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ea rut your eyes where they need to be, Look at Me? saith The LORD. “Put My WORDS where they need to bein your heart and mind saith The LORD."Demand that your mouth and your tongue of faith do its command duty to speak My WORD and commune with Me for hhave great plans. And together, ve will get this job done, “Isl organize things for you. Iwill run where you've only been able to walk | wil take you ta places that you never dreamed, that you ‘would never even understand. And Iwill bring you into a place of holiness, and a place ‘of presence with Me where you don't know ‘whether you dare speak anymore or not “Nh, for lke Moses:'Tm standing on holy ‘ground. My God i present and lam no longer His servant | am His son, and Iserve Him out of oy and thanksgiving’ *So give forth praise, and know | am ‘withholding nothing from you. There's more than enough planned for you to overcome ‘every obstacle: not only physically, not only mentally, not only financially, but sprit soul, body, finance. The entre spectrum of human. ‘existence has been prepared foryou to walkin victory. “Ah, these are the days of God's great wisdom and ‘wealth coming nto the earth. For these ae the days ‘of transfer. His property, His wealth, His influence is being transfered from the coffers of the world and the kingdom of darkness. They are being brought into the treasure house of the kingdom of God to ‘arty out the gospel ofthis Kingdom, and to carry ‘out the missions and the lives that have invested in Yyou to bring into the Kingdom, “So rejoice. You've been rch all the time and some ‘of you are just now finding out about it. Ah, but you a joint hel You are a wealthy helt You already have it italready belongs to you. Now ‘appropriate it and cll fort, and your angels and saith The LORD, “will getit nto your hands. Aha, these are the days you've been looking for. These {are the days you've been waiting for So rejoice. Step ‘out and step up and step in Hallelujah! “what about 20147 “2014's a marvelous yearn the kingdom of God. It is The Year of Victory Over Death and the Manifestation of Love. Manifested love, whichis Jesus Himself For | am manifesting Myself n 2014 in ‘ways that have nat dane in many, many centuries lam manifesting Myself in 2014 in ways that have never done before on this planet. For you see, have ‘many things in store for this generation that have never been seen before. For itis time forthe ingathering of more souls than has ever happened ‘on planet earth before, The time has come and yout init Hallelujah! You're init? He has made me to know 2014 isa time for the church to"don (puton) the glory ‘Never stop celebrating what ve already done, Now, expect Me to do the greater and it will come. 2014 willbe knawnas,"The Year ofthe Greater! “tim ready? sath the Lor, "to do a new thing, ‘The lkes of which you've never seen. My glory shall come in such a way, ‘That youl standin awe and begin to say, 'My God, my God, Inever knew That would get to see this side of You. Such splendor, such power and magnificence to. No wonder the earth will bow down to You” ‘The prophets sid these things would come ‘to pass. And now they're here— at ast at ast. ‘The greater glory they spoke about, ‘Were init now— lets shout, et's shout. ‘Anew wave of His glory is what shall be seen. For ths is His plan for 2014 ‘Our God staking us toa brand new place. ‘And soon welllsee Him face to face.

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