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My Hero and Me:

Princess Diana
By: Lauren Teitel

A Quick Timeline

BORN July 1, 1961, in Sandringham, England

1981 Marries Charles
1982 Prince William born
1984 Prince Harry born
1992 Diana and Charles announce their separation
1993 Diana reveals her plan to withdraw from public
1995 Diana discusses her marriage on TV
1996 The divorce is finalized
DIED Aug. 31, 1997, after a car crash in Paris

A Real Heroine
Some say that Princess
Diana lived a fairy tale.
But upon examining her
life events and obstacles,
one can see that Diana
was not only a real
heroine, but also, a real
person. Princess Diana
was a very human heroine
in a sense. She personifies
how a woman should
strive to be.

Diana, Princess of Wales receives a

bouquet of flowers from a young patient,
during her visit to Northwick Park
Hospital, London, 1997

Princess Diana was best known for

her charitable work. She dedicated a
lot of time to the homeless, the
disabled, people with HIV/AIDS, and
especially children. One of the
reasons that Princess Dianas charity
work is so special is because she truly
believed in participating in helping,
not just giving money. The Princess
fought for so many different causes
that one can really tell how much she
cared for humanity in general and
how she sincerely wanted to end
suffering wherever it occurred.
Princess Diana even said, I
understand people's suffering,
people's pain, more than you will
every know yourself

The Princess of Wales visited Angola

in January 1997 to see the work of
the Red Cross in helping mine
victims. Here she wears protective
headgear on a visit
The year before she died, Princess

Diana campaigned for a ban on the

manufacture and use of landmines.
The Princesss will to help these
landmine workers demonstrates
how directly connected she was to
the people. She cared about them
enough to make sure she was
involved enough to personally
protest what she thought to be
wrong. Time magazine writes,
First she became the patron saint
of victims, the sick, the
discriminated against, the

Everyone needs to be valued.

Everyone has the potential to
give something back....
Princess Diana
Heroines are allowed to make
mistakes too. Dianas adulterous
marriage brought her down to the
level of any other ordinary person.
The Princess admitted to having her
bouts with depression, selfmutilation, and bulimia. This allows
the public, especially women to
empathize with the way she was
feeling. Dianas demonstration of
how to overcome an obstacle and the
way she turned a helpless life into
one of aiding others shows why
people look up to her and idealize

I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential
as human beings and in their public duties....
Princess Diana


A Sense of Beauty

Along with her motherly

qualities and charitable
inclinations, Diana retained
and perfected her feminine
charm and eloquence. Her
sense of style and charm
made her a role model.
Princess Diana further used
her fashion sense and
femininity to once again help
the public. She auctioned off
her most famous dresses to
the public to help raise money
for charities she worked for.
This is a wonderful
demonstration of using ones
femininity for the public good.

A Funeral Of A

Dianas funeral, a world wide

event, demonstrated exactly how
powerful and moving she was as a
heroine. She was followed by many
mourners that had been inspired by
her warmth, intelligence, grace, and
care for humanity. Her death had
such a wide impact on not just
England, but the world, that one
must admit what a motivational
heroine she was and will continue
to be. Her death in some ways
seems to inspire people even more
than her work while she was alive.

The Power of A Woman

Princess Diana seems as if she used her
charm, beauty, eloquence, and warmth for
benevolent purposes. She is the ideal
female. She uses her attributes that one
can only attribute to being a woman for
good. She has neither too little nor too
much sex appeal. She knows how to act
appropriately in public. Her coolness and
calmness in any situation inspire other me
to be pulled together in public. Not that
Diana believed in putting on appearances
that were not true, but she always showed
a face to the world that was presentable
and real. Her grace and loveliness show
what women are really capable of.

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