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1) Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz as seguintes palavras para o ingls

Pas-Tempo Livre-Reino Unido-Janela-Crianas

a)Fathers,Time free,United,Janel,Kids
c)Country,Free time,United Kingdom,Window,Children
d)Country,Time free,Kingdom United,Janel,Children
e)Fathes and Country,Free time,United,Janel,Kids

2) Assinale a alternativa em que todos os pases falam a lngua inglesa

a)United States, United Kingdom, Canada,Australia,New Zealand
b) United States, United Kingdom, Mozambique, Japan
c) United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Argentine
d)Ireland, New Zealand, United States, Brazil

Texto para as questes 3 e 4

Global Handwashing Day
October 15, 2009 Although people around the world wash their hands with water, very few
wash their hands with soap at critical moments. Global Handwashing Day will be the
centerpiece of a week of activities that will mobilize millions of people across five
continents to turn handwashing with soap before eating and after using the toilet into an
ingrained habit. This could save more lives than any single vaccine or medical
intervention, cutting deaths from diarrhea by almost half and deaths from acute
respiratory infections by about a quarter.
3)Que hbito a campanha descrita no texto pretende incentivar?
a)Dia mundial de lavagem da cabea
b)Dia mundial contra as infeces respiratrias
c)Dia mundial de lavagem das mos
d)Dia mundial de lagavagem da cabea e mos

4)Assinale a forma correta de traduo da seguinte frase

Everyday I wake up early
a)Sempre eu levanto.
b)Todos os dias eu preciso levantar.
c)Todos os dias eu acordo cedo.
d)Todos os dias eu viajo cedo.
5)Qual das alternativas melhor responde a seguinte pergunta
How old are you?

a)Im _____ years old

b)Years old
c)Im______ old years team
d)Im how old years old

Meet Peter Smith!

Hi! Im Peter Smith. I love my name, because its short.Im a young boy from England. Im
twelve years old and
I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. Myaddress is 77, New Oxford Street, London.
telephone number is 555.867956. Im a student.
In theweekend, I like playing football with my friends andplaying computer games.
I dont like soup, or Maths
5- De acordo com o texto, Peter:
a) mora com seus avs paternos e com seus irmos
b) mora com seus pais, seu irmo e irm
c) mora com seus parentes
d) mora sozinho


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