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Emilee Gourley


April 18, 2016

Workload/time: Workload is the amount of work that needs to be done and how fast you are
going. On my graph it is the steps in the color orange showing the steps moving up as you speed
up. Time is how long you are going it is the duration of the workout.
Lactate Response: This is the intensity of an exercise when the blood concentration of lactate
and lactic acid begin to increase.
Vo2 Response: The maximum volume of oxygen that an athlete can use.
Heart Rate Response: The number of beats per minute, heart rate increases when the exercise
intensifies and decreases when the intensity is lowered like in a cool down.
Aerobic/Anaerobic Responses: Aerobic- The body becomes efficient at feeding the working
muscles and uses fat as a source of fuel, most effective for cardiovascular fitness. AnaerobicThe body cannot remove lactic acid as quickly as it is produced training the anaerobic zone helps
increase the lactate threshold, which improves performance.
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE): This is a scale from 1-10 that is used to measure the
intensity of a work out; 1 being the easiest amount of effort and 10 being the maximum effort for
a work out.
Training Zones & Applications: There are 5 different zones it tells us the amount of effort you
need to put in for a certain work out and what the effect of it is.
Zone 1 is very light helps with recovery.
Zone 2 is light and improves basic endurance and fat burning.
Zone 3 is moderate and improves aerobic fitness.
Zone 4 is hard and increases maximum performance capacity for sorter sessions.
Zone 5 is maximum effort and helps fit athletes develop speed.

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