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Assignment/Activity Title— World War II Interdisciplinary Year— Freshman Skill— Media Portfolio Category— Media and Communications For this interdisciplinary assignment, we were asked to find a World War Two movie, and to critique it. My group chose to critique the film Sophie Scholl: The Final ‘Days. This is a film about a German girl who works with an ant i-Nazi and anti-war group. She is caught distributing the propaganda and put in jail. The film is about Sophie’s final few days in {il before her execution, My group and I decided to focus on the validity ofthe film’s content in our critiquing session After writing the script for this project, we were asked to film ourselves, live, critiquing our film. I was one of the people who was filmed. This project helped illustrate some of my strengths and weaknesses. One of my weaknesses is keeping myself and my emotions in order while giving a presentation. I was very nervous to film this live, and we therefore had to have multiple tries recording this because both I and my other group member had hard times not laughing and keeping our vocal speed at a normal pace. While this project identified one of my weaknesses, it also illustrated one of my strengths. One of my strengths is taking charge of the project, or atleast trying to keep everyone else working on something, instead of only one person doing all the work. This helped me with our project because we were able to finish it on time, and perhaps even with extra time. This project helped illustrate this as one of my strengths when one of my group members was out sick, and we only had two people working, but we managed to get plenty of work done, despite a few interruptions and distractions, This project also helped me realize to what extent media can limit and enhance our our society. Media can allow us to get our opinions to other people, and lots of people at once. With this video, we were able to critique our film with no interruptions from others because it was pre-recorded, and therefore had no room to interject at any given point. Yet while media allows us to contact others, it can also limit us. If only a few technologies are available to us, like merely calling or texting, we cannot see others expressions as we would if communicating face to face. There are, however, certain technologies such as Skype and Face'Time, but the experience of talking to someone else is not quite the same. When we recorded this video, it limited our ability to have motion because we were merely reading a script, and were sitting down, not moving about as one might when they are giving a speech or other such things. This project could relate to my future because it helped me work on my focus and my presentation skills. In the future, when I will be working on a project, I can now work with a new way to focus. When I next need to present something, whether it is in a play, in an informative presentation (i.e. Powerpoint), a monologue, etc., I can now apply the new skills I learned from being filmed during the presentation of this project. The minor setbacks and obstacles we encountered can only help me known future projects, whether or not they involve scripts and cameras. Through this assignment, I learned a few new things. Firstly, | learned how to work in a TV studio, and what it is like to work under pressure to complete a group project that can affect many different people. I was also able to renew my. time management skills. To complete this project in the time allotted, four days, my group and I needed to set a schedule. Within the time period, we needed to watch our movie, do some research, write a script, and film ourselves critiquing our film. Watching our movie, researching and writing the script were not hard tasks to achieve. Some of it we could even do at home as homework. Before we could film ourselves, however, we needed to learn how to use the live TV production equipment. Once we had learned that, we were able to complete our project well. I am proud of the resulting product because we had to learn a lot in order to complete it, as well as completing it in areas that my group had never really had practice. Link to video: & QHOANG

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