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Chapter III ABC of Instantons V. A. Novikov," M. A. Shifiman,* A. I. Vainshtein and Vo Zakharov" astute of Theoretical and Baprimental Physes, Moscow 117250, Rs " Dheoetical Phsis Ieatite, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, (MN 35488, USA “Aor Planck Ietitte fir Physik, $0805 Minchen, Germany “This lecture was fst delvred at XVI Winter School of Physics of Leningrad Inottae for Nucese Phyo in spring 108). Revised April 1994, Pst pub- lished in Russian in Usp. Phys Nank 136 (1982) 853 202 FBP Leche om Pate Pes and Pld Tay Abstract ‘These Its preset an extended introduction to instantns in gange the- ‘oven The lctures const of several distinct parts To reveal the physical trenning of nstantons we colder in detll the sinpest. quantum-mecbarical problem shove they appesr anneling in Uke double wel potential. Thi ed sogeal ample was suggosted by Polyakov. Thon wo proced to quantum hromodynamies (QOD). The diseovery of istantons was instrumental nthe tundoretandingof the racram structure of QD. The @ vacuum i described rn the qussiclsia! perspective, Tho second parte devoted tote instan- ton formalism. We discuss vsious aspects of the instanton calultions: the ‘elt pr ein ifeent gauges the instanton mensare in QCD and in the Higgs hoo, the pact of tena background lds, A relatd topic we dell ‘ont the sphaloron and ite interpretation. Fly the ass part deals with the oslo fermions In th instanton taniion. ‘Thee inp i dase both tthe conceptual and tecnica levels We explain how the tunneling tne pretation change in the presence of the mses fcnions. If the fermions ‘re chiral rater than Dire, under cata conditions tho tary bacomes I ‘etted (Wittens global anomaly). Although thes lectures are self-contained, ‘hey are best road in conjunction with Coleman's ture The Uses of Istan- tan. Colman, Aspects of Syrmeiry (Canbsidge Univesity Pes, London, 1985), p26 Contents Inteodtion 04 1. Quantum Mechanics, Imaginary Tima, Path Intgrals 206 2. Double Wal (Twe-Hump) Potential, Tunneling 2s 4. Determinant and Zero Moder ar 4 Tnstonton Gas ms 5. Tunneling in Quantum Chromodynamics 20 51. Nontrival Topology in the Space of Fields in tho Yang Mils Theory 208 52. 8 Vaesum om than Formulation of QED 0 ABC of htt 203 17. BPST fostantons. Genera Propetie 111, initenes ofthe Action and the Topological Cage 172. The Distinguished Role of the Group SUC) 18. Value ofthe Action for Instanton Suton |. Explicit Form of the BPST Tnstanton 1, Solution with @ = 1 82, Singular Gauge, The t Hoot Anste 83. Relations forthe» Symbols 84, Instanton in the Ay = 0 Gauge 85, Instaton Coletve Coeedinats 836, lustantone in the Higgs Regine 87. The Height ofthe Barer. Sphaleron 9, Calalatin of the Pre-Exponentil Pact: forthe BPST Instat 1, Expansion Near «Saddle Point, Choke ofthe Cauge and Ropuarnation 92. Zeo Mode 3. Nonnore Modes. Ffective Coupling Constant 84, Two-Loop Approximation 9.5, Demity of Fstantons (the Iatanton Masui) in the Group SU(N) 10, Instantone ts the QCD Vacuuna 101, Instaatons in the Slowly Varying Background Fells 102, Instanton-Antinstanton Interactions 11. Constrained Tastantone and th Valley Method 12, Fermions in Istonton Pld 121, Vary Hesey Quarks 122. Light (Masses) Quarks 128. Taming Interpretation inthe Peseuc of Masses Fenions The Index Theorem 124, Instanton Density inthe Theory with Light Quarks 125, Global Anomaly 18, Continuation in Buliesn Space a the Thrones with Chiral Ponmions and Superaynusetie Phoris References 08 28 21 25 28 2 oe 26 206 ITEP Lec oParte Pye and Pld They Introduction 1 appt that al fodacentlinteretions in natuse are of the gauge P= ‘The modern theory of hadrons — quantuan ehromodynamies (QCD) — m0 ‘reeption Its based on local gauge invariance with respect tothe color group SUG), whic i ronlied by ah octet of massless gluons. The es of gauze fnvarianes, bomever, i mic older ae derives fom quantum eleetrodypar- fer hich was histvialy the Gist fel-theoratial rode in whieh sucessful prections were abtalned, By the end of the forties, theoreticians bas Teal lenmed how to caalte al observable quaotttes in elstiodynamics inthe form of seras in = 1/127, "The fat stops in QCD in the mi 1970's vrre al ride in the framework of perturbation thory. However, i grad Tly became clear tha, Ancona to lctrodyamics, qosk- gluon physics {Snot exhausted by perturbation theory. The most interesting phenomena — the confinement of coord objec andthe freation of the hadron spectrum IM pe associated ith nonpereurbative (not desribble i the framework cof perturbation theory) aflsts, The Inter, in turn, are due to complicated Gensture of the QD vecam, whichis ld with Ructuations of the gluon ft in now clear tthe construction ofthe complet palin! wave Fane tion of the vacuum isa vey difcalepeoblom. Despite numerous attacks ty theoreticians It fl rennin unsolved. Nevrtels, que a ot x alzeady Tow," study of “ld radon hadrons gves information about the fadamentl properties of the vacuum. Tn turn having obtained thin infor. Imation, we con ke suber of antrivial preditions about suonium and ther poorly invetiatedaapets of hadron phosomenology. "The corponling approach hs been developed by the authors over umber of year, bat Ht wll not be discussed fee. We note only that the rnin element i tho introduetion of several vacuum expectation values. Por ‘ramp the latesityof eon dei Yocum i obvonsly mows hy the sna I) (Gp. Gie 1 where Gi te gloom field erength tensor (@ = 1,8 isthe color index) ‘Similarly, th qua eondenste expectation alu (0) seves os a measure ofthe qual is Tn the “ial shor,” if sch construct, it will be posible to exalts phenomeaologica mtx elements om the basis ofthe Lagrangian of GOD. ABC of atte 205 1 can sloeady be sid that tis will rque knowledge of nonpecturbative fluctuations inthe pliseal acum. Here, phenomenology makas contact with ‘he pure theoretical developmen, which as yet has not ha great applications, ‘hgh that made posible the eaxaninaton of « number of problems {1075 one ofthe most beaut ptanomena in quantum chromotnaine tee woe discovered, instanton, clamcal scutins of the id equations with nontrivial topology [2 ‘The beenty ofthe theoreeal constructions has at- tracted the intrest of many pyscste and mathemati, a its aificlt tooveretimate the populasity of eatentons ‘Te importaee of instants 22 the at example offstuntions ofthe ga eld ot encompassed by pein baton theory undoubted. ‘Thetefore, teppearesppropiate to explain the physical exenoe of the pnomanon and darive tho basic forms to enable ‘the reader to find his (or bet) way about the Iteratre ‘The riginal Belavn Polyakov Schwaze-Tyupkinsottin (9 (PST inatan- tox) mayo may not be the stanton whieh dominant in the wacuum wave function. Allough Ute ae some numeric! evidence in fav f the instanton dominance [4 the argument ee far fom being conclusive, ‘The intanton- ‘aed model ofthe QCD vam do exit but tho last word in this ine of reazarch s yet tobe sid, Therefor, we wil not dwell an this suo. Instead, ‘we wil forur on chose aapecte ofthe instanton callus which are completely este eal wl tay with ur Eevee ‘We bogin with simple quancum-mechanial problem that iustrates the tale of nonperturbatie uetnatins. This example wes analy in detail by Polyakor (8), who made a major entributios to the development of the entire subject, ‘A double-well potential willbe considered, and the famous problem of the Jew spitinge wil be solved by exploiting an instanton approach, whichis rather awleard in this parueaaeproblon, ut hasan important advantage ‘ver the standard WKB rathod: it can be dwt extended to fed theory, ile the standard nethod cao. All echseal laments of tho instanton cal Cus (the Bude time, lawial solutions, 2ero modes end termi Iv we will encounter Iter In QOD ate introduced ia ths setng. eae wih te ty model we proceed to QCD. Genorl arguments are presented revealing © atv topology in the space of the gauge feds. ‘The exis ence of csint casa nin of the “potential” is demonstrtod. Casial trajectories interpolating letween thse distinc, minima (Spre-vaca”) are [PST inetantons, We disc the expt fom ofthe instanton, and alu 208 ITSP econ Pete Pe and Pad Thay potagogies! manner, th instanton density. ‘The notion of the vacua angle introduced, “We lun bef conser an applied ope he instanton calcu. Instan- tons sbmessed in background Beds produced by other Huctuations, deform [hea eeul ofthis deformation te instanton dessty changes. Th change the denity coused by the gion condazsate is eonsiered in some deta. "The second pat of the lecire is devoted to the role of fermions. Mess Jes femons have drei impact both om ntrpetation ofthe instanton a & tunneling trajectory and on ll technical espect ofthe instanton cleus, We fret conser the Dias elon and expsin ow the instanton eaesatons ‘nust be modi. Ten a oe able problem of ral fermions i adresse. Here we have to veaualyae anew the very foudatlns ofthe procedure, auch ts the Buclcen continuation, The chizal fermions are an Hudipensibie eb Ctoent of supereymmelic guage theories. A brief excursion in the tope of fhpereymintrie Instone eonchads the lecture 1, Quantum Mechanics, Imaginary Time, Path Integrals Ia this setion, wo consider the problem of the one-dimensional motion of f spins particle in potential V(e)- ‘Tie peoblom is sully treated ti textboks on qoantain mechanis, but we shall we » somewhst unurual noted tose it ‘The seder may Sd I Inconvenient, just 8 sa rules I ate “inconvenient” for finding Ue egealucs of tho Schringer equation. ‘But — and this ie the most important property ~the meta can be dreliy onerllaed to fll theory. Tf we take she sas ofthe pastiele equal to wity,m = 1, then the La gxangian ofthe syste Ha he Spl for e-4(8) ve Suppose that Uh pts at the inal time (~to/2) i tthe points and at the final tne (/2) at the pine 2y- An clgant mettod of expresaig the tmplitede of such a proces was vented by Faynmaa [6 The prescription is that th epi is eqal ko the am over lf paths joining the word poists (tof) aed (9/229) taken with weight ABC of tanto 20 ‘The ation, which we hal dnote by the etter $ in what follows, lato to the Lageangin by sf acto) o ‘he eon np tele = vse, ‘whore H the Haitian snl xpi’) ste ondinatyevoation operator of tho eystam, The factor Non the right-hand side ea normalization factor, {o the dacuion of which we tall ern below. [Ds] denotes tegration over all anctions2() with boundary conditions z{~t/2)~, and 2(40/2) => Before we conser dynamical questions, we examine the left-hand sie. If sro pas from sates with a deft coordinate to stats with a definite eneey, Hn) = Ex), en, obvi, tele) Leetonia o a wo obtain a sum of osilting exponetiais. I we aro interested in tho rm ae de me sr en em ae othe weven, its mh mote convent to tanaform the ceiling ‘enlist decreasing exponent To ise we maketh ubtton 1) Than in th litt 0 oly sg erm survives in the sa (Ec, (4), and thi ety tale us what ace the energy at the ware function Vt) ofthe lowest ee, H) Tn th iter, tho ration tote agar tine ly ale {he Wie otaton, and he cnenoning version of the hry ie fred to 8 the Buck veson, Blow, wecal atU autaton €i ‘scartain ene oot nly a mater of eonvenenes sno it ea new ngage for dexerbing» ery important aspect ft ther Wonow unto thenight-handldoof Eg) Inthe Bolidan formation, ‘het ne sso [2 [2 vele chore we ase the boundary eondtion2(-79/2) = si 2(r0/2) = ay, and the eign ofthe enrgy is cowen such that min V(2) = 8. “See fhe ‘tho Bucidoan action. Since Sx: > 0, we Bove sequlted an exponentially de- Cessag weight onthe right-hand side of Bq (3). In th peso enn, Slall remain in the Buchan space and shall not return to the Minkowsks Space (ie. to real ine) unl Sex 15; Cerf, a what follows we shall emit Ue sbocrpt B- ‘The Bueliéean variant of a, (8) fayle*™lx) = fDae* a ie ow time to make the next important step and explain what inte ratio ove ll pat aetoally means. Lat X(7) be ome fonction aetistying the boundary conditions, ‘Then an erdtrary function withthe sume boundary coins ean be represented inthe form A) =X) + Dewealrd, © wha 29(7) is complete set of orthonormal functions that vanish af the towns on "The measure [De) ean bo chosen in the form dew , aT o “The cosficintof proportionality in tht elation ds not in meal have in iat aprile wt te oration factor bas ben Bd ‘Now spas that in the problem under conieaton the characteris sales of th actin large fr etl eeasons Wel i he sation hon the kas approinatio, on other wor the esbod ef ep (st dso (theater, Satbematea” orm maybe more eedly understood ABC of Istato 200 ‘by some readers, "works." Tn ato word the entice ntagral in (1) aces Inte fom regous near te extremum (minimum) ofS. The pth coreespond- Ing tothe least action, which we denote by Xr), e known ithe iterator a sn extromal path, an extremal, or slatonary point I there i one exter and S1X(7)] = 5), thon N fines we a9) ‘Thus, to ind the principal, exponential factorin the result it eauficint tout in information about a single, extremal path. (I thero ar several statonary Points, we have in general the sum of the contributions ofall the staionney points) ‘There exists a standard procedure which enables us to take the next step 1nd fix the pre-exponential factor. This operation is already somewhat more laborious Suppose for simplicity that there sa single stationary point, X(r) ‘The following formula expres, in mathematical language, Ue fact that Xr) realizes miniznum of the action * so|-2E sve] = 4S SIX(o) 4 So] ~ S1K(C)) = ven, ay 1s of course wellown tothe reader from setae days (we roca hat the ‘mass muitplied hy the acceleration is equal to the fore"). I is he clasiat ‘equation of motion of psc in the potential minus V2)? We sal shortly return to tis ereuntance, be Steel ow the pro exponoatal factor in (10) incase. Tt detained by an entre "bea ‘of paths ear the exteecral path ie. by the paths with action that fre Utle fiom Sp, In oter words, we lak into acount only the quadratic deviation ee sine teens [sl BB ea oxi] 02) (os tho reader wil eal, hoe i no tr linen the deviation, jv dno tat Ea frm cos fe A so FPSP Lacs on Parte Pac and Pld Tay Suppo we know a complete set of eigenuncions and eigenvalue ofthe equation Erle) + oxen) =entl) os) ‘hon we can choose these fonesions as the orthonormaleed sytem which oc ‘ane in (ad ction (22) teansformed to the simple diagonal form sa6+}Ead extn eto () an Gas egton vie (i portant that ater the dagonuliztio etch sa ntgration ca be pevorna independently af tho others), we obtain Geslet™la = ow Genco nt ott sgn er tn Ter [a(-Seree)]™ sem sa a in ie nn ma te aan ae ne enemies sees et cn ertcase fee meh et sie ee ican ees recs coon en ace hea rameter clea in he ce tite camming learn whlepuatinecoen neler Me on an a a cope the nS aaa Ve toe ni We se hut er mt CSESLET SANT ey ober 3 ABC of Hstatons 201 vox Fig. The quntammchnc! potion with he pol fh nar, eset V"(e=0) = As the inital and final points ofthe motion we choose "The rich physi tuition that we each have for potantil mechanical mo- tion enables us to nd the extemal from Bz (11) witout knowing te explicit form of Ve), Indes, this eatin descebes the motion of ballon the profile shown in Fig. 2. Atte ine 19/2, Ue ball s displaced from the upper point, fo which it retusa the tae ro/2, Teele) clear that there exist nly {ne path with such properties. X() =O. Any other path corresponds to an faite totion with the ball ging way to plus or minus oo. Ht alo lear that the ation on the path X(>) = 0 vases Pi 2 Th peti ppg hes prob a the Bent 212 FTP tects on Pei Pye and Pad Thy “Tis inthe given psteular problem the general forma (14) ecomes eroae-n 1. In veal, Eqs (20) bein to work” when w3/122 6), ‘Ths, we hive gone wrong and fala to tak ito aocount an important clement that leads to qualitative changes. Wist is this eemant? Everyone hows the standard answer given in cores of quant mochanics. It te intial time the paste Is concateatd in, sey the left-hand minimar, i ‘verte ols the existence ofthe righthand well despica the fat that the Inter i incceibe according to he chesialeqution f motion. satus rocharial tanning transfers the wavefunction fom ono wll to the other fd, in Polyako's terminology, meas” the ground states, Tho corrct wave Tunedon of the ground tae san even soperpoition af Uh wavefunctions cach well. Wernow consider how this peomenon appears inthe imaginary time ad how the technique prevented in Use previous section changed. It unas oot nd this grest good frtane that al fundamental teckel elements remain uichanged. I only ancesary to take into wero the fact hat the ‘hail equations of man in the imaginary tn have not only he eva selntions X(r) ~ cont considered eal but also addtionel topologically ‘onkva soltons which extend fr from both the mini. "These solutions ‘connect the points, and they ae entzly responsible forthe phenomenon under dgcuson. We emphasize that in real tne there are no additional las sotions sins the transition fn one minimum to the other occurs blow the bart and is cascally forbidden. ‘The solutions arse only after the Euclidean rotaian, The doube-well Doteatil becomes a er hunaped potenti of Fi. 4 (20) sno FTBP Larson Poste Phys and Fld Try ag 4 The osha pte asthe ton in he Baden ti Wo nite th calexation of te amps ole] =n) and (ole "In. ‘te at stp so feng Ea, (1) The econ prah fo ti rare eeRStte ig Wo reintorastednsoltns of 2, (1) ht Bae Pee ne un oo, ance dh soto ar portent ine a ppnow ison. Most pata cxepond Sa eeu sos mr >a an hey have be con a ast in rc colnet baled when he pstie eit hump, Le X(o) = an X() ~ mh contin Seen eet wns conrad above, Anabereesing etn dig eGuteasnn ocorogeds tn puri fe ne ane ca aes hs er, Th we inert in pth wl Dex Seer cet and ena he pint yt the ine 9/22 Pha ees tte hat uch etree tho hr expt fm Me ete. Weare vps tert in ony the lowest ae end een dey mn ts yo Un i ie sation i ver inp: X(e) = nian ey (it coresponds to mechanical mtion with vero ener, B= (1/2}88 = V (2) = (cao that the equation ean be rewrten gs atorder equation Xa VBI =H?) nd rnd iterated). ‘Sue op ne spd «i oc bt nt ate, the ah ene Pee acu a tty fatto at 49) Teeny te 9 Eh fiae cise wit ABC of tons 217 Such a nln is called nataton (Polyakov propos the name “psc Aopacile" which ean ako be fond inthe erature); the arbitrary param flere Ince ite caer. OF cous, there alo exit antinstantons, which borin utr and end at. They ate oblanel from (21) by the subattution Sino all the inegels ca be eae, i easy to obtain a closed expoeson for the setion ofthe eatantan (wo reall that forthe Instanton get = Vad): 5 = SX Claa =f aeX? = [VDI —ahdo= ye ‘We cl that she principal exponent factor nthe mpd i (oe ‘Bg. (10). The exponential which occurs (25) has emeree. OF eure, we sti have long way to go before we ean reproduce the complete answer. ‘We daw anton ton edna property of the inetarton, whic has far reaching consequence, ‘The center of the solution may e tat pot and the econo the instanton doe oot depend onthe postion of the enter. ‘This fenstanc stool elas the symmetry oh rig problem. Namely, the Lageangian ofthe ye x ivariant with react oat in the and the time org can cnn rita. Bach coneetesoltlon (21 has adie positon with rape! to the gin, and thus there ext an infinite fal of Solutions dvsibuted arbitrarily wih respect tothe origin. Tavis ‘ler tha the instanton mist ocr in ay physi quanty inthe farm of an integral ve he positon fi enter. How does hi iagtl eis fermaly {whet weight ten otal?” Answers to then qustionsaegven a tho falling section 3. Determinant and Zero Modes In this setion, we fad the ono-nstanton contribution to (—yfe“*™In). We lal not, ofcourse, be concerned with tbe exponential facto, which has ac- tually been found ready, bot rather the prexponential factor, whose cal- fnlation presents « moe laborlovs problem Ice tru chet inthe ease unde fonideration one ean exploy various devices tht sigifiesntly simplify the problem and are somtimes discussed inthe Iiterature [8 However, we shall roced in a “brite foro” manner, ech sho closest approximation tothe feted waa by "t Hoof (to ealcuste the stanton detoinant in QCD. We hope that this wll enbacquontly enable the reader to reproduce for himself 218 ITEP Lae Part Pye nd Pld Trey (Gers all dts of Hoot’ work, which cane forthe ene instanton problem "The oriinal forma (14) conveniently rewston a (rie tnt = [a nef SLED CONN + cnt (Sansa) ese emsinn We have mpi and divided by known nunber — the determina or the hamonie etter oe Eq, (18) ‘The harmon olor wl see & “point offen" rnin with ere glad deanna inn mero. Subttating the epi expres (0) = neha) nV") aie tthe geen ato e a 3d cnnie nant (6a )a=ea 1 can be sega as 8 certain Schdinger equation, which, fortunately, is ‘ey well tied. Indeed, Ba. (23) ls dseibed in dealin, for example the textbook of Landa an thie (0, pp. 78 ad 80), and wo shall wo this source. Wo rcal thatthe boundary conitions are 14(7/2) = O and 9 + co, These conditions are automaticaly satisfied with exponential acuracy for ‘ound Teele for the tray inte speteu: ‘There ate two such lvl in Ba, (28). One of them cocrespands to the genau ey = (0/4) nd the oer to m6. "The wave function ofthe Iter, normale to unity is Pa VF 0 ofthe siganvalue may dicourage the reader, since the sever ' Howeve, this esl c= 0, cannot he regrdod as a sup. an “ih so boty cry he oie strum a c,d. Th ene ot lend conve be eal dune om te ets eve me ot {Sram ater State cll te aaa). To ree ‘ees ra nea tate ae ate aed rr Seon! ABC of tnt 20 Indo, Bq (28) actualy deacrber the respons the dyamicl system under consideration to sal porturbations imposed on X(r). Since X(r) a sauton ‘which alae local” mlaimusn ofthe action, a generic perturbation of Xi) Inczensar the action. Accordingly, és poiive. However, we already knoe that shore son direction inthe functional space slong which the solution ea bbe perturbed without changing the action, We have in mind a shift of the center. By virtue ofthe tration invariance, SIX(6.79] ~ SLE + 5n)] =0. ‘The so-called zero modo (i. the wo with ¢ = 0) is obviously propostonal to Xtrird)—H(os16 +6r). The covtetly normalized aero mode hus the fora at = 55-2) x00. which is the same at aia ate) = 85" 2 x(a) ) ‘Tho fact that the normalization factor reduces to $5! flows fern the ex- ‘resin (2). [is endl son that (25) Leal to (24, and we now Soe ‘that this aveament i nt fortuitous but consequence af the translational Savariance, ‘Thus, integration with respect to the cofclent ey cotesponding to the zo rode (su Bas. (8) and (0) 8 non Causian, and the integral bere Infinite limits doesnot eit at all. The way out of the dilmme is singe We shall no cleat this integral explicitly, Tei clear that the integration ‘overdo isthe samo asthe integration over dre, apart foun coefcent of proportionality. We have hee the sae integral over the pexiton ofthe center ofthe instanton whose appearance our inition required. In the iterate, his cele romctines called the introduction of aleve coordinate, ‘We detrmine tho coefient of preportionalty. Icy change by Ae, than (0) changes by xt (on By (8). On the other Hand, the change A) wader it re of the comter ay(r)e0 o(7) AX() = Ere ~ Vivir “nT Lc om Pat Physic a Pid Tory auating the two increments, we obtain dey = Vane (5) (dn By, (26), wo have not inserted Uh nus sig to ensure that ac varies from soe to-rao the parameter T changes i tho same interval) This 208 ot ten ofthe sor, saco me agaend to normalize the esl o the ordinary Teellator (xe coal that we are inerestod in the ratio of detects), In (he ceilaor problem, the sina eigenvalue isu? + 2/rf -»0 inthe init 9. Finally, (esas nt y" etl ( Se) FoF] Ba, {de letetyas?) + ve) | M = fred Seamer) whee det denotes the roucedterminant wit the zro mode removed, “Weemphasze that although we analyzed oaly a single pee example with tho simples inten yank(o 2, the method of dating with the zre modes isin fact goteeal. Ths, In the BPST instanton any invariance will generate ‘Cano moe, andthe inegration with respect to te corresponding coeiient ust bo replaced by intepration with respet vo some collective coordinate, ‘We have alendy learned how to nd the Jacobian of tho transformation. We now consider nnaato modes. It esist to del with the seed ict level, whowe eigenvalue (3/42. we denote by & the ratio ed) + WU i PaatTEF +2)" tJ then the contribution of his level to as my ~¥ 00 obviously 2 am Wo now tu to other modes, with ¢ > w2. If we dit not have the bound sy comin 2(r9/2) ~0, Ba (23) in tis region would have «continuous Spectrum. Let us fxg the boundazy condition for moment The general folution of (2) ie given in the book of Landa and Lite; howeves, we do ot noel its explicit form, Te sfient to now the following. Pist, the ABC of Patton 204 solutions with ¢ > w# are Il by @ continuous index p. ‘This ind i = Inte tothe egenvluee by p= y&— Wand canges ovr the entte interal (0,00) Seon, fo the values ofthe parameters that occur in (28) here #0 teflon. In other words, chosing cno ofthe Einar independent solutions jn such a ay that syle) =e er t00, ‘ve havo in the other asymptotic sgn te same exponential syle) ee ay tne. “The second exponent, «1%, which shoul in pina, is abeet, and ‘is etite dynamical eect ie vedeud to tho phase 2+ (lo) 1+ (n/a) on Goel (nie) a (oe bave used here the formula fom 0} on p81). The second linesely Independent sotion canbe chosen lathe form (7). The genetlclution is Angle) + Bap(=r),whete A nd Bae aebitary constants, "This infoumtion i lend suet to find the spectrum I we rool the boundary eouditon 2(7/2) = 0. The equations for A and B, Aa, (2) +Bm(-2)=0, Ane (-B) +80 (~ hve nonteval oltions if and ony if aplr/2) sewn ‘Thi lve an equation for or, which the same pr-ham nD, @ ‘We denoo the nth elution by. Inte ate of det? far) +0), hy which ‘we nonin the equation pro = xn sad tho nth solution py = Anjo, We LTP Lats on Pate Psi ond Pid Tory peed ocala he prods # a We For any preassigned n, the ratio (w?+p2)/(u* +p) ix arbitrarily close to unity eco Ont the ltitin vr ge numberof foe wih mah han fringe a es fry gran Tier rn > he difenc ee oP a 98 an bcos “htaportan i comple tomcat tou piel intra) Undo te 8 ose 2h ~ ro) mas§ -oo(Smse8) woofer] ‘whore we have rade an expansion with epost to the mall ference PP {Going over fom summation over n to integration over ny and using (31) f ups we cal om te right-hand side ooo 58 Diferetiatng the pha by nso of (20) and introducing the dimension sarang ye Se in ea oof [a(atperp)ei]-} em Py ong 2) nd) i at 1 eh os ‘Wi have now made all the necessary preparstions,aaiely, we have derived fouls (33), (28), (27), (2), abd (28), abd wo wrt down the ru fr the "dy jal we dy ana inthe nein gaa PEE Tg onsale ecutiag heron estes aa Wh nd 2/370 ti wuld areca nthe mmm tn 4 ag i ly sy, eg fw ag of er ABC of Itatony 228 one natant contsibutin (pa = (Se) ( Beate. "This esl an be trosted a long as ‘At large my, when thi condition i volte, its mossy to tae nt noon paths eonsiructed fom snanyinstantons aud authotantons, and this wil be ne ts the Slowing scion, Tis appropriato here to make some carmen. ‘The factor ia the fest brackets corespends to a simple harmonic oellatoe. By separating It, we havebsonabletononaliz, or regularize the instanton celelations. similar ‘evio for rgulariaation is wed in quantum ehromorynaties, The feta in the scan beck ean natrally be elled the instanton deny. Bosids the exponential factor ¢~®, the density contains the pre-exponential Sp which Jnasncnted wit tho existence ofthe nro mode, This cirmatance ako of fgoeral notre. In quantum ehvomodynamies 00, ach zero mode is ssoclatad with VS. Fal, Ube etene ofthe sro mode leads tothe appearance of & reglaiaton frequency and of integration over the collective coordinate ar ‘We wish to emphasiae that le worth rerersering the kasone we have learn, since they can be dicctlytraaferred tothe BPSP instanton. The ‘only thing specific in the presont case js the number, /6/r. If this number 5s not portcuarly important (and in QCD, as we shall seo below, this in ‘do the cst, all the cerning results canbe contracted almost a one, without calculations We have given se mich atlenton to the relatively simple ‘eserminant fora pedagogical reason — to avoid greater boredom inthe ease ofthe BPST nstaston 4, Instanton Gas 1k remaine for ws to make the Sal, small step to ceprduce formula (20) "Tho enoay ofthe loved state i doermined by the Leansition to the limit too. We eantot go to this lini drety in Ea. (34) At very Inge To, ths constructed of many istentons and enisstantons ae important. Ito stance between thir enters s large, such a path i lo clase solution. xte Fe 5 Thea ofnwabmpatlntnons (tistanion. Suppose wo hare instantons or setastatons with ota 175-7 (Pie 8). Th points satay the condition cnenensnedy 2 tout otheewin con be ditibuted ache. f tho characters intervals nsy [ny 3 (we shall wel the condition a posterior) then the tetlon corresponding to sch a configuration is nSp, where Soi the ction of one ttn With ott th eterna obi cht if we fot have the w nartow transition region (eat 7,72: +-yTa) me should obtain the same result a in the case of the harmonic exllatr, ne™™!. The teovaition region led t0 8 oorectin, and we now know in what wa fife Vive fen Varrre [ie [tenn [i enna whore donot he ingtanton density, yoviie* os 0 of tents 228 ‘The amplitudes (-nje“#p and (]e~#%)p) aneobtsned by summation over rn Inthe fst case, wostar from ~rand ariveat yaad thereloe the number ‘of poeudopartce is odd Inthe cond css, conversely, only even number of poeadopaticies works y Genes: = fferason, a ale Going tothe lint y +00, we inmadiatalyroproduce formula (20) fr the ‘wre of tho loot stats, Denoting the ground state of the sytam by 0), we (o/42)! ie. tho eymmetey between the right and Teft-hand well deed, nt broken. ‘Wie now return to te sesuption that he chatscteistie dist betwen the cantar ofthe instantone ae lage, ‘a consider how walt work, Its lar tt the sums (36) converge well, and all terme with mamber n> dap ave urinportant. ‘This awe ~ 7 fan (r.~ ene ~ “hw, Having t ou disposal the fes parameter 3, we can achieve am arbiteary smalleas fd saco d > O e+ n tho init doo, ‘Ths, for A 1 ate fly Juste in “stinging” instantons and ae ‘instantons on one another, forming thereby a cin of noninteracting pse- ‘partes Nonitersetng i tho rose tha hey rel fe fom one ater, now aothiag about the eetioing pattcts and the total weight function is blaine by mtiplyng the individual weight functions [2 in forazle (36), ‘Sch an approximation Is calla dilute instanton gas. ‘This as been exploited partioulary by Call, Daten and Gros (1) in quantum ehroe- ‘dynamics, Unortnatey in QCD we do not have foe parameters ike tht ‘a be kept aa, Tere, te istanon gas i not suitable from the ‘guaiative point of view ix QCD, and the most we can extract fom it are 120 FTRP itso Pate Phys and Fed Theory hours ndeatons, Further details regarding attempts to improve the i stain gn approximation (the so-called, instanton liquid) ean be fond in Ref I ‘Toconchide thesecton, we noe that a somewhat moreextensieexpation| ‘of the instanton approach te the double wel, otetial problem i cantained i Clean’ ste [The rude intrested i special questions, for example, situations not covered Ly the as aprenimation in quant mele, mst fourlt Ret (2) 5. Tunneling in Quantum Chromodynamics 5.1. Nontrivial Topology in the Space of Fields in the Yong-Mills Theories Now, when wo are done with the ty mode, we can pass to real QGD. The gran ofthe theory hs the form 1 1 Les64,+ DBDs 40 rbure the sum rans over all qutk favors, Ge 36 the gluon fl stength Cte = 8A IAG OP ABAS, 418 the gauge coupling constant, J stands fr the structure constants of the gauge group. In QED the gage group ie SU(S; the quarks ae dseribed by the Dirac kis y tranaforming acording to ho fundamental (Lilet) represatation of SU(). The eset be cane in hiection independent ‘ofthe partie choice ofthe gauge group and the presence (ance) of the ‘yack fields To ake the picture as transparent as pose we wil dsegaed, forthe time being, the quarks, and conser the simplest non-Abelian group, SUC). Ofcourse, iat on we wil chide gusrks ad pase fom SUQ) 10 sug). IK euonsing is important for udastandag the structure of QOD, the it qetion to beaded fom wheee to where dod the system sual "AL fist glance i oot obvious at all hat the Lagrangian of ghnodymamice ha icrote at of degenerate claseal minis, Inthe double-well potential problem thi was evident. ‘The main estistion Is du to tho fck that in the fll tory tae numberof degroon of redom i efnit, while a he ay ABC of ites 227 ‘xanplo ofthe previous sections we dealt with nly one dogs of retdom, The space of fils in QCD isinfniey-dimensonal Moet of shoe ldots degree of fesom are esciltor-lks and, than, onntreting" Our asf to single out such degrees) of feedom which tunnel and ane deocalaed in the space of feds, mich in tho sam way asthe gentne ground state wave function inthe double-wel potas ot locale i any of he to mini, hut i rathr mead along th =x Below, we will demonstrate that ly QCD there exists one sich dsetion ln the infitely-aimensional apace of Bes. I we forget for @ whe bout all other degrees of adam, and focus on this chosen digoee of rtm, ‘sl sn thatthe correrponding dynamic, being somewhat more complictod ‘han that of the doublovwell potential system, i similar in ono aspect i tals for tho consbertion of tunseling. ‘The cost analgy one ca hsp in rnin in this content x quantum mache of pstcle Living oa 9 verily ‘oriented lee subjcted to a eonstant gravitational fore (Pig. 6). Classically ‘the patil with the lowest ponsbe energy (Che ground state ofthe system) it stays atest atthe bottom ofthe crcl. Quatihum-meehanielly, the zero point osellatons come into play. Within the perturbative treatment, wo del ‘elusvely with smell oscilatione aaa the equim points te Hotton of tho ctl, For such sal anions, ee existence ofthe upper pat of the ‘izle plays no role. It cou have been elimina altogether with no impact on the 26 point clon From tho courte of quantum nchanic te known, howeve, tt the gen: ine ground-state wavefunction safe, The particle acating eae the Femg 6 Quatum mechani of «pre (oe 8am cin ntl croe ep ete 1 IMBP Lets on Pete Ps and Bald Try ign Ys that i an wind around the eile to which it belong, tmnling ‘dr the potential barr it experiences atthe tp of the ctl "To single out the eelovant degeo of fcdom inthe infately-mensonal speceof to gluon fds fe neesary to proceed to tho Hamiltonian forms tion the Yang Ale they which impli, ofcourse, tha the Gime component ofthe four potential bas to be gauged avy, Ap = 0. Then, nol [eaten voy ehase His the Haitian and BY = Af aro to bo tented canonical "Two sue point arto be mentioned in connection wit this Hamltonin, Firs, the equation div ~p,inbecat tothe orginal YanueMils theory, does sot stem fom this Haatonian por x. This equation mast be imposed ws a Constraint on the state from the Hilbert space by hand. Second, the gauge fread isnot filly oliinnted, Gage trensformations which depend ot x bat not ¢acesillallowe, This freedom i retocted in the fact that, nstesd of two transveraedagrosr of eodom A. the Hamiltonian above has hen shron ‘componente of A. Imposing, sy, Uae Coulomb gv condition, aA sve could get rid of the “superfine” degre of ficodom, a procure quite ‘andard ie prtorbation theory (i the Coulomb gauge) Ala! If we want to Jeep and revel th topologically nontrivial stracure ofthe space ofits the Coulomb gauge condition can not be imposed. Wo have to work, with onan cae, with the *wndergauge” Haonin, “Quusiciaiealy the state of th system described by tls Hamitonien at ty given monient of te ir earactraed by th fd configuration AF(x) Since we te infoesed i the ner-enengy states (asia, this s obviously ‘ho mill energy) AP mast be pure gouge, (he = Luau") ‘whose U is «matrix Blonglag to SU(2) and depending on the spatial compo ‘ent of the Four-cordate ‘Moroove, weave interested ely ln those zero-entrgy sales which ght be conocted with each other by tanalngtenstions, ie. the eorresponding ADC of Ito 208 ‘thsi aetion must be Bite. The later requzemant rerun the following boundary condition (ex. Ret. 11] or» data diseuson) Uh) =1, or anyother constant matte Up independent of th diction inthe thie 8) ere ‘ocienablo 1s. Thi fot i expecially transparent forthe tappinge S > Si, la circle nto vrcle Tone eel s sept inthe clockwise direction andthe other one in tho antislockwic, we ay that the rmber of costings is 1 Ts other words, the matrices U(x) ean be sorted out indistinct classes Inbeied ty an Integer umber, U(x) n= 0, 1, #2, 5 whic in ered 0 a8 the winding mumie. All matrices belonging vo given claus Uq(x) are rducile to eachother by a continuous x-dependen gauge transformation, At {he same time, no continuous gauge transformation can traforn U(x) to p(x) ifm fn The anit matrix represents the class U(x) For n= 1 one ot pase int way the ane topo aetna fe eer Srmeny we Ma a anes 1140) = 00 nar who san arbtrazy parameter. An example of the mats fom Uy i Any i configuration A(x) ue = (/}Ua(X)OUg a), being pure gage, corresponds to the lowest paste energy — tho aro emery. As a matter of fac, the set of points (Ua) in Use pace of ald, obviously consists simply of th geuge mages of no and the same pysical point analogous tothe bottom of te dice in Fig 6), Tho fact that the matias Uy from dilferont cases te not continously Uansformable to each other indicates the existence of Soe inthe space of Bk, with »noneontactibe Lap winding around tis Shoe ‘We ae finally ready to identify the degre of frend eoreaponding to the motion long thi ctl, Let us conser the wetoe Ki = Bena +E AAA) “The voto Ki called the Chon Simons curent it plays a important role ‘nthe instanton cll, We wll encounter ft more than once in what els. Now, define the charge K corvesponding tothe Chern Sinons cuter, eos [rte isnot dia to show that for any pte gg ald AP() the Chern Simons sarge meaautes the winding tuber, For any Bold Axx) ~(/9)0(2. ke Sumuiang, moving i the ection of K* in the space of fds wo observe thet tis pacar direction has the topology of ezle The pints snd K+, and K- 1. ere physically ono and the same point. The integer ‘luge of cozespond to the bottom of tho cele n ig 6 “Tine: Prom Ue ation Fras tthe show praggh, In ese feos comm Cea ta ABC of Intantons 208 © Fz Nom oog i hoc ge ds the tn, ‘Th hgh orn Ee tt Inne ono algae vir) 2 7 0 7 te Pi. nui he cd i a ie wt ete ptni 1s convent ovale mui of th Yang Mil pie nthe a ‘tino arson, Th eran atthe posal es < te hs thon gee grb enw eRe ND hth ny contr a ten teu tal se acne Cipetys rel ecn) b et te et ap ‘uy ins ta el Taher ore pt ‘wa Enso thn (Pg 8Any tape ulm of nig Semmens barges conan with as ry. On te thes VE he Sd tenth cor oihing ne th cay i fad anny Spat: Vw as fnton oth th totems EO ot {82 ITEP Lace om Parte Phys nd Pic ry ‘course, pesadie — with the unit period To tak into aceount the fact that tho originel problem i formated on the zl, we impose tho (quasi) period Bloch boundary condition onthe wave fanetion ¥, 9c +1) = 0900. ten prime of QCD, the swans We wil etn ot eo eo cuae kimiesiemmnre _iohnagiatesnere ae aeree panotensharovntenare merase Rinnatenrenremanevmaeert Betaehcn. uamartdam toate nis peer eee Zisoaeemnsts mca wes op imran Tr ame sacar a cetriseateeaeeeaerere ae tameerena rey casei eer ee aera eer acts ian aeameremenoe oc pecmesyciatano melt Ito aol Gv aptin the ABC of Ita 288 ‘The analysis outlined abowo (the one Beso on the Hanltonian forme Jaton) is eosvenient for establishing the exiteaon of «nontrivial topaogy, oneguivlent vacuum states nd, hene, the existence of aontrval tees lating field configurations corresponding o tng. Ae we aoedy kom, ‘the minal action is achieved fr the solutions ofthe classical equations af ‘motion (in Bucieon tne) wit te given boundary conditions. Ie pratin, however, the Haaltonian gauge Ag = 0s rately used in constructing thew solutions This gnuge is extremely inconvenient fr this purpose, Below we wil describe a standard procure bated on especie enaat for As(s) in which al four Loents components of Ay are nonvanishing, This ‘nga entangles the exlor and Lovet ides, the fl conigurations ey ing inthis way te, following Plyakor, guneialy refed os "hedgchogs Since the solutions we ate going to dal with are those of the Pueldean ‘squations of motion, the fist question to he asked is what needs to bo done with QCD in order to pase tothe Bueldea tine. One can ehooss two alter. ative routes fn pure Yang-Mills hooey with nfo is advantagon, from the very banning, to formulate Bucldean version of th theory, ana ‘work only with this version. With the instanton calculations we willbe never oguired to return to the original Minkowsl version of the thoory. The Ea. lidenn formulation can be also dersloped isthe preseceof eric, provided al fermions i the theory are dase hy the isn fils, are nonal ‘We wl fallow this oute anos up tothe very ead of th let, The approach ‘oes not work, however, for cial fron, and ia many supesymmette el theories, Far such problems one must choose the seco route, whieh wil be cused in See 13, 5.2. 0 Vacuum ‘Tae caistenoeof« noncontractble loop in the space of fils Ay lead to drs tic conseguenons fr the vacuum structure in ton-Abelian gauge thoes. Let us tk loser look atthe potential of ig 8. "The argument presented below in formulated in quasicascal language. One shoud heep in mind, howewe, that the general conclusion x valid even though the quniclasical sppronion, tions napproprinte in quantum ehromedypanies where the eoupling constant bacon Inne at Inge distance, ‘Tas lowest-energy state of the system depctd in Pi. 8, casi, sin ‘one ofthe minima of the potent. Quantumaesunially the zero polit 194 PTSP Lect on Parle Phy an eld Thory cnllations arise, ‘The wave fanetion® coxesponding to osilatons neat the nh pero energy ste, Ha i oealted ene the corzesponding nim, The fenaine wave function b elocaized, however, o os, wha anlogout to the quisinomentum in the physics of crystals [5]. The nth tenn in the sum can be caled a pre-eecuum while the total sum repre the @ vacuum of QOD. The vacuum angle @ i a glabal fundamental constant ‘haractelaing the boundsy condition on the wave funeton. ft dos ot make ‘ene to aty that one pat ofthe space @ take some val, while in another prt @ takes different valu, of that 9 depends on tine. ‘The worlds with teen values of have orthogonal wave functions for any operator © from the Hilbert space ofthe phys states (Worse) ~0 ‘os property i red to tho ropeltion ie Th ney fo et {Gut Soa) depen en, Ro he detain of the cna eae {ite denne ol pal aie ncn he mca cu. tno psa with th pid incall site ave degra n corey he quo i fen rain on yen oul rmination conesponding 8 wc. ‘posto tly, Yo a he Soca wave etn? ‘This qu cnt noord irene" Psy there it ye mt to impomen the fl gage sin ofthe hon, neo {he avrance under “ge gg aan, no mes pass hn Wo ta'¥y At emote prog lel on say that intoction of yi ean aia pty in de contin, eh ot ei ey cable thn (We serial tha th cuter heoupolina mens tn the acum expectation ale of he pout of ot operat (1) ad Ose lg parti ey] > woge in appalon to QOD waar ae he ler faction net, we wl ABC cf hatte 288 It end to (O,)(02).) Hehe vacium wavefunction is chosen to be Yay this property woul! not be valid as we wil en below, Finally, hy proceding fw ensure that the vacuum state i tae onder smal perturbotine, ‘This snot tho evo if the vacuum wave finetion is by A snall mae ern of the gues felis would then cause a dase restoring of the vacua wave function ‘Although th physeal meaning of the partner 8 is absolutely tanspar ‘8 within the Hamiltonian formulation, when we speak practically fist tone in fell they we hep in mind tho Lagrangian formation based en the ‘ath-integrl formalism. Tn the Lagrangian formaliem the vicwum ange is Introduced asthe 8 term inthe Lagrangin, 1 i @ OCiet le, tae Hoon, hese Feeney, a1 Note thas if 40 or, he @ torn violates P and 7 invariance, efor the discover of tho instanton it was beloved that QOD naturally ‘onseves P and CP. Indeed the enly gauge invariant Loren sala operator ‘one could construct fom they Sef tension 4 violating P ands OG. ‘This opersor i fl dvegoney, CG = 3,K, whove Kye the Cherm Simons ‘arent. twas Believed tht fll dvergenree have no pact on tho ection. In the instanton field, however, the intagtl of G¢ does ot vanish, The reasons for tha wl be explained below. What is important for us now i the ‘set that adding the @ term to tho QCD Lagrangian we do bresk P and CP in the strong inerctons i 80. Sine i ie hrown experimentally, that P and GP symmetties are conserve in tho stong interaction, oa very high degree ‘ot accuracy, this meas Ut in natite the vaciam ange five aoe, an le very clos to ro. (An a matter of fact eatimaten show that 8 = 10> [19),) ‘Tis, wih the advont of stanton the matranies of QCD i gone. Can this fine-tuning be naturally explained? ‘Thete ext several suggestions as to haw ve could sole the problem of P and CP conservation in QCD in natura vay. One ofthe most popular the aon connie 2). This epic, however, ‘etna ls outside the seope of the preset lecture. Interested readers are rofcrd to Ref. (2j for « pedagogical review. We will snp essume Chat =, although thoeticlly could ta ay vali frm te interval [0,2 G 26 ITEP tates on Fale Pre ont Fld Dry 6, Euclidean Formulation of QCD ‘As we sid above, we se concerned with the sation of asia equation in uclidion space. Theteore, we ist formulate the Facies version of QCD. Wo ive the formas fr the tation fom Minkowski to Blidesn space In Minkowal’ space on distinguishes between the contravalant and covariant ecors, and ty espectvely (j= 0,1, 2,8) The spatial veto v coincides sith the components ofthe contasaiant fourvector, v= (202,02). Te Bueldean spate the distinction between the lower and upper vetril inion {s Sinmatria, wo cone jt one vector (a ~ 1,2,8,4). (In tis section the caet x used to denote ll quantities on Bucdesn space) Tn transition to hnean te spl eoordinstes ate not changed, & >, 4= 1,23. For the time coordinate, we make te substation 7 en ‘teal, when ay i continged to imaginary vals th scot component of he ‘sector potetil Ay alo beens imaginay. ‘We deine the Buide vector potential Aya follows 2,8), Aa = id (8) ‘With his definition, the quantities iy (je = 2-4) form a Euclidean wee tor. The dilerene between foraules (38) and the corespodting elation fr the vector 2 introduced for convenience ia the expreson ofthe following formas "Thus, for tho operator of covariant diforentition Dan 9,~iaAt*, 9) sshuce 7" aco the matrices ofthe generators inthe sepesetation bing con Fldaod, we obtain AP Aa (m Dm =D, De=iDy, 2 gh (@) a eae or the Sl strongth tensor Gv we obtain the fru Gg = Ging (ma = 12,8), Oy = 105 a ‘ewe ie on Ay — 2% (m= 33,3) thn nal he long conaon ABC of sete 251 where the Bulidean Bld tenth tensor G3, Agar dnds uw 4) 2) can be expressed in tonne of dy and 9/04 nthe sme way’ asthe Minkowskian Ce "To complete the transition to the Busiden space what remain are the focus fr the Romi. We bogin withthe deiniton of four Heritan mains Hem ten -f — (ma 2.3), ante} = Bw ae Lede ie vere and arth ordinary Die mtn “The Bs an ar ear a independent anticommnting aie, vith expect oc inertion spre in he funtion integral. On {he tnneton to the accn spac, convenient to define the vl Sand p m vob dH. ) Note that under rotations of the ptuo-Bveldean space, transforms as ‘Tn the Beldesn space, $ transform as Tndeed andor nite Folations of th pseudo Bucldoan space charactor by tho parameter pe (4 0,1...) the spinor p varies elon: Cte wah or the changoin = 99 wo deducs rom this fo art = He miner fohvontatad so that fp im teal ae yay vet. (Op the transition ta the Buchan space, the paraettdinn (0 8 = 1,2,8) donot change td ung = iy (Boemne ofthe mabetitation sy = iy). {28 TAD Le om Prt Phys nd id hry For the vasatons of and under rotations, mo obtain 1 w Tenn , flo Wa Oe Hoey oo that Ya and yay azo a salar and vector, espoctvey Pally, wo can write down an expression forthe Putian ston: Che + HemDa— MV OSL] 68) i Z 4 UH nds 0 05.655] where ts asuod eat a eum inthe space offer (with olor {nen at arc nhs space. Note hat the Baca pce Levi Gite eso cong deine! a sch way tht can = Bao, me sal an he Budden spc: and omit th eet. The onmlas ive aoe wake lobe to le the quent nh psd Busan ‘0d clan spaces “To conlae the section, we ate hat if we ae cotdring quanti such the vacun expectation vale of the tine ordare product of caret ot spcrlike este ment, Le whe tb sours do no prod: rel bons fom the vac, the Buceanfrulaton nt ony erly pol bt intact nore adequate than the pedo Bulan, The rego of neko Imes, whee there re ngalasn canbe rachel by mea of analyte Conlimntion, Sach an apponch prt terry or qa como: nn fr which the anlanetl abject of he tery — th quae ‘dona hve wring onlin the con doa, ad the real ingar ovresponding to hasan have ob oan. 7. BPST Instantons General Properties TA. Biniteneas of the Action ond the Topological Charge Wi have lord that in quantitative desception of tunnaing an important patti plige hy solitons tht give a misimam of the Euchdean aetion it the limit 9+ oo. In general the action increases nbourdedly in the init zy, and the condition that Ibe ita pose tong restrictions on the paths BC of stir 298 ‘Ths, nthe quantam-mechanfal example we have aualyaed ia See. 2, the feiteaction condition means tht the function 2(7) ser > ce mt have the linits In this way tre eas naturally a topological casieation of fanctios giving ate setion on the Basi oftheir Umiting vas, Roca, 8 topolgial charge ean be introduced ws flows 1 aay 0 Ht) a [la Tein obviou that @ ca take on the vas 1,1 Functions with fe ‘ent Q cannot be doformot into one another by a continous deformation that Teas tho acton Bite. Therefore, in each ofthe cases Q-~ 0, ry 1 there ‘sists corespoting minimum ofthe action snd corresponding funciona that, resin i. Th instanton aid aiinstaton reas minima for Q'= 1 Wo now turn to gluodynanics — the theory of non-Abelian vestr lds — and consider st the ee of the group SU(2), We pose the same question ‘what sest o the behavior ofthe vector flda Ay = + oo the setion it to bo finite? (We have ia mind the Bucean action $} sxe Bg (45),) ei clear that the fl strength tensor, aust dcrese more reply than 1/2 But this by no moans implas thatthe eldest decreas fstr than 1 Indo, suppase A lathe limit 2 oe as he form ) A gost (a) where we hae intel mast notation: $3 unitary unimodular {ast aapends onthe angler inthe Buen space. Ahough the angus compoutats ef ae proportional (01/3 ls Gat a a he vegan ‘hich the expression (48) hold he fd atengt tence Gy vise, sin 5 has prey gouge form. “ins the Dba ofa ag zs determined bythe mat S, which ‘epecn onthe sgl Undo a gs aoraation of Ay die by the enti UC): Ay UTAY 4A 30, the mote Ss replaced by (2 > co)8, Tk would appase that one san slays ebooso O(a} such that U(e 00) = Sand thas remove the terms 1 ‘Tring: Ato oo a hae ata laa iS tn iret sn i ih Spend et ns sp cance Te 240 FBP Lectonson Pati Ppc and Rad Try tom Ay Howe, hag oes ol main Ue) do ‘Sr ate ny wal tsa pn of rst ‘ene i po ny eto he gy wie. Arte heb of daivg hfs hk gv ton suds to helo chain man 5 Wl pt ‘hci hws Sle! th pwn pee of et at tle cea ftv teow nt) a Sifu nebo = 3b «a ova 1 corresponds to uit topolageal charge (thee it one-to-one corespondence betmonn th spac of unitary unimodular matrices andthe points ofthe hy persplere in Euclidean space) Tb topologies charge r thore corresponds a font of the for 5.2 (SY, n= 0.442, « (Of course, one oot ehaore a diflrent form ofthe matrix $ corresponding to the charge n, but the difenon botwonn it and Sy reduces to a topologinlly ‘sivil gate ensformation. Porte arf eer shouldbe cet aeady tht thee exit two related, but not deta opologial arguments The fst egument discus in detail in Se, 6, rvs the exstones ofthe dtinettopelogcally nequialat2oo- nergy stats, Outlined ete «four-dimensional topolgial aspect it efor fo the topology ofthe trajectories connecting (in the Buchdeah space tine) the distinct seroveneray sates discussed In Se. 5. ‘Tho field configurations “Aplenss) sting Ba (48) with S = 8 Stepolate between the stato with ‘the winding mumber K'and hat withthe winding mimber K-42. (To se thst ‘the Is dened the cam we mut, of course, tazformn the instenton into the “Ay =0 gauges Soc 84) For 5 = Saw deal with the trajectory Ay(24X) ‘onnoeting Kana K+ 2, ete, ‘Tho topological change Q of any given ald configuration 4y(24, 3) satisying Eq, (46) actully nothing bat Q-K-K, ‘whore the prime marks the distant (Eudidean) future while she unprimed qontty refers tothe dita (Bacio) part. AgaugednvadantInogral ABC of Istotons 264 ‘presentation exit fo the toplogel charg Q (mang wanecstry the tan sition tothe Ap D gage) «a ware () ‘Tho vat of Ba, (49) can be vere by using te fac Ut G3, eam he represented inthe orm of tota datiraive, Guba = OK y= Bera Atay Ab + Fotear ata) ‘0 that the vue integral (19) can bo tanslormed ito alters over the surface of a Itge sphere embed in furimensianal space, where yh the frm (4), * 1.2, The Distinguished Role of the Group $U(2) Hiebrto, we have discussed the group SU(2) For groups dire from SU), the consireton of instanton solutians with m= 1 reduces to the case of SU(2) by means ofsparation of SU(2) subgroups, Why isthe stop SU(2) atinguished? We shall attempt to explain thi without using topaogie terminolor. "The possibility of deformation ofthe marie i determined bythe gxuge fnvacance diseased above. To Rx the enigh we represent at aditary Bld ‘yin the orm Aula) = S(x)Ap(2)S*(3) + 15(2)9,5*(2), (51) whee the Slt Ay ties defo tae codons (ral, de ~ 0 OF find = 0 (n= 1,23), Thing deo! compltaly denn the ante othe nw ete di) en Se) snc Ay vari ede abel tearfomatin the fr S(@) 4 SUZ, Aya) + UAT (62) ‘ith mati tht doe nt doen on 162 TBP acts om Parte Phys ond Ftd Try In addition, even alter fixing the gauge, the Unory isl invariant wth spect to global clo ottions for Ay, which in terms ofthe new fils Ay(s) fd 5s) i equivalent tothe tansorsations 80) 4018, Ayte) > Ast) ) ‘Tha, be clr SU) inv of the tery tg with ch ng iran bef teat of gl tearm (3) and (3), Wh dv on he grew 8) © S02) Te hd Se) sat ae See wh tn repeat 073.17), abd AC) i cans ih the tenon (.0) "On ‘the other hand, the group of rotations of four-dimensional Buctidean pase bapa 2 wl ny SUH) % SU), and the generat of he St) aps ae the ar nod 1 = Frawles “nate 0) ” where My = ~$44/02y + tz0/055 + spin pat te Ue operators finite sna rotations inthe (1,0) pane dry ae Che merical syabols a4 9) ves, 0 ee (the symbol a stom 9 bya change in the wigs of) and 9 are calla the Hoof nymbel. Te cowdinata veto feansorms in accordance with the representation (1/2 1/2)- This & convenient soen by eonsidering lesnafemations of tho matt miter ihe 6) hace we ave introduced the notation han. om) 06 of tate 2 For rf we have TET Sar bt, apt aby iw (6) 11s ot itt ind th of tration ofthe matt (8), OHI aay OU Mird aeRO, here yf and gf are the parameters of rotations. In other words, rotation of Is equivalent to the sulpiction of unltaty unimodular matics both ‘eon the ef athe rig, ‘Tho cholo of Sin the form 5; = ézyrf [VF dings certain dre tions inthe isotopic and ordinate spucs- However, nde rotation by the same anges inthe spatial SU(2)SU(2) group and in the SUC2)SU(2) group _iven by tho transformations (52) and (58), the wate; obviously doesnot ‘ange, Tn other words if instead of Jf and TE we ell +77 ane P+ 73, ‘he angular momentum operetors, the itrodaced object has spa ae (hte ‘Tat the operator ofthe infinitesimal teansforiations (62) aud (8) “Tins, we se thatthe group SU(2) is distinguished on acount ofthe de tension ofthe ooordinate space. Further carling remarks as to why the ‘goup SU2) i sgl out a peste Se. 85 7.8, Value of the Action for Instanton Solutions Although we donot yet ave the expt fren ofthe instanton solution, we fan nevertheless eae the vale af the action fori ned, for pling vals ofthe topological charge Q, he Euclidean action ca be seven in the form - 5 fats, Bi fence Q the minimum of $ is attained for Gx, = G2, and is equal to (8Q/g2), Sec ene ca ty atl: ee eae ee aac ‘action ean to carla out separatly in cach clas of functions with the given Q. Tho BPST instanton ha Q = I, an th action S = 892/92 e+ hoy, ony Ga Ce 0) 6) ‘A VTRP Lee om Part Pye nd i hry ‘The caso of negative Q i obtained from (58) by the reflection 2423 > Hau ier Which GyoCun > Gy ad acontingly Q > ~@, Ths ‘he iinimarn of the action for negative Q i (85%/0)1Q), and i attained when Ge, = ~Chy ‘hs can bo soon fom this Sean, the flilment of the wl nly and ctnelédualty conditions Gp, = 465, sutomaticall leds to eatsaction of the equations of motion Dy Ch = 0- This can al be seen diet; fadned, fora aed fl, aay, we have DiGi = iBy L Foes = bey alDuGis + AGI, + 1G) =0, whe we have ed he Bnei det Dy + DiC yy + DOs 8. Explicit Form of the BPST Instanton 4.1, Solution with Q=1 [As dscwsot in the previous scton, the asymptotic behavior of Af for this ‘elton i 9) where the matrices ae dafned in (67). Wo shal lo use the symbols Nw Se Fon daa by Bas (8). ‘Thos numeral cnet are frequently fala the"t Hoof symbol and some wel elation for nae ate gen it Secs, “The exreasion for the sxymptoti behavior of A can be rewrten in eras ‘oft " Hoot symbol as fellows Foren instanton with its centr atthe point ¢ =O it natural to sasune ‘he sane angular dependence ofthe fi for all, Leto sok the lution in ABC of hates 265 the form ) woe He sah fle) sap comt-at ‘The last condition sorrespond to the absence af «singular the origin A stifcston for the assumption (6) will be the construction of«se-dual ‘expresion for Gi. Hom (60), we obtain fr G2, Af AOSD 4 Seterta sete ys ¢)-2%p}. (0) Hae the rin deci feet with eps In diving (3) oe ed he lon nt en th ef ano th sd ig Soc 65. Usa the arma Cpt om th sae sw ot fot Ge, the expression Wor a Hawt Heannts-sommett-1-2n1} ‘The condition of ldualty, G2, = Gi, requires the fulliment of the equ thn ff) sip" 0, whieh Stes te ion ae where p? is a constant of integration; p is called the instanton site or, the in- {nats To ut race ares aig tion ‘ith he tra an ater ptt wich sey ele Tye dco pp na tele certs ne Set wir teat tf” oda ad eh sgn ‘encase othe ferrdr deel eion oe ta he doth vl pete poten X= Sm fal ene he tain thi iar a he poi yan tw Ke 2) ; 9) a 2 Cio ea R ‘can now be veiled that the aston forthe nntanton fe 882/02, as was shown inthe poneal fro. The aninstanton is obtained by the substitution ape “Fans 8.2. Singular Gauge. The 't Hooft Ansats 1 equetly convenient toute the expreson for A In tho so-called singular ‘ene, when the "had® behavior of Ai transfered om the pot a nity {ote canter ofthe instanton. A was discussed in the previous ection, such 8 leaner can be rained by a gage tansormation with matrix (2) which becomes epical with S(2) e220. We write down tho formulas of the sige transformation, aha ure au aU, 6) nid fora Instaston with its cata a 2 take «mat of the form ing e—sole Vena ‘Then forthe potential Ay nd the Bald strength tensor Oy, n the singular ge we obtain ey a Gaia FA ta wy eo —a rap ne (6s) Wisobvius thatthe quan G2, gate invarints ofthe gauge transfor raation (6, however, the Inet ootets). Note lz the fac that (65) contains the symbols ae but 20 Maw ference is due to the fact that in the shascs heste ins emces cane {smn my cies pr ihn Sp pT shal SS ABC of soto 247 ‘sath paca (8 stra ne god zy and nota at "Tho expresion (65) for A ean be rowan a the ome anf e & =F ‘As was noted by "t Hooft, this expresion can be generalized to topologieel ‘charge Q greater than unity. Indood, iF Abedin WE, cy thn fr C—O, we obanf teppet ofte marmin Sc 83) "= Ly be Sipe ~ ge a ‘The wifdualiy of Cy reuites fulllmont of the equation 2,2,1//W ~ 0. ‘The solution with topolial charge @ has the form wend st deerbes instantons with cones atthe pointe 2, Th effete scale of fn instanton wth contr ofthe polnt i obionly =f Dat] Told bested htt eo i th ft (6 i a iv the ‘nt ener enon with hare Q ss all Qlsantons hve sane rentation inthe color spaco (or the conirtion of the general soliton, seo Re. 22). ) 8.3. Relations for the Symbols We gv list of relations ortho symbols nae 884 ye defined by Eas. (8: hy, ‘aw — Henao are Magee = Aas

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