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Jason Sines

1. I thought this quiz asked a lot of personal questions and that its kind of
designed to maybe take things that people do and dont think about
and put the in a perspective that how would u feel if this happened to
you compared to if you did it.
2. I wouldnt say this quiz surprised me because its a quiz to assess my
ethics so its supposed to ask questions that would put you in situations
that would test your ethical standards. As far as my answers surprising
me maybe a little Im sure everyone loves to think theyre on the
ethical high road.
3. No I dont think so it would take more than a piece of paper for me to
doubt my self view or my personal values.
4. I cant think of a specific example of me violating a value but Im
human Im sure depending on the given circumstances and how much
the ends justified the means I would.
5. I currently dont have children but knowing Id like to soon my hope
would be they would answer the questions with some confidence in
their own ethics. Although I know I didnt answer the perfectly so I
would never assume he or she would either.

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