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During the summer, it seems as if it is harder to get teenage boys to read outside of
school than it is for girls. I wanted to create a reading program that would be used to help
encourage teen boys to read. During the school year, teens are often forced to read books they
find as boring or just do not enjoy. I wanted to choose some exciting and fun books with teenage
male protagonists so that the readers would have someone to connect to and a reason for reading
on. According to Jon Scieszka, author of several picture books and creator of the website, lists quite a few reasons as to why boys are having trouble with reading. One of
those reasons that he lists is how boys do not want to read because they are asked to read books
that do not interest them. I ended up choosing seven books with teenage male protagonists that
can introduce the boys to new worlds, magic, and life as a spy. These books are: Midnight for
Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo, The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, Stormbreaker by Anthony
Horowitz, Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer, City of Masks by Mary Hoffman, The
Merchant of Death by DJ MacHale, and Eragon by Christopher Paolini. I want to run an eight
week program, with seven novels for the boys to read and a party for the eighth week. While
running this program for boys, I would also simultaneously be running the same program with
the same books but for girls. Just because these novels all feature male protagonists, that does not
mean that girls will not also enjoy these books as well. Also, no parents could complain about
there not being a program for girls as well. For the party during week eight, I would bring both
groups together where they can discuss their overall feelings about the books. This way they
would have some kind of celebration at the end for completing the book club. I might also give
some kind of prize to anyone who did come to all seven book meetings as an incentive to read all
of the books and attend all of the meetings. My main target group would be twelve to sixteen

year old boys. The protagonists in these novels range from the ages of ten to fifteen. If a parent
asked, I would also be willing to let in eleven and ten year olds but no one younger than that.
Also, anyone older would of course be welcome to join as well. I just would not want anyone
younger than ten to read be a part of the group because some of the books, like Eragon, are
probably aimed at a higher reading level and might be confusing for anyone younger than ten.
I chose these books because they are all interesting and exciting and something that I
think the boys would enjoy. Several of the books take place in different worlds that I believe the
boys will like exploring. Most of the books are fantasy, but one is just pure adventure. There is
no specific topic or genre that I chose to follow. I really just wanted to focus solely on what I
thought would really interest the teenage boys and get them to find an appreciation for reading
that many do not find during school. Unfortunately, English classes in school really do not
encourage reading as something enjoyable. Reading ends up becoming a chore. These books
have different interesting elements that should intrigue the boys, like vampires, greek mythology,
spies, vampires, magic, dragons, and different worlds. All of these books are the start of a series.
This gives the boys obvious books to branch out into if they decide they like a certain book.
There are anywhere from three to nine other books in the series, and several of the series also
have spin off books or series as well for the boys to enjoy. This would give them more books to
read where they would be more likely to like the books. If they really liked the series that might
also encourage them to read more and branch out to other books that might be similar. Also, all
of the books in each series has already been released. They would not have to wait for another
book in the series to come out and have the potential to lose interest in waiting for the next book
in the series.

These books do all lend themselves to discussion as well. While they are fun and
exciting, they do also have serious elements to them that the groups would be able to discuss.
In City of Masks, the main character, Lucien Mulholland, is a fifteen year old boy who has
cancer. Having cancer at a young age is really hard, and it is interesting to read about how he
deals with cancer and how it affects his life. In The Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson has some
learning disabilities that I am sure a lot of boys can relate to. He has both dyslexia and ADHD.
He struggles a lot in school and some of the boys will definitely be able to connect to that
struggle. The boys can also see that while he struggled with regular school, he did really well in
Camp Half-Blood. They can feel like their case is not hopeless and while they are not great in
school, they do have other talents to be proud of. In The Merchant of Death, Bobby Pendragon
goes to Denduron, a territory where one group of people, the Milago, are enslaved by another,
the Bedoowan. This brings up the issues of slavery and inequality in society. While slavery is no
longer as prominent as it was in the United States, it does still exist in other forms and is more
prominent in other areas of the world. This is something important to discuss with the boys.
Several of the other books also include the loss of parents or a parental figure. This is something
that is very hard for teens to deal with. Being able to discuss it from the point of view of the
different characters might make the topic easier for the boys to discuss if they have also
experienced loss but have had trouble dealing with it or talking about it at all. Having these
serious topics in fun and exciting books might make it easier for the boys to discuss topics that
might make them too uncomfortable to talk about otherwise.
Summary/ Discussion Questions
Midnight for Charlie Bone Summary
Charlie Bone is a ten-year-old boy who discovers that he has a hidden power, the ability
to hear people in photographs talk. He finds out that this power, called an endowment, comes
from being a descendant of the Red King. The Red King was a magician king with ten children

who all inherited part of the kings powers. They each possessed endowments. The descendants
of the Red King who possess these gifts are called the Endowed or Children of the Red King.
Charlies horrible aunts force him to go to Bloors Academy, where other endowed children go
to school. Charlie, along with his new friends, has to use his gifts to help keep the balance
between the good and evil endowed children. He also has to solve the mysteries of a mysterious
case and a missing girl.
Discussion Questions:
1. The idea of family is an important aspect of the story. What kind of effects do you think
Charlies odd family has on him, including the fact that his father is gone? What about the other
endowed children? Do you think their families have an effect on which side they fight for?
2. Charlie and the rest of the endowed all have to deal with their particular powers. These powers
can sometimes make life difficult. Who do you think has the worst endowment to deal with?
3. Fidelio and Benjamin are not endowed, but they are very much affected by what happens to
their endowed friends. How do you think they deal with helping their friends fight for good
while they are unable to use an endowment to help?
4. The endowed children are divided into good and evil sides. What do you think makes
them good or evil? Do you think any of the endowed will change sides in the future?
5. With everything that has happened to Emma and Charlie, why do you think they choose to
return to Bloors Academy at the end of the book?
Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief Summary
Percy Jackson has always had trouble in school. At twelve years old he has already been
kicked out of several schools for behavioral problem. However, on a class field trip, he sees
mythological monsters and finds out why he has always had problems in school. He is a
demigod, a child of a mortal and Greek god. His father is actually the Greek god Poseidon, one
of the big three gods who had made a pact to no longer have children with mortals. He is sent to
Camp Half-Blood, a camp where demigods go for sanctuary and to train. On his way to the camp
he loses his mother. At Camp-Half Blood, he is thought to be the thief who stole Zeuss master
thunderbolt. Along with his friends Grover, a satyr, and Annabeth, a daughter of Athena, he goes
on a quest to clear his name and retrieve the thunderbolt. Along the way they fight monsters and
meet gods who Percy had believed to be only legend.
Discussion Questions:
1. Percys learning difficulties become strengths in a different context. What seem to be attention
problems enable him to be aware of all sides of attack during a battle. While he struggles to read
English, he masters ancient Greek almost effortlessly. What kind of effect had Percys learning
struggles had on him emotionally? Do you think his view of himself changes after he learns why
he has had these problems?
2. Percy had never known his father growing up. When he does finally meet him, his father is
distant. How do you think Percys life would have been different if he had grown up knowing his
3. Percy is the son of Poseidon, one of the big three of the Greek gods. What kind of pressure
do you think this puts on Percy?

4. When Percy is presented with the choice of saving his mother or preventing a war between the
gods, he chooses to leave his mother behind. How do you think he is able to make this hard
5. At the end of the novel, Percy decides to go back home rather than staying at the camp. Why
do you think he decides to go home rather than staying in the safety of the camp?
Stormbreaker Summary
Raised by his uncle after his parents death, fourteen-year-old Alex Rider has always
thought his Uncle Ian worked for a bank. After his uncle is killed, Alex learns otherwise. His
uncle was actually a spy, working for MI6, a British intelligence agency. MI6 wants to send in
Alex to complete the mission that his uncle died for. They blackmail Alex into going along with
their scheme. After a brief two-week training session, Alex is sent undercover with a few cool
gagdets at Sayle Enterprises, a company that has created a revolutionary new computer called
Stormbreaker. The head of the company Herod Sayle, plans on donating one of the new
computers to each school in England. MI6 wants to find out what secret motive is behind this
donation. He comes up against dangerous villains, like a professional assassin, while on his
mission to find Sayles secret.
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you think Alexs uncle was preparing him to become a spy by teaching him karate, scuba
diving and rock climbing?
2. Even though Wolf was mean to Alex from the start, Alex helped him in the airplane. Why do
you think Alex was willing to help someone who treated him so badly?
3. At the end of the book Mr. Blunt says, well know where you are if we need you again to
Alex. Alex has made it clear that he is not interested in being a spy but Mr. Blunt makes it clear
that they will use him again. Do you think its fair to treat Alex this way?
4. Alex has lost most of the parental figures in his life. How do you think he deals with losing his
uncle after also losing his parents?
5. Alex is only fourteen, but he is forced to deal with a lot of responsibility going undercover as a
spy. He deals with very real and dangerous situations. How does he cope with this enormous
amount of responsibility that has been put on his shoulders?
Eighth Grade Bites Summary
Vladimir Tod is a teenage vampire. His father was a vampire and his mother a human.
They died in an accident three years ago leaving Vlad to be raised by his mothers best friend,
Aunt Nelly. As a vampire, he has to struggle to keep his blood cravings and fangs under control.
His Aunt Nelly works at a hospital and brings home blood bags for him. For Vlad, junior high is
not easy when you are being bullied and the girl you like has feelings for your best friend, Henry.
On top of that, one day his English teacher vanishes and is replaced by a substitute who seems to
know too much about what Vlad is. However, a bigger problem then comes along. Vlad finds out
he is being hunted by a vampire killer.
Discussion Questions:
1. Place and character names are used as a nod to classic vampire and other scary tales like
Bathory, Lugosi Trail, Stokerton and classmates such as Edgar Poe? Did you notice these
references? If so, did you think they were an effective element to the story?

2. Vlad is internally conflicted. He feels like he is the reason his parents died because he turned
off their alarms to let them sleep in the morning of the fire that led to their death. Do you think
he is really to blame?
3. Vlad is often bullied by classmates. Vlad does taunt Tom with the knowledge that he knows
about Toms ballet classes. However, he does not reveal this to his classmates. What do you
think makes him rise above the temptation to bully those who bully him?
4. Vlad really has only one parental figure in his life, Aunt Nelly. How do you think Vlad feels
after finding out Otis is his uncle?
5. Vlad makes the belfry his private sanctuary away from everything. What do you think Vlad
feels the need to get away from?
City of Masks Summary
Lucien Mulholland is a fifteen-year-old boy who has cancer. After being give a notebook
that he is supposed to use as a diary, he is suddenly transported to another world in his sleep, a
world called Talia, that mirrors sixteenth century Italy. In the world he is not sick from cancer.
He goes to the city of Bellezza, Venice in this world, and meets a young girl named Arianna as
well as an older gentleman named Rodolfo. Rodolfo also happens to be another Stravagante,
someone who can travel between the worlds. Rodolfo takes Lucien on as an apprentice and
teaches him about being a Stravagante. Lucien and Arianna explore Bellezza together, and while
Lucien is there he uncovers a plot to kill the ruler of the city, the Duchessa. Trying to save the
Duchessa and Bellezza he risks being unable to return home to his family and his real life.

Discussion Questions:
1. Because of Luciens cancer, he is unable to do so many activities that a normal boy can. How
do you think that affects his decision to stay in Bellezza where he is no longer sick?
2. Arianna is willing to risk death to become a mandolier. Do you believe she thought this
through and really wants to be a mandolier, or did she make a rash decision to get away?
3. Lucien is torn between his real life and his new life in Bellezza. Do you think he is better off
in the dangerous Bellezza or in his own life and time?
4. Arianna finds out she is adopted and is actually the daughter of the Duchessa, the current ruler
of Bellezza. This does save her from the death penalty, but her life is turned upside down. This
ends up meaning she becomes the next Duchessa. How else does this revelation affect her life?
5. Enrico the assassin ends up killing his fianc instead of the Duchessa. Do you think he will
figure out what he has done?
The Merchant of Death Summary
Fourteen-year-old Bobby Pendragon has a good life at school. He is popular, smart, and a
great basketball player in Stony Brook, Connecticut. However, his Uncle Press comes to visit
and changes Bobbys life. He finds out that he is a Traveler, someone who can go to different
worlds through time and space via flumes. He ends up in Denduron, a world set in medieval
times where a race of people, the Milago, are slaves for another race, the Bedoowan. Bobbys job
in Denduron is to help free the Milago from their enslavement. Along with his Uncle Press and
another traveler named Loor from the territory Zadaa, he has to figure out how to help the
Milago without breaking the travelers rules. He sends journals to his friends Mark and Courtney
back in Stony Brook that chronicles his adventures.

Discussion Questions:
1. Why do you believe that Osa and Uncle Press did not talk to Loor and Bobby about their
destiny to become travelers? Do you think that destiny is a real thing?
2. Why do you think that travelers should not bring anything from their own territory to other
territories? What could be the consequences if they did bring something from their territory?
3. Do you think that Bobby and Loor should have taken Saint Dane up on his offer to join him?
Do you think that this would have been a good opportunity for them, or would it be a terrible
4. Do you think that the way Uncle Press teaches Bobby, learning on the job, is the right way he
should be taught about being a traveler?
5. The Milago have been enslaved by the Bedoowan and do not have many rights. Why do you
think the Milago have not risen up themselves against this injustice?
Eragon Summary
When Eragon, a young boy who works on his uncle's farm, is hunting in the forest, he
stumbles across an odd blue gemstone. He does not realize that this stone is actually a dragon
egg. The egg hatches into a dragon, a race that is thought to be extinct. He names her Saphira,
and Eragon has to accept his fate as the last of the dragon riders. His uncles farm is burned
down, and his uncle is killed while the Razac are looking for Eragon and the dragon egg.
Eragon and Seraphina leave the farm and have to discover what their role is in the war to come
fighting against the tyrant King Galbatorix. King Galbatorix was a dragon rider who got rid of
the other dragons and dragon riders. Along with an old man named Brom, who knows a lot about
the dragon riders, he begins on his quest to meet the members of the Varden. The Varden is a
group of human rebels fighting against Galbatorixs tyranny.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does Eragon feel when he learns about Murtagh's parentage? Does the fact that
Murtagh's father was Morzan affect Eragon's trust of him? Does it affect your feelings about his
2. How does the novel explore the theme of good versus evil? Which characters represent good
and which represent evil? Are there some characters that you are still not sure about by the end?
3. Do you think Eragon will ever be able to return to the Palancar Valley and Carvahall? He
longs for his home in the midst of his adventures, but will he and his cousin be able to return to
home when their adventures are over?
4. How do you think Eragons life has changed since he discovered Saphiras egg in the spine?
Will he be able to live up to the legend of the dragon riders?
5. How does it affect Eragon to learn that his name was also the name of the first dragon rider?
What is the significance of Saphiras name?

Teenage Adventure Book Club at the Peoria Public Library


Charlie Bone is a ten-year-old boy who discovers
that he has a hidden power, the ability to hear
people in photographs talk. He is forced to go to
Bloors Academy, where other endowed children
go to school. Charlie has to use his gift to help
keep the balance between the good and evil.

Percy is a demigod, a child of a mortal and Greek

god. His father is actually the Greek god Poseidon,
one of the big three gods who had made a pact to no
longer have children with mortals. He is sent to
Camp Half-Blood, a camp where demigods go for
sanctuary and to train.
Alexs uncle was a spy, working for a British
intelligence agency. MI6 wants to send in Alex to
complete the mission that his uncle died for. Alex is
sent undercover at Sayle Enterprises. The company
plans on donating new computers to each school in
England. MI6 wants to find out what secret motive
is behind this donation.
Vladimir Tod is a teenage vampire. His father was a
vampire and his mother a human. They died in an
accident leaving Vlad to be raised by Aunt Nelly. As
a vampire, he has to struggle to keep his blood
cravings and fangs under control. Vlad also finds out
he is being hunted by a vampire killer.
Lucien Mulholland is a fifteen-year-old boy with
cancer. After being give a notebook, he is
transported to another world in his sleep. He goes to
the city of Bellezza, and meets Arianna as well as
Rodolfo. Rodolfo also happens to be another
Stravagante, someone who can travel between the
worlds. Rodolfo takes Lucien on as an apprentice.
Fourteen-year-old Bobby Pendragon has a good life
at school. However, his Uncle Press comes to visit
and changes Bobbys life. He finds out that he is a
Traveler, someone who can go to different worlds
through time and space via flumes. He ends up in
Denduron, a world set in medieval times where the
Milago are slaves for another race, the Bedoowan.

When Eragon is hunting in the forest, he stumbles

across an odd blue gemstone. The egg hatches into a
dragon. He names her Saphira, and Eragon has to
accept his fate as the last of the dragon riders.

Wed. June 10th from 6-7 pm:

Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny
Wed. June 17th from 6-7 pm: The
Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Wed. June 24th from 6-7 pm:
Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
Wed. July 1st from 6-7 pm: Eighth
Grade Bites by Heather Brewer
Wed. July 8th from 6-7 pm: City of
Masks by Mary Hoffman
Wed. July 15th from 6-7 pm: The
Merchant of Death by DJ MacHale
Wed. July 22nd from 6-7 pm: Eragon
by Christopher Paolini
Wed. July 29th from 6-8 pm: Pizza

Do you
you want
want to
to explore
explore new
worlds and
and go
go on
on adventures
this summer?

Who: 12-16 year old teenage boys

What: An Action Packed Book Club!
Where: Peoria Public Library
When: Running for 8 Weeks from
June 10th through July 29th
From 6-7 P.M. every Wednesday
For more information: please call

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