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Siddhartha: Hinduism

Answer the following questions and be prepared to present your

answers to the class.
1.When did Hinduism begin?
2.What are the major texts/scriptures of Hinduism? (there are four)

3.What is karma? What is reincarnation? And how do the two interact?

4. What is the caste system in Hinduism?

5. What are the four life stages of Hinduism?

6. What are the four life goals of Hinduism?

7. What is nirvana? (not the band)

Siddhartha: Hermann Hesse

Answer the following questions and be prepared to present your
answers to the class.
1.When was Hermann Hesse born? Where was Herman Hesse born?
And what was his family life like?

2. What is psychoanalysis? And how does it tie in with Hermann Hesse?

3. List some of Hermann Hesses novels? Is there any theme or feature

that is found among his novels?

4. When was Siddhartha written? Is there anything different or strange

in how Siddhartha was written?

5. List a fun fact (make sure it is fun!) about Hermann Hesse:

Siddhartha: Carl Jung

Answer the following questions and be prepared to present your
answers to the class.
1.Who was Carl Jung? And who did he study under?

2. How does Carl Jung, Josef Land, and Hermann Hesse all fit together?

3. What is Jungian theory? (try to define archetypes and the collective


4. How is the concept of archetypes used in literature?

4. What are the some of the basic literary archetypes? (List at least five
and define them)

6. How is Nirvana reached according to Jungian theory?

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