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INT. (JOHN'S HOME = BEDROOM) MORNING 3.4 MID-SHOT, HIGH ANGLE: JOHN IS SLEEPING John is stirring in nis sleep. 2.2 CLOSE UP, EYE LEVEL: JOHN'S POSSESSIONS 3.3 CAMERA PAN - MID SHOT, EYE LEVEL: JOHN GETS UP John gets up and stretches. He then walks over to the bedroom mirror. 1.4 LONG SHOT, EYE LEVEL: JOHN PUTS DRESSING GOWN ON John puts his dressing gown on. 1,5 CLOSE UP, EYE LEVEL: JOHN WAKING HIMSELF UP IN THE MIRROR John checks his face in the mirror and rubs his eyes. 2 INT. (JOHN'S HOME - HALLWAY) 2.1 MID-SHOT, OVER THE SHOULDER: JOHN WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS John walking down the stairs. 2.2 PAN, LONG SHOT, LOW TO HIGH ANGLE: JOHN WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS John continues to walk down the stairs 3 INT. (JOHN'S HOME - KITCHEN) 3.1 CLOSE UP, HIGH ANGLE: KETTLE TURNING ON John turns kettle on. 3.2 CLOSE UP, HIGH ANGLE: JOHN PUTS TOAST IN TOASTER John makes toast. 4 INT. (JOHN'S HOME - LIVING ROOM) 4.1 STABILISED CAMERA MOVEMENT- CLOSE UP EYE LEVEL: JOHN John is rushing, his shoes quickly. 5.5 LONG-WIDE SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: John is running frantically up 5.6 LONG-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN hopping up and down in an attempt to put on JOHN IS RUNNING and down the hallway. LEAVES John runs down the hallway and behind him. out of the door, closing it 6 EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET 6.1 LONG-WIDE SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JQHN RUNS DOWN THE STREET. John is running frantically down the road. 7 EXT. SUPERMARKET CAR PARK 7.2 LONG-WIDE SHOT, PARK EYE-LEVEL: JOHN RUNS THROUGH THE CAR John arrives at the car park, running frantically towards supermarket door, he has to dodge a car on the way. 8 INT. SUPERMARKET 8.1 MID-SHOT, LOW ANGLE: JOHN LOOKS FOR AISLE John is panicking, locking around frantically. 8.2 MID-WIDE SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN IS RUNNING DOWN AISLES John is running around looking for the confectionery aisle @.3 MID-SHOT, OVER THE SHOULDER: JOHN FINDS NUTELLA John gazes admiringly at the shelf. 8.4 MID-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN NEEDS A TROLLEY John has an idea, stereotypically displaying it by pointing up. John runs cut of the shot in panic. He then re-enters the shot with a trolley. @.5 CLOSE-UP, HIGH-ANGLE: JOHN PUTS NUTELLA IN THE TROLLEY John puts Nutella into the trolley. Jonn nicks un his wallen off of rhe side. John puts Nutella into the trolley. @.7 CLOSE-UP, LOW- ANGLE: JOHN PUTS NUTELLA IN THE TROLLEY John puts Nutella into the trolley. @.8 MID-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS To THE TILL John nervously edges towards the till, watching out for people that might take his Nutella away from him. @.9 LONG-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS AWAY FROM TILL John strides confidently away, carrying industrial sized bags and an extra long receipt. 9 EXT. SUPERMARKET CAR PARK 9.1 CAMERA ZOOM, CLOSE-UP TO LONG-WIDE SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS OUT OF THE SUPERMARKET John is walking confidently out of the supermarket although he trips unexpectedly, leaving him in an embarrassed state. This leads to him having quickly cover his steps. 10 EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET 10.1 LONG-WIDE SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS BACK UP THE STREET. John walks calmly back home. 11 INT. (JOHN'S HOME - HALLWAY) 11.1 LONG-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS IN THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR John walks in to his house first trying to fit through thew door front on but then changing his mind he walks in sideways closing the door behind him. 12 INT. (JOHN'S HOME - LIVING ROOM) 12.1 STABILISED CAMERA MOVEMENT, LONG-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS INTO THE LIVING ROOM John walks into the living room and collapses down on the sofa looking pleased with himself. 12.2 CAMERA ZOOM, MID-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN LEANS OVER AND GRABS THE TV REMOTE John begins to lean over and grab the TV remote but is interupted by a knock at the door. 13 INT. (JOHN'S HOME - HALLWAY) 13.1 LONG-SHOT, EYE-LEVEL: JOHN WALKS INTO THE HALL AND OPENS THE DOOR John walks into the hall and opens the door, he looks shocked as he recognises his Landlord. 13.2 MID-SHOT, OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT (LOWER ANGLE): JOHN'S LANDLORD IS ANGRY AND YELLING AT JOHN John's Landlord is pointing and shouting, looking very angry she shakes a piece of paper labeled ‘DUE RENT" at the 13.3 MID-SHOT, HIGH ANGLE: JOHN BEGINS TO ARGUE BACK John looks scared and worried and begins to argue back, he throws his hands around and points towards the living room where he has his shopping 13.4 MID-SHOT, OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT (LOWER ANGLE): JOHN'S LANDLORD STOPS SHOUTING John's Landlord stops shouting and looks slightly upset she lowers the hand holding John's Rent Bill 13.5 CLOSE UP, HIGH ANGLE: JOHN'S LANDLORD HANDS HIM HIS EVICTION NOTICE John's Landlord passes him an envelope labeled ‘EVICTION NOTICE’ and he takes it slowly 14 EXT. HIGH STREET 14.1 LONG-SHOT, EYE LEVEL: JOHN IS LIVING ON THE STREET John is living on the street sitting in a sleeping bag. He ig holding a cup for money with one hand and cradling an empty pot of Nutella with his other. 14.2 CLOSE-UP, HIGH ANGLE: THE NEWSPAPER CAN BE SEEN The title on the news paper in John's lap can be read; "Nutella Hoax Shocks Nation" 14.3 CLOSE-UP, EYE LEVEL: JOHN LOOKS SAD John looks upset and sad at what he has just read. The shot fades to black.

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