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Be quiet

Be quiet, little sister

I hear
The scrape of boots
Coming down the hall
Be quiet
Be quiet little sister
I hear footsteps
Papa is coming
Run little sister
Hide yourself
Cover yourself
Before Papa sees you
Yes, I hear him sister
Where shall I run
Where shall I hide
He always finds me
No matter where I hide
I wish Mama is here
Yes, I wish Mama is here
To wrap her arms
Around us
To protect us from Papa
To guard us from Papa
But Papa sent her away!
Somewhere far
Too far for Mama
To ever come back
Be silent little sister
Be silent
Papa is storming in
Papa is furious
Papa is drunk again

Yes, I hear him sister

Where shall I run
Where shall I hide
Oh! My heart is racing
Like a frighten rabbit
My head is spinning
Like a merry-go-round
Help sister
My blood is freezing
In my veins
The horrifying ordeal
I am about to face
Run sister,run
Papa sees you now
Under the bed
Run sister, run
Im frighten for you
Please Papa!
Dont hurt me!
Dont hit me!
Dont beat me!
Look Papa look
The wounds from yesterday
Are burning like fire
Look Papa look
The wounds from yesterday
Are raw and bloody
Oh, please Papa
Let her go
Have mercy
Shes only four

No Papa no
Not the belt again
It tears my flesh
No Papa no
Not the bat again
It breaks my bones
No Papa no
I will not survive
Another blow
On my face
Cant you hear her cries of pain
No Papa no
I will not survive
Another bash
Against the wall
Cant you see, Papa
The white walls are red now
Cant you see,Papa
She is gasping for breath
Cant you see, Papa
She is dying....
She is dying.....
Look at her, Papa
Her open, frighten eyes
Her body absent of life
Motionless now
You have done it again Papa
You have done it
You did it to Mama
You did it to me
And now
You have done it
To my little sister
You have murdered
You have murdered
All of us

Come to me
My little sister,
You are free now
As free as a bird
Free from your chains of abuse
Free from
Pain and torment
Come to me
My little sister
For you are safe now
In my loving arms
If only someone had listened
To our desperate cry
for help
If only someone had taken us
away from Papa
If only someone had care about us
Mama would not have died
I would not have died
My little sister
Would not have died....


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