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Lol Chouathong Lo Professor Raymond UWRT 1102-014 29 March 2016 ‘Semester Long Multi-Modal: Writing Prompt Seven ‘The semester long multi-modal project included various types of work, ranging from: researching, citing, and investigating. With the topic choice of my group, Cannon Mills, we have discovered that we had basic knowledge regarding the mills. As a group we concluded that Cannon Mills was an important business within the Carolinas providing massive work opportunities. However, the factor that prompted research was how the mills affected the 2,9 communitigs and the reason for a successful business to shut down. A900 \ Considering the assignments done in the class, the most benefited activity that 7 O13, encouraged me to research into Cannon Mills were the discussions. Although every group had a ed ye different topic, everyone hi a similar basis for how they will research. By discussing the various processes everyghe had, a couple strategies can be obtained to aid oneself, article that was related to the topic. With each attempt, it made the research process more interesting because it created more opportunities to discover more of the history of Cannon )) Mills. The citation process aided in finding the importance of the mills to the individual that \o SY. wrote the article or discussion within the source. x t Lo2 Furthermore, the discussions with Professor Raymond have been helpfull in determining which details to highlight while researching. While the group researched, during the period given, we came back to discuss the findings. Every time Professor Raymond provided her insight, we compared it to our research as we checked off the facts that were similar.

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