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By Romella Christine B. Santos

I close my eyes
And my lips drew hundred smiles

Only to discover

I entered the small land of clovers

My curious feet executes steps on ground

As my amazed eyes watched around

The places where I footed are beautiful

The people I have met are merciful

Yet I asked, “Where are the clovers to call such isle?”

So I searched through its different aisles

Then the sun slowly crawls down back of roof

Still I found not a single four-leaf for a proof

Until a quick replay happened inside my mind

Like a film rewinding from its end of kind

The poor man hunting his LUCK

Who never waits and sucks

The lonely child gaining all of HOPE

Wishing the best for his mother to cope

The lady in love protecting her very FAITH

For the man vowed her a life without hate

All the people putting their fullest payment of LOVE

To the One gifted them same with the land;

They used to love

My heart smiles and excited the unforgetful world

Waving goodbye for alas I found the word

You, did you know the answer?

If it is not, just look up there…

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