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Standard 1

9/23/2015 (1hour)
Classroom Observation (Classroom Management): I was asked to mentor a
fellow teacher that was struggling with a few of her classes. Before I was able to help
her, I went and observed her class. The first issue I saw was classroom management. I
made notes of seating arrangements and procedures we could talk about to assist her.
This falls under standard 1 because our goal is to ensure every student receives the best
quality instruction possible. In order to do this, we need highly qualified teachers.
10/6/2015 (1.5 hours)
Department Meeting (PLC Dates and lesson planning): In order for every
student to receive high quality instruction, having PLCs and proper lesson planning, must
be efficient. As a district, we recently updated our curriculum and devised a lesson plan
template that is to be used by every teacher no matter the subject or grade level. It was
my goal to go over both of these items with the math department and highlight key
components administrators would be looking for. We discussed the importance of PLCs
being data driven. The main question every time should be are the students mastering the
content and if not, what can we do to fix it. Not only do we need high quality instruction
the first time, but we need to continue it and reteach if necessary. The way to find this
out is utilizing our data.
10/8/2015 (2 hours)
PSAT Training and Organizing: The PSAT is a great opportunity for Garland
ISD students. The districts pays for all 8th graders to be given the opportunity to not only
practice but take the PSAT test. As stated in standard 1, we need data to drive our
instruction. Students that score high on the PSAT are placed in either dual credit or
honors classes. I went with the counselors to all the reading classes where we talked to
the students and spoke to the students the importance of doing the best they can and
explained the opportunity they were given. We needed the students to understand that
this data was going to follow them to high school. It was going to impact the classes they
were scheduled. If this did not occur, many students would not have put forth their full
potential, because just like anything else, they need to see the importance and impact it
can have on them.
11/3/2015 (1 hour)
Leadership Meeting/ District Walk Through: In our leadership meeting, we
discussed the forms the administrator as well as district administrators would be using
when performing walk through in various classrooms. I put them on standard 1 because
the reason the district is using new forms is because they are trying to look for quality
instruction. Is the teacher addressing the objective and using academic vocabulary? Are
the students active and in cooperative groups? Is the teacher in the power zone? If all of
these things are occurring, there is a pretty good chance the student is receiving high
quality instruction.

1/7/2016 (2 Hours)
Classroom Observations: Fundamental Five: The focus on the classroom
observations this week was Fundamental Five. I went into various classroom to see if
teachers were utilizing the different strategies; more specifically, power zone and framing
the lesson. After I completed the observations, I met with my principal and we discussed
my findings. The idea behind this was to see if I could find the positives and what I
thought needed to be improved. We decided that our next focus in our PLCs was going
to be framing the lesson and addressing the objective throughout the lesson. This is
under standard 1 b/c the idea is to build and create high quality teachers.
1/15/2016 (1 hours)
Lead Forward Training (TEKS): During this training, we divided the subject
areas in groups and had them dissect specific TEKS. The purpose of the training was to
identify is teachers were addressing all aspects of the TEK in their lessons. I put this
under standard 1 b/c in order for a student to receive a high quality education, all aspects
of the TEK must be addressed. Many times the vocabulary might be missed or the verbs
are not addressed. This was a successful training b/c it really helped identify the areas
missed and gave the subject areas time to address these issues.
1/20/2016-1/21/2015 (2 hours)
PLC (6th Grade): Throughout this week I have met with all the grade levels
during their Math PLC time to discuss STAAR data. The 6th grade PLC went longer b/c
before we could discuss the STAAR data, we had some housekeeping issues to
workout. There had been some conflict about planning and team members not pulling
their weight. Fortunately, we were able to resolve many of the issues and get back on
track. The next day when we met, we were able to pull all the reports on school net and
group students in their areas of weakness. This would be included in standard 1 due to
the high quality of instruction. It is important to identify strengths and weakness to
insure students are receiving the best education available.
1/20/2016-1/21/2015 (4 hours)
PLC (7th grade & 8th Grade): This week, I also met with the 7th and 8th grade
teams. The 8th grade team went well. They already had their data available and
organized, so we were also able to start planning some lessons as well as plan for
Saturday school. The struggle we faced in 7th grade was the teachers had not pulled their
data; in fact, they were missing test scores b/c they had not scanned them in. We were
put back at square one, so it took us much longer and were not able to get as far ahead as
the other grades. Because of this, we called in some extra support for the 7th grade team
to help them get up to date and organized with their data. WE discussed that data is such
an important tool to verify if the students are receiving the best education you can give
them. Without it, its hard to prove.
1/21/2016-1/26/2015 (2 hour)
Leadership Meeting/Department Meeting (STAAR Tutorials): During the
leadership meeting in January, the principal discussed the importance of using the data to
prepare for STAAR tutorials. With testing fast approaching, we are utilizing our data to

target students by their areas of weakness to prepare them for the test. We were asked to
assist the teachers in going through the data and planning for targeted tutorials and
Saturday schools. Our campus has a high percentage of ESL and SPED this year, so we
are really trying to target these students and get them all the extra help we can. It is
important for ALL students to receive a high quality education.
The following week I took the exact information and presented it to the math
department. We had already met the week prior during the PLC times, but this was the
time they were to bring all the information and present it to the assistant principal who is
also over the math department. The meeting was very successful b/c the grade levels
were able to share ideas for ways they would be handling their targeted tutorials.
Although its been a long process, I felt like we were organized and ready to begin.
1/27/2016-1/28/2016 (4 hours)
TI-INSPIRE Implementation: Our district is implementing new software and
calculators to improve student instruction. I attended the training so that I could not only
assist implementation, but also to train the other math teachers. I feel this falls under
standard 3 because with this new technology it will improve student learning.
Technology is a huge part of education and students will learn better when given the
opportunity to use these devices. This will be an additional tool for them to put in their
toolbox to help them be successful. These calculators/software are a requirement for all
middle and high schools, so as a middle school teacher, I am helping the students get
acquainted with a device they will be using the rest of their high school career.
Throughout these two days, I went along side with the TI people to all of the math
classes. We worked with the teachers as well as the students to introduce new ways and
activities to incorporate the new calculators. It was a great experience, b/c it showed
many of the teachers that were apprehensive to utilize them, saw how easy it was and
how the students were engaged and having fun. Technology is a huge part of education,
and in order to give students a high quality instruction, implementation of technology is a
2/9/2016 (1hour)
8th grade department meeting: As I observed the 8th grade meeting, the teachers
were discussing ways to encourage positive behavior through incentives. We realize
STAAR is fast approaching and we want the students to stay focused as well have very
limited behavior problems. The teachers came up with ways to award the kids: no
tardies, AB honor roll, and academic language in the hallways.
2/15/2006 (1 hour)
Department Meeting (MAP Testing): The main focus for this months meeting
was MAP testing for middle of the year. It was my goal to stress the importance of
students showing growth for this round. Many times students do not take the test
seriously and I wanted to make the teachers aware. I had each teacher run their reports
from the beginning of the year so they could show each individual student their score as
well as what was expected for them to show growth.

2/15/2016 (2 hours)
MAP Report Training: I attended a training on running and analyzing MAP
data. This is important because MAP scores are used for students scheduling as well as
for intervention purposes. We have beginning, middle and end of the year testing, where
students are given a growth target to reach each time. It is important for teachers to be
familiar with these reports so they can stay on top of the data. It is fairly new to our
district; so many teachers are not familiar with the reports. After the training, I scheduled
a time to meet with all three-grade levels to walk them through running the reports once
their testing sessions were complete.
2/16/2016-2/18/2016 (3 hours)
MAP Data Analysis: During these three days, I met with all three-grade levels
during their PLC times. We ran each teachers MAP reports and analyzed the data. We
had a few students who did not take it seriously, and drastically went down in the scores,
but overall the testing was a success. 6th grade struggled getting the students to take it
seriously, where 8th grade showed drastic growth. I believe the reason why 8th graders
typically show more growth is because they are in testing mode and know the importance
it has for them in high school. With all the trainings and assistance with the data analysis,
I feel the end of the year testing will be successful.

3/7/2016 (1hour)
Department Meeting (STAAR): This was our last department meeting before
the first round of STAAR testing. In our meeting we discussed any students that we
thought needed to be pulled out of regular testing room for either discipline reasons or
because they needed a different testing environment. We also discussed the new
calculators and how they would be distributed among the campus. Our main focus was to
stress the importance of targeted tutorials and to let administration aware if certain
students were not attending. Feedback was good from all teachers that were participating
in the targeted tutorials both in the morning and the afternoon.
3/8/2016 (1 hour)
Grade Level Meeting (STAAR): For this 8th grade meeting, the main focus was
STAAR. Administration was present and told the team that we would no longer be
testing our 2nd period class like in previous years. There was some concern from teachers
because they wanted to test the students they knew. Instead they would be dividing the
students up by the alphabet as well as removing any that required small group or one to
one. I actually preferred the new way, b/c I saw the benefit in dividing up the testing
booklets and answer sheets. I helped with that the last two years and it can be very time
consuming. I put this in standard 1 because this was a way to increase the effectiveness
of testing. I believe the students will feel more like testing mode when divided up this
way rather than reporting to their regular classroom.

4/11/2016 (3 hours)
Think Through Math Training: I was sent to a training through the intervention
department for Think Through Math. This is a program that we utilize mainly for math
intervention. I attended the training to learn all the new aspects of it to take back to my
campus. Rather than just using it for interventions, it was available for all students. It
also had a STAAR section that we would be able to use for STAAR preparation and
reteach for 8th graders who would need to retake. After the training, I went back to
campus and set up a meeting for the next day with the math department. I presented the
information and we discussed ways of implementing the program in both whole group
and small group instruction. I put this in standard 1 because I was able to attend the
training and learn about the program and then turn around and present a professional
development opportunity for my math department.
4/14/2016 (1 hour)
Department Meeting-TTM: During this department meeting, we discussed the
new think through math and how it was no longer for just the math lab students. The
teachers were excited about the new updates and we had great discussions about different
ways of implementing for 6th and 7th grade for STAAR preparation. For the 8th grade
teachers, we decided to use it for reteach opportunities when working with the students
that needed to retake STAAR. I entered this under standard 1 b/c this was a way of my
presenting professional development in a department meeting.

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