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Levine Museum in Downtown Charlotte was very intriguing, they had

multiple genres of things you could learn about such as the New Deal, Cotton
Gin, even about the Model T Ford made in the 1930s.
The Model T was invented by Henry Ford, over the course of nine years
from 1924-1933 over 100,000 being manufactured and sold in Charlotte.
Multiple railroads made Charlotte a big hub for warehouses and they
included multiple companies which made manufacturing plants in North
Carolina based mostly in Charlotte.
In Burlington North Carolina Icy Norman had learned how to weave the
first cloth, he had claimed he could weave faster than any other person he
was very confident in the quality and efficiency of what he would weave. His
technique included a Weavers knot wrapped around the middle finger and
thumb. He was known for how fast he could create the Weavers knot.
Roosevelt had claimed that the South was the number one problem in
the Economic depression that was on going during the thirties. There were
many ghettos in the south, there was major poverty which also resulted from
the stock market crash, because of these events Roosevelt had issued quite
a few new regulations to counteract the Depression that Americans were
suffering these sets of rules were known as the New Deal. There were over
fifteen different acts that resulted in the betterment of the economy. One of
the major acts was the Federal Emergency Relief Administration or otherwise
known as FERA, this act was put in place to help the unemployment rate that
resulted in part of this depression.
Prior to going into World War two the United States had ramped up
production of arms and explosives. The United states was selling arms and
ammunition to the Allies, Resulting in new jobs being provided for those who
were not currently employed. The ramping up of Nuclear weapons also
created tension past the World War because of the Cold war that was going
on between Russia and the United States. There were shelters and bunkers
being prepared for this scare, the people of The United States were scared to
death by these threats. In schools they were trained so that in the
occurrence of a Attack by Russia they would be prepared for these attacks.
There were no attacks but there was also no piece of mind in the mind of the
Americans. Overall I Learned a lot about the history of Charlotte and America
that I Did not have much knowledge or any earlier in time.

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