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Bibliographic Essay Proposal

Spencer Redmond
1. Why are the use of PEDs illegal in Major League Baseball?
2. Being a college baseball player and a fanatic about baseball this would be a
great topic for me to write about because I have witnessed very many players
be banned or suspended for this substance use and I would like to share my
knowledge on why it is illegal.
3. 1/27: Proposal Due
2/24: Evaluation of Sources Due
2/26: Discussion of Partners Evaluation due
3/4: Response to your partners answers to the questions due
3/14: Evaluation of Sources Due
3/23: Annotated bibliography due
4/1: Draft of Bibliographic Essay due to peer reviewer
4/4: Peer review back to author and instructor
4/8: Bibliographic Essay Due

The past couple years the Major League Baseball association has had a

problem with the use of PEDs (performance enhancing drugs). Players have been known
to use these drugs to enhance their playing performance and over all health on the
baseball field. Many great players from generations before me to players in my
generation get tested for these drugs day in and day out because of being caught before.
The suspensions of these players can be from 10 days to a whole season and if caught
more than twice could result in a lifetime ban in the Major Leagues. The policy for using
a controlled substance such as steroids (another form of PEDs) came into affect in 1991.
The current consequneces for a first offense is an 80 game suspension, 162 games (whole
season) for the second offense, and a third offense is a lifetime ban. These new penalties
came into affect on March 28th 2014. Since 2005 39 Major League roster players have
been suspended and 60 others from minor league rosters have been suspended. The

biggest concern about PEDs is that it sends a wrong message to the younger crowd.
Every young boy wants to grow up and play professional baseball and if cheating is being
allowed then that tells the younger ones that it is okay. MLB is all about sending the right
message and PEDs are not what they want. Cheating is not what they want.

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