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April 2010


Prayer Household of the One bitter winter evening in early
Month February, what started as an
For the month of April, please interlude of fun in the snow almost
keep the Anchorage Service ended in catastrophe. As dusk drew
Adventure unit in your prayers:
near, our band of misfits found
Isaac Blosser
Margo Regier ourselves tunneling slowly, deep into
Nicky Smith an enormous mountain of snow.
Kelly & Fred Kilheffer Following the example and direction
of Fred, our wise and fearless leader, Isaac, Margo, and Nicky took turns
crawling into the dark, mysterious passageway where they labored for what
seemed like hours; creating a small cavern to slumber. When darkness fell,
April Birthdays the tunnel had been completed and the three youngest misfits decided to
13 – Elena Entz, MMN Staff
22 – Marcos Wright Kuhns, make a procession into the chamber to
Philippi finish burrowing out the cavern. Fred
and I watched as they disappeared one-
by-one into the passageway laying head
to toe, until no voices could be heard
Leader Orientation from the outside. Pile after pile of snow
Albany Mennonite Church is
hosting the upcoming Service appeared at the entrance to the tunnel,
Adventure leader’s orientation. and was dispersed by Fred as I anxiously
It will be from Sunday, July 25 paced around the mountain, looking for
through Thursday, July 29, any signs of personal distress or structural weakness. Suddenly, a terrifying
2010. sound pierced the bleak, still, frozen night as the ice cave collapsed leaving
Margo, Nicky, and Isaac trapped beneath feet of snow! I immediately
leaped into action and began frantically digging into the mountain of snow
Applications for with my hands. Fred stood petrified with his shovel mumbling something
2010-2011 about a Level 4 disaster, until I shouted that I could see light dimly shining
We are pleased that as of April
1, we have received twenty through the snow coming from Margo’s headlamp. I dove for the spot of
applications. We are light and eventually unburied Margo’s head and grabbed her beneath the
processing them as quickly as shoulders and drug her out of the grave until we tumbled down the mountain
we can. Please keep getting the to safety. We immediately returned to search for Nicky, whom we found,
word out that we still have
alive and well, completely burrowed in the snow. Thinking the danger had
openings in Service Adventure
for next fall! Thanks for your ended, the four of us began laughing off our stress when we realized Isaac
help in encouraging people to still had not appeared! Fred dashed over to the opening of the tunnel, where
apply. we last saw Isaac, and we spotted his legs sticking out as he struggled to
break free of the weight upon him. He broke free of the snow pinning him
down and we all cheered and laughed as the adrenaline faded from our
nearly tragic experience.
Based on an actual event, although some poetic
licensing occurred to create a more dramatic
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UNIT LEADER: Works full-time for Home
Restorations, an Anchorage-based remodeling and
weatherization company.
INTERESTS: Outdoors, hunting, fishing,
conversing, baking bread, discussions, reading
BEST KNOWN FOR: Sounding wise, being a
handyman, his peculiar vocabulary including, but
not limited to: “my boys”, rinze, “my apologies!”

VOLUNTEER Part-Time at Children’s Lunchbox
where she makes lunches for elementary students
in poverty areas
VOLUNTEER Part-Time at Anchorage Waterways
Council where she is the glue and the reason this
non-profit did not close its doors yet.
INTERESTS: Going to the library, running, art,
skiing, clarinet, pets
BEST KNOWN FOR: Chomping ice, hairy legs,
reading thick books, staying up really late,
sleeping through her alarm, taking 2 minute
showers, walking to the van in the snow in her socks…because she’s late!

VOLUNTEER at the BLM (Bureau of Land
Management) grooming trails on snowmobile,
welding, arctic survival, working on Iditarod trail,
biking lots of miles to work
INTERESTS: Reading, going to France, walking,
farming and tractors
BEST KNOWN FOR: Carrying tractor magazines in his
pocket, jumping out of bed in the morning from his
top bunk and waking the entire house, always
answering the phone, working hard, being good with
Service Adventure News Page 3

VOLUNTEER at Challenge Alaska completing office and administrative
activities, teaching classes for adults with mental and physical
disabilities including: book club, jewelry making, tie dye, cooking
INTERESTS: Anything musical! Especially piano and cello, running,
listening to music and books on tape, baking
BEST KNOWN FOR: Mismatching her socks, eating marshmallow goop,
playing piano at church, giggling uncontrollably

UNIT LEADER: Part-time nanny for two different families
INTERESTS: Running a lot, crazy reader, children, piano, leading
worship, working out, injuries, singing in the car, athletics
BEST KNOWN FOR: Giving hair cuts, watching entire seasons of TV
shows, throwing up in the car, conversing to people in her sleep,
being tidy, always carrying 20 inhalers, narcolepsy: falling asleep
anywhere anytime…example: during yoga


 Nickname: “The Last Frontier”  Climbing Flattop
 1/5th the size of lower 48  Ice Skating
 Highest temp: 100° @ Fort Yukon 1915  Sled Hockey
 Lowest temp: -80° @ Prospect Creek 1971  Bouldering
 Heaviest Snowfall: 974.5 inches  Dog-Handling @ Iditarod
 Largest per capita consumer of ice cream  Sledding
 Over 3 million lakes, 3,000 rivers  Hiking to Harding Ice Field
 Tallest peak in N. America: Denali 20,320ft  Snowboarding/Skiing
 Over ½ Alaska residents live in Anchorage  Butchering our Moose
 In Western, Eastern, Northern hemispheres  Eating Vegetarian
 Home to over ½ world’s glaciers  Cross Country Skiing
 Anchorage alone = Delaware in square miles  Tuesday Night Fun Runs (5Ks)
 3rd largest earthquake in world in 1964  Church Retreat
 55 miles East of Russia  Camping along a glacier
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Very early one December morning Fred sat reading the
paper as the rest of the house slept while snowflakes and ice
skates danced in their heads. When all of a sudden there rose
such a jangle! Fred rushed to the phone to see what was the
matter! As he glanced at the time; 5:45, he wondered who
could be up? No friend was calling; no emergency; just a
phone call from the state police! Fred hung up the phone and
gathered the troops, for a moose had been hit and she was to be
ours! With only 30 minutes to arrive at the scene, Fred raced
ahead in his truck to claim our meat. The rest of us collected
our tools and warm clothes and stumbled out into the frigid
When finally we arrived at the scene, our dilemma became
loading the 800 lb. catch into the truck. After a long-suffering hour,
sitting in a fire station parking lot, we had O’Malley’s head and neck
onto the truck using a winch and the van, but the rest of her refused
to cooperate. Luckily, our local fireman noticed our trouble and
gathered his troops to help us lift O’Malley onto the truck. Eight
strong men, a winch, and a van later, O’Malley lay prone in the bed
of Fred’s truck. Off we went to the next phase!
In sympathy of those who are squeamish, I will gloss over
the following details and summarize the next few slimy and messy
hours. It’s all in who you know, and thankfully we know many
helpful people! Our friend Joe helped us hang up our moose to
butcher with his forklift, and also helped us grind up the many pounds of meat. A friendly
photojournalist, Antonio from Italy, photographed our adventure, butchered meat, and entertained us
with stories from his home country. Four days later, our meat had been taken off the bones, sliced into
steaks and roasts, or ground three times, and vacuum sealed into 1 lb. packages to fit into our freezer.
The total meat count amounted to around 300 lbs. of ground, and 100 lbs. of steaks and roasts! We are
truly grateful for the meat, but are equally as glad the experience is over...for

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