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PDF Article, Life in Egypt (The Exodus from the biblical book called

Goal: to define the biblical Exodus
1. What happened to the Israelites who lived in Egypt?


How were they treated?


Who becomes their leader?


What was one of the most famous routes of their escape?


Why is the exodus a symbol and myth of liberation?

Questions for article, PDF The Psychology of Religion and Coping,

pp. 144-146:
Definition of coping: Coping is a process in which people engage to search
for significance in times of stress (Kenneth Pargament).

1. Why is religion important to the coping process?

2. Why do some people access religion and why do others not access religion as a part
of coping?

3. How does coping increase religious activity (p. 145)?

4. Why are African American churches an important institution for African

Americans? What resources did religion afford African Americans during slavery and

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