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382 Shin Dang Dong

Reading Vocabulary

Curious strange, odd, or unusual
Cellar a room or rooms under a building where things are stored
Memories people, things, and events that you remember
Farewell parting or last; good-bye
Described told in words how someone looks, feels, or acts, or recorded the most
important things about a place, a thing, or an event
Raindrops water that falls in drops from the clouds
Delicious very pleasing, satisfying, or delightful, especially to the taste or smell
Airport place for landing planes
Homesick- missing home or sad to be away from home
Advantage benefit, gain, profit
Aspect a feature or characteristic of something
Conscious to be aware, know
Habit an action that someone does so often that it is done without thinking about
Homeland a place that is someones home or native land
Impolite not polite; rude
Insult to do something rude or disrespectful
Manners polite ways of behaving
Native a person who was born in a particular place
Sponsor a person responsible in some way for another person or thing

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