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It is well-known that along time, the teaching of foreign languages has been changing due to
there are a great deal of factors such as culture, beliefs, and customs regarding the target
language. In that sense, teachers of English have to take into account that teaching a foreign
language does not only imply the language form taught from a structural or functional form. At
the same time, there has been a change from one method to another in order to improve
language teaching, as well as curriculum.
Regarding pedagogical practice, there are some challenges in the 21 st century that teachers of
English have to face in the teaching process. Among these challenges we have learners
differences, teachers and students role, diversity in learning style and learning strategies,
technology, and so on. One of the teachers commitment is try to recognize and make a
balance in all these variables in order to help students in the learning process of foreign
languages, as well as to develop the communicative skills in students to become them
competent speakers of the target language. It is said that teachers and students must have a
direct relationship in the educational context to get all the goals established at the beginning of
the course and among them share or change some ideas regarding education.
On the other hand, in the educational settlement are evidenced other factors such as context
that implies items as classroom, classroom environment, and classroom management,
content, resources, and so forth. All these factors are linked among them by the reason of it
could not be possible the teaching and learning process without taking into consideration the
connection and importance of each one of them inside the English class.
For all the reasons exposed in the paragraph above, the pedagogical practice is becoming a
challenge in the 21st century owing to each student has a different need or goal when learning
a foreign language. In the educational context, the challenges are going to continue changing
due to people needs are not constant in a globalized world that every day is imposing new
ideologies, lifestyles, and stereotypes in a modern society.

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