C. Today I will discuss more about this particular culture, by: 1. First, locking at the creation of Pencak Silat 4 2. Second, observing how Pencak Sitat was a indonesia br 3. Finally, how Pencak Silat has transformed aver timer its teachings can be found it nearly every country around the werld, ~ Let me begin with first the history of Pencak Silat, |. Peneak Silat can be traced back ta the early 500's! A. It is thought to have originated in indonesia, however due to a lack of written history, nothing is certain. 4. On June 30", 2015 when | accessed the website Full Contact Martial Arts it noted that Peneak Silal, “was a secrelive method of self-

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