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David Tsou
John Long
19 April 2016
Appreciation Paper
One of the people that I appreciate very much is my neighbor John. While countless
others have made positive impacts on me, John has guided me time after time from bad
The first time John saved me was at night two year ago. I was headed out in the middle of
the night to meet up some friends to do some extracurricular activities. Right after I walked
around the corner, a truck pulled up next to me with its headlights trained on me. I stopped as he
got out and confronted me. John scolded me for trying to breathe in illegal substances with
dangerous friends. He said if I turned around and went back home, he would say nothing. I just
got really mad that he was trying to control me when I barely even knew who he was. I tried to
walk past him but he knocked me out with a baseball bat. The next day I woke up in my bed with
a huge lump on my head. No one seemed to know what happened so I never mentioned anything.
I realized that morning that I was glad John had knocked me out. If not, I wouldve turned into a
lazy drug addict with no future.
The second time John saved me was when I tried to race down the street last year. He
was not happy to see me performing illegal stunts on the same road he drove to work everyday
on. He dragged me out of my car and beat me into submission. It was all under a good intention
though. He made me realize all the property I couldve destroyed and all the people I couldve

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killed being reckless and stupid. Although I acted angry and hostile towards him, I thanked him
inside for making me realize what I was doing with my life.
In conclusion, I dedicate this Appreciation Paper to John, my guardian angel with fists of
righteous fury. Although he was a very violent man, he did have very good morals on how he
thought the world should be. I will remember the lessons John taught me and never do anything
reckless ever again.

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