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Arizona Diamondbacks Field Trip Day Wh 2 through 5" Grade When: Tuesday, April 26", 2016 Cost: $15.00 - Students’ and Chaperones’ checks payable to Sage Academy. All fees must be in no later then Monday, April 25". Departing: The bus will be leaving at 8:30 am. Returning: The bus will be returning at 1:30 pm. Lunch: We will be eating lunch on the trip. Please indicate whether you will be bringing a sack lunch, or if you will need the school to provide one. The stadium asks that if you are sending a lunch to please pack it in a paper or plastic sack. Chaperones: Any parent interested in being a chaperone for their student's class please check the appropriate box below and return to your student's teacher. Limited number of chaperones will be able to attend and will have to drive separately. All money and slips get returned to teachers. Field Trip Permission Slip Student Name: Date: O $15.00 fee is enclosed for student O Yes I am interested in chaperoning $15.00 per adult is enclosed Chaperone Name __. Phone 1 I will be packing a paper sack lunch for my child O11 will need to order a packed school lunch I give permission for my child to attend the school field trip to the Wildlife World Zoo. T give permission for my child to receive medical attention if needed. In the case that an emergency occurs, please contact At if (name) (Phone number) Parent Signature:

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