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Earth's crust consist of Oceanic crust and continental crust, its consist of many kind of rocks with

various thickness. Continental crust is earths crust on the land part (The land surface of earth),
and the Oceanic crust is earths crust on the bottom of the sea. Continental crust is thicker than
the Oceanic crust. Rock itself composed by organic minerals or non-organic minerals. Those
minerals composed by atoms or elements (cations or anions) that gathered and bind each other.
One of the geology science branches that studies about rocks is Petrology. Petrology included in
the branch of geology science that studies about rocks, form process, and it genesis or the rocks
origins. In Indonesia, one in the region of Yogyakarta precisely in the Sitimulyo Piyungan there
are geological appearance. This condition can be seen from the geomorphic aspect, lithology
aspect, and from the geological structure that exist in Sitimulyo Piyungan area. Based on the
appearances on the field , topographic map, and observation results, we know that the
environments condition in the Sitimulyo village, lithologically there are many kind of Rocks
such as Clay stone, Pumice breccia, sandstone, Autoclastic volcanic breccia, and Sandy clay
stone. Countenance on this village is affected by the Endogenous process and Exogenous
processes that produce some different Morphology but have the same rock type. Potential arising
from the both process have positive and negative impacts to the Sitimulyo Piyungan area.

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