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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1:
Finding Your Passion
Chapter 2:
Discovering What Youre Passionate About
Chapter 3:
How To Get Stirred
Chapter 4:
You Have To Be Interested
Chapter 5:
You Must Be Challenged
Wrapping Up


You can't get wealthy or attain any other sort of accomplishment in
life if you do not have passion for what you're doing. Be it the easiest
thing or the most advanced thing, you need passion if you wish to
Here we will go over how important passion is and what different
forms it must take in order to aim our lives in down the correct path,
For example, down the path of super achievement.

Perfect Prosperity
Learn To Prosper In Life By Doing The Things You Are Passionate


Chapter 1:
Finding Your Passion

Whats the importance of passion in your life? Where does it take
When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you
reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.


What You Need To Find

You've got a decent eight hour a day, nine to five job producing a good
salary, you've got a great family and alls good with the world. But
deep within, you feel as if you're headed nowhere. The career is not in
an upward direction either. You're in reality stagnating in your career
and mentally and spiritually. Something is lacking.
Passion. The individual quality that textbooks and instruction
manuals and business procedures wont discuss. Everybody is in such
a rush to make you conform to the machine as if you are a well oiled
gear, that they blank out the fact that you're a living, feeling human
being. Even you've drawn a blank.
Ask yourself. If I had had a lot of money in the bank, what sort of job
would I be doing? Would I cast this unglamorous career and progress
to something truly exciting?
Something that I've always desired to do? And then ask yourself - how
come am I not doing that currently? Is it because of peer pressure or
since I do not prefer to move out of my comfort area? Do not prefer to
shake my boat? You're half asleep in your boat currently and in a
couple of years, you sent away to the pasture! If the boat were to rock
now, you may be jarred awake and revive your senses. Your
passionate senses.
In the aftermath of the recession of 2008, numerous amounts of
individuals lost their lines of work. A lot of them started fresh careers
and abruptly discovered that they were at last following their dream.


A lot of them are currently extremely successful in their fresh found

I Believe I understand your pain.
I believe I was struggling with the same things a few years ago. I think
you wish to have a clearer idea of what your goals are, what your
following steps are, and ideally be able to move closer to that goal.
I believe you also wish to feel like you have command over your
future, and not be victim to the whims of the economic system, your
boss, or your bills.
And I believe you know if you simply knew where to begin, you may
move forwards in leaps and bounds.
Because its not that youre lazy, or not bright enough (you are a lot
more valuable than you believe you are), you simply dont know what
info to follow.
Its confusing as most of the successes either started eons ago or
appeared overnight through affiliation with someone big.
Designing a passionate life and living your propose, includes building
a team that supports you. This might not sound like its that crucial
but it's imperative. Have you ever been truly excited about an idea,
cause, job, or business idea and when you tell your loved ones and
acquaintances you get a less than excited response?
This is due to the fact that the notion is yours, comes from your heart
and invigorates you. Thats the nice thing about life; we all are fed by

something different. Once you discover your team, put a process in

place to regularly meet with them. This may be done over the
telephone or in person. You may meet as a group or on an individual
basis. You want to know what type of support you want from every
individual on your team. Have a conversation with each individual
and tell them your expectations and how you want their support.
Its astonishing what may happen when you're part of a team that's
energized by what you're doing. You are able to go to them for ideas,
help, encouragement, and support when needed. Its hard to function
in a vacuum without any outside support. It may feel hard and
draining. Produce an environment of encouragement and support
that energizes you and keeps you moving ahead.


Chapter 2:
Discovering What Youre Passionate About

What precisely is your true calling in life? So you've chosen to escape
from the pitiful monotony of your typical career. You would like to
live to the fullest and be passionate about what you do as well as
harvest all those rich rewards at the end of the rainbow, correct?


Understand What You Can Use

Now you may be wondering how exactly you discover what you're
sincerely passionate about. As well you may be wondering how you
separate the dreams from reality.
You may be passionate about one day becoming the King of Spain, the
president of the United States, or obtaining that winning lottery
ticket, or perhaps even dominating the world. Indeed, there are
individuals who have desired to and have done that. An example of
such would include Alexander the Great who controlled nearly the
whole known world in his time. But what's your real passion?
Below are some measures you are able to take in order to find the
currents that motivate you deep within:Understand your personal body language.
What does your body language say at your current career? Does it
strain and hurt day in and day out? Do you experience panic attacks
Are you so impassionate about your career that you snooze at your
desk? Do you constantly find yourself gazing at the clock when break
time approaches? Then you're in the wrong career. You plainly do not
have the passion required for it.
Once you work at a line of work that you're passionate about, all your
headaches and cramps will dissipate. You'll discover yourself working

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additional hours, speaking to your companions about your work and

simply be enjoying life.
What were your favorite things to do when you were a kid?
Your childhood hobbies and obsessions may suggest a true passion.
Schooling and family opinions frequently steer us away from our
genuine calling.
Think back and try to remember the things you enjoyed as a child,
some examples may be riding bikes or gardening. If so, you might
want to consider a career in the automobile or landscaping industries!
So relax and recollect your childhood memories and write them
down. What caused you to smile back then might still cause you to
smile now and in the future as well.
What things do you enjoy doing as an adult?
You may very well have passionate side pursuits even now. Do you
enjoy a graveyard shift job more than a typical day job?
Numerous corporate bosses work the night shift as chefs or night
school teachers. Begin spending a couple of hours day-to-day on your
pet hobby. It might just hold the key to the true you!

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Chapter 3:
How To Get Stirred

Passion may be set loose in several ways; one way is to alter the
conditions that engulf you.
Occasionally to set loose real passion in yourself, you might need to
change your job to suit your aptitude better. But you might discover
that you in fact love your current career, but just do not feel really
passionate about it. You'll be able to analyze your situation and then
attempt to make a couple of changes to re-spark the passion you once
felt when you first began working.

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Get The Juices Flowing

Envision yourself working passionately at your occupation. What
feelings would you be experiencing? A keen concentration, clear
imagination of your future, absolute domination and control over
your work, a fit body and a high-spirited attitude! Then use these
symptoms to recover your passion.
Determine if you perform better along with a team on the field
instead of those lonely days at a desk in a cubicle. Are you more
logical minded or more on the creative minded side?
Perhaps you're crunching numbers when you'd preferably work in the
design section? You should request to have a revised aptitude
assessment done. Make a request to your superior for a redesignation or reassignment to a more suitable section.
Perform exercises ritually for at least half an hour each day. Allow the
adrenalin to pump and flow within your blood. Consume healthy food
and drink plenty of water. Stop smoking and ingesting stimulants all
Reestablish the balance between your spirituality and physicality
using techniques such as prayer or meditation. Your invigorated body
will liven up your mind and passion will come back.

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Expand your knowledge of your career by attending new study

classes. Take time off to travel around and broaden your perspective.
Take a half-pay sabbatical to add fresh qualifications to your resume.
Some lateral career movement can bring an innovative twist in your
way of working.
There are 2 components of consciousness. If you discuss it in terms of
the quantum model, everything at its most primal level is made up of
energy and of thought. And energy carries data; frequency carries
data. You may say that everything is made up of 99.99 % nothing, and
that no thing is an energy.
Then you may say that this energy that is carrying data has
intelligence, and that it's the very fabric of the Universe. At its primal
level it is consciousness and energy, and it's constantly coalescing and
organizing itself into substantial form.
That consciousness thats producing Universes, thats keeping the
planets rotating around the sun is the same consciousness thats
keeping your heart beating and creating 10 million cells each second.
Its likewise the same consciousness that allows a lily to bloom and a
rose to flower. Its both personal inside us and Universal around us.
We understand from the experiments that intention by itself does
utterly nothing. But when you couple it with an emotion, once you
surrender to the emotion ahead of the literal event and dont try to
analyze it or work out how its going to occur and you just let go
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and trust it works a whole lot better. Its a balance. Once our
thoughts and feelings are lined up, or our brain and body are working
together, we're in a state of being. We react to who were being, not
just what we think or feel, but what were really thinking and feeling.
Passion doesn't arrive overnight. Follow these proactive measures
and you will eventually see a gradual boost in your enthusiasm. You'll
start working with a freshly fired zeal which turns contagious,
propelling your team mates too. You'll have consciously taken control
of your life once again and the fruits of successfulness will be within
view once more.

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Chapter 4:
You Have To Be Interested

Interest is an example of an igniter of real passion.
What causes passionate individuals to work so diligently?
Where do these individuals summon their energy from?
Passion may be fueled by numerous components.
Lets look over some of the most significant sources of the Force.

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What Is This Force

Interest. One of the most potent sparks of human invention has been
Interest. Why does a particular thing occur? Why does lightning
happen? What will the outcome be if you were to mix two chemicals?
Which path will find fresh lands? The human brain is programmed to
question everything surrounding it.
Breakthroughs occur once this interest turns into a passionate driving
force. It acquires a persistent unstoppable energy which won't rest
until an answer is discovered.
Thomas Alva Edison tested numerous variations of the electric light
bulb until he discovered one that worked. Madame Curie along with
her husband Pierre Curie gave away their lives to the dedication it
took to unlock the mysteries of radiation.
Steve Jobs hunt for a better computer user interface at last presented
us the Apple computer with the now well known graphical user
interface utilizing icons, which in time dispersed to the entire world of
computing as something we know as Microsofts Windows.
Many great adventurers of the world journeyed passionately in the
pursuit of conquering fresh land for mankind. Examples of such
individuals would include Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama,
and Roald Amundsen. After hundreds of years of gazing at the moon,
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin actually got to talk on the moon's
Nothing is capable of stopping the power of interest and the drive that
it sparks up.
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Success tales in the workplace frequently develop from plain

ignorance. An employee might discover that he knows nothing about
a specific field and starts studying it to fulfill his personal interest.
Soon enough he's got the hang of it and is teaching the world a couple
of new things about it.
Get the conversation going with those who already understand a lot
about your issue. For instance, find an authority and start out by
telling them what you are interested in. Then ask them what their
expert opinion is.
If somebody is a known authority in that field they're definitely going
to have something to say back. Then let them know exactly what you
are trying to accomplish so they can check it out.
As individuals, we all will experience times of lessened inspiration.
These moments are commonly characterized by low energy levels,
diminished motivation, lessened creative thinking and may cause a
downward spiral in our basic happiness if we're not cautious.
So step out of your known area and journey into the unknown. There
might just be a discovery waiting there, with your name written on it.

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Chapter 5:
You Must Be Challenged

Without having challenges within your life, you may hardly make the
most of what you're passionate about. Team your passion up with the
correct pursuit and you'll do far better at it.

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Keep Growing
Our hunt for the generators of passion brings us to yet another potent
factor - Challenge.
A challenge may be presented by an individual for himself or by
outside forces. A persons own challenge may originate from adverse
conditions such as poorness or deprivation. Rags-to-riches tales have
been told for centuries now.
Even Presidents of countries are not excluded from rising from
humble starts and rising to their positions of force by the bold power
of their passion.
Family prestige and a need to show ones heart to ones seniors and
today's society may as well act as a difficult force. When a child
inherits a company established by his or her father, upon growing up
the child might be driven to expand that enterprise and therefore
demonstrate his own prowess.
Although many companies have boards of directors and public equity,
in numerous traditional societies, it's the family-driven businesses
that succeed, even over hundreds of years.
Targets arranged by corporate leadership as well may be challenging
to work teams. A sharp competitive spirit between contending
businesses can spark a passionate pursuit of the markets.
A couple examples of passionate competition, with each trying to
outperform one another in the pursuit of a better product and
additional sales would include Pepsi and Coca Cola as well as Nike
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and Adidas. In these examples, passionate employees move rapidly

up the corporate chain. Belief in the companys goals and ideals is
crucial to breed passion in employees.
Occasionally the root of the challenge might lie closer to home. The
passion of a woman or ones kids has the potential to motivate an
individual to persevere with the intent of supplying better care and
education for them. We're driven to purchase a bigger and better
house, a larger and quicker car, the newest cell phones and clothes.
Each of these must-haves as well act as challenges and honors for our
It's up to each person to decide what challenges him or her. Then just
as Nikes motto states - Just do it! Your natural challenge instinct will
drive you through.

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Wrapping Up
Your passion may be a very beneficial tool that may take you places.
Do not smother it. Do not allow it to decease.
Rather, provide it the correct fuel and watch it light up like an
inferno. This would be the inferno of your accomplishment.
Most humans sit around, waiting to be inspired. The reality is, there
is a whole domain out there filled with countless things that may
motivate you to be awesome. For me, going on a long hike, or even
taking a long walk in the deep woods refreshes my soul. I attempt
and do this whenever I'm feeling uninspired.
A change of scenery is constantly a great idea to get a burst of
creativity, but a good half-hour of exercise will actually boost your
creativity. As a matter of fact, it boosts nearly every dimension of
cognition, so exercise on a regular basis to get your blood (and
creative juices) coursing.
What is it for you? Choose, and then go do it!

All the best to you!

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