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Like a Pap smear, during a colposcopy examination, a speculum is used so that the

gynaecologist can have a clear view of the cervix. During the colposcopy a speculum is
positioned into the vagina and an acetic acid solution is applied to the cervix using a
swab. The acetic acid solution is left for 30-60 seconds during which time abnormal
areas may become white and visible through denaturing of unstable proteins. If an
abnormal area is identified a biopsy is required. Biopsy forceps are used to collect a
small tissue sample from the abnormal area on the cervix. The biopsy sample is sent off
to a laboratory to get a histological diagnosis. Arrangements are made for the patient to
return to the clinic to discuss the results of the biopsy some weeks later. Figure shows the colposcopy examination room at Sunshine Hospital.

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