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The Good Samaritan

April 17-April 24

Review the central truth, the memory verse, prayer and

confessions, and read the Bible story with your child each
day. As this is done, let your child color in or put a sticker
on the power outlet located on the back of the devotional.
At the end of the week please sign as proof of completion
and return to the teacher. Children who complete 3 weeks
Power Cords in a month will have their picture posted in
the foyer of Power Source.

When we show love to others, we are also loving God.

Father God,

Jesus told a story, or parable, about a man traveling

to Jerusalem. Some mean men beat him up, took his
money, and left him by the road. A priest came by, but
didnt help him. A man called a Levite came by, but
he didnt help either. Finally, a Samaritan came by. He
knew the hurt man didnt like Samaritans but he helped
anyway. He cleaned his wounds and took him to a hotel
to get better. He was a kind friend.
Luke 10:25-37

Thank you creating us all so special. Thank you for my

parents, teachers, friends, Pastor Ron, and his family. Fill
them with joy and peace as they trust in You. Forgive me
when I make bad choices. Help me to obey my parents so
things will go well with me and I will live a long life on the
earth (Eph. 6:2-3). I will tell others how great You are and
how much I love you. Thank you that because of Jesus, I
am healed and whole.
In Jesus Name,

Worship the Lord. Psalm 100:2

Psalm 63:3
God,Your loving kindness is better than life; my lips shall
praise You.

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