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By now I have reviewed all 1000 images in Anki, although some are not so solid and many have
to be specialized more. (I have to decide how they will interact with other images, etc.) The first
200 or so are pretty solid. For example, I know that Sasquatch will simply stomp on whatever's
next and leave a big footprint.
I may make changes with use. In fact I made some today to resolve possible collisions.
I can call this a "beta" then. This is a CVC list. The phonetics are close enough to Ben System
that I can't take any credit for innovation, though there are small differences and many words
would not fit in a strict Ben System list.
Thanks for the help that other forum members have provided!
1st and 3rd Digits are mostly Major System:
0 = S or Z
1 = T or D
6 = G or J (sometimes CH)
8 = F or V (sometimes H)
9 = P or B
2nd Digit (same as Ben System, AFAIK)
0 = oo as in scooter
1 = a as in bat
2 = e as in bed
3 = i as in sit
4 = o as in top
5 = u as in butter
6 = A as in tape
7 = E as in beet
8 = I as in kite
9 = O as in boat
000 Sousaphone
001 Suit
002 Tsunami
003 Sumo
004 Sewer
005 Sulu
006 Sugar
007 Suki
008 Sufi
009 Superman
010 Sasquatch
011 Saturn
012 Santa
013 Samwise

014 Sarah Palin

015 Salamander
016 Sagittarius
017 Sack
018 Sapphire
019 Sap
020 Sesame
021 Settle
022 Centipede
023 Semaphore
024 Serger
025 Sellers
026 Segway
027 Secretary
028 Cephalopod
029 Zeppelin
030 Sister
031 Sitar
032 Cinderella
033 Cymbal
034 Circus
035 Silk
036 Cigar
037 Sickle
038 Sifter
039 Zipper
040 Sauce
041 Sod
042 Sontaran
043 Zombie
044 Swordfish
045 Sol
046 Zog (Babylon 5)
047 Sock
048 Softball
049 Sop
050 Suspect
051 Sud
052 Sunglasses
053 Sum
054 Surfer
055 Sully
056 Suggestion
057 Sucker
058 Suffer
059 Submarine
060 Seiza
061 Satan
062 Zane
063 Same
064 Sayer
065 Sailboat

066 Sage
067 Sacred
068 Safe
069 Saber
070 Seesaw
071 Seat
072 Xena
073 Seymour
074 Seer
075 Seal
076 Seagull
077 Sikh
078 Seafood
079 Seabrook
080 Seismograph
081 Zeitung
082 Sine
083 Simon
084 Siren
085 Xylophone
086 Zygote
087 Cyclops
088 Siphon
089 Cyberman
090 Sosa
091 Soda
092 Sony
093 Soma
094 Soar
095 Solo
096 Sojourner
097 Soaker
098 Soviet
099 Soap
100 Deuce
101 Tutu
102 Tuning
103 Doom
104 Dewar
105 Tulip
106 Doogie
107 Toucan
108 Duvet
109 Toupee
110 Tasmanian
111 Tatoo
112 Tank
113 Tambourine
114 Tara Lipinsky
115 Dalmatian
116 Dagger
117 Tack

118 Daffy
119 Tabby
120 Testicles
121 Tetrahedron
122 Tent
123 Temperature
124 Pterodactyl
125 Telescope
126 DeGraaf
127 Deckard
128 Teflon
129 Depp
130 Dizzy Gillespie
131 Tit
132 Tin
133 Tim
134 Tyrannosaurus
135 Dilbert
136 Tigger
137 Tick
138 Tiffany
139 Dipper
140 DOS
141 Tot
142 Donald
143 Tom
144 Torpedo
145 Dolly
146 Dog
147 Doctor
148 Toffee
149 Top
150 Tusk
151 Tut
152 Dunkin
153 Dumpty
154 Tarantula
155 Tully
156 Tugboat
157 Duck
158 Duff
159 Tub
160 Taser
161 Data
162 Danish
163 Tamer
164 Tehran
165 Tail
166 Degas
167 Take
168 Dave
169 Tape

170 Teaspoon
171 DEET
172 Tina
173 Demon
174 Deer
175 Dealer
176 DJ
177 Teacup
178 TV
179 Teapot
180 Dice
181 Tights
182 Dinosaur
183 Timer
184 Tire
185 Tile
186 Tiger
187 Dyke
188 Diver
189 Diaper
190 Toaster
191 Totem
192 Tony
193 Dome
194 Tornado
195 Dole
196 Toga
197 Token
198 Tofu
199 Dopey
200 Noose
201 Newton
202 Noon
203 Pneumatic
204 Noor
205 Newlywed
206 Nougat
207 Nuke
208 Nouvelle
209 Newborn
210 NASA
211 Gnat
212 Nanny
213 Nam
214 Nair
215 Nalgene
216 Nag
217 Knacker
218 Navigator
219 Knapsack
220 Nessie
221 Net

222 Nenet
223 Nematode
224 Nerf
225 Nell
226 Negative
227 Necktie
228 Nephew
229 Neptune
230 Nyssa
231 Knitting
232 Ninja
233 Nimrod
234 Nirvana
235 Nil
236 Niggardly
237 Nixon
238 Niven
239 Nipple
240 Nozzle
241 Knot
242 Nonfat
243 Nominee
244 Norelco
245 Knowledge
246 Nog
247 Knocker
248 Novice
249 Knob
250 Nuzzle
251 Nut
252 Nunchaku
253 Numb
254 Nurse
255 Null
256 Nugget
257 Knuckles
258 Nevada
259 Nuptial
260 Nasal
261 Native
262 Nain
263 Nameplate
264 Nehru
265 Nailgun
266 Nagel
267 Naked
268 Navy
269 Neighbor
270 Knees
271 Neat
272 Nina
273 Nemo

274 Nero
275 Niel
276 Knee Guard
277 Nicole
278 Knievel
279 Nepa
280 Nice
281 Knight
282 Nineball
283 Nyman
284 Nairobi
285 Nylon
286 Nigel
287 Nikon
288 Knife
289 Nibelung
290 Nose
291 Note
292 Known
293 Nome
295 Nolan
296 Noguchi
297 Nokia
298 Nova
299 Nobel
300 Moose
301 Moot
302 Moon
303 Mumu
304 Moor
305 Moulin
306 Moog
307 Mukai
308 Movie
309 Mubarak
310 Mask
311 Mattress
312 Mantis
313 Mammoth
314 Mary
315 Mallard
316 Magician
317 Mac
318 Maverick
319 Map
320 Mess
321 Metric
322 Menu
323 Memory
324 Mermaid
325 Melon

326 Meg
327 Mechanic
328 MeV
329 Mppchen
330 Miss Marple
331 Mitt Romney
332 Minute
333 Mimosa
334 Mirror
335 Milton
336 MIG
337 Mickey Mouse
338 Miffed
339 MIB
340 Mosque
341 Motts
342 Monty
343 Mom
344 Mork
345 Molly
346 Module
347 Mok
348 Moffett Field
349 Mop
350 Mustard
351 Mud
352 Monkey Wrench
353 Mummy
354 Murray
355 Mulgrew
356 Mug
357 Mukluk
358 Muffin
359 Muppet
360 Mason
361 Maid
362 Maine
363 Mame
364 Mayor
365 Mailbox
366 Major
367 Maker
368 Mayflower
369 Maple
370 Measles
371 Meatloaf
372 Mean
373 Mimi
374 Meerkat
375 Meal
376 Amigo
377 Meek

378 Mifune
379 Amoeba
380 Miser
381 Miter
382 Miner
383 Mime
384 Myron
385 Miles
386 Migraine
387 Mike
388 My Fair Lady
389 My Baloney
390 Mosley
391 Motorcycle
392 Mona Lisa
393 Moma
394 Mower
395 Mole
396 Mogul
397 Mocha
398 Mauve
399 Mobile
400 Rooster
401 Root
402 Rune
403 Roomba
404 Rural
405 Roulette
406 Rouge
407 Rook
408 Roofer
409 Rubik
410 Raspberry
411 Rat
412 Ranch
413 Ram
414 Raritan
415 Ralph
416 Rag
417 Racket
418 Raft
419 Rabbi
420 Rest
421 Redneck
422 Renoir
423 Rembrandt
424 Rare
425 Relic
426 Reggie
427 Wrecking
428 Referee
429 Reptile

430 Wrist
431 Ritz
432 Ring
433 Rim
434 Rearview
435 Rill
436 Rig
437 Ricardo
438 Rivet
439 Ribbon
440 Ross
441 Rodman
442 Ronald
443 Romulan
444 Roark
445 Rawlings
446 Roger
447 Rock
448 Raffi
449 Rob
450 Russell
451 Rut
452 Runner
453 Rum
454 Ararat
455 Oral
456 Rug
457 Rucksack
458 Roughneck
459 Rubber
460 Razor
461 Radio
462 Rainbow
463 Raymond
464 Ray Romano
465 Railroad
466 Reagan
467 Rake
468 Raven
469 Rabies
470 Recycle
471 Rita
472 Renuzit
473 Reamer
474 Rerun
475 Reel
476 Regis
477 Reek
478 Reefer
479 Reaper
480 Rice
481 Ryder

482 Rhino
483 Rimes
484 Rye
485 Riley
486 Rigel
487 Riker
488 Rival
489 Ripe
490 Rosie
491 Roadrunner
492 Ronin
493 Romanian
494 Roar
495 Rolex
496 Rogue
497 Roke
498 Rove
499 Rope
500 Lucy
501 Lute
502 Loon
503 Loom
504 Lure
505 Lululemon
506 Luge
507 Luke
508 Loofah
509 Loop
510 Lasso
511 Ladder
512 Lantern
513 Lamb
514 Larry Ellison
515 Lal
516 Lager
517 Laxative
518 Laugh
519 Laptop
520 Leslie
521 Lettuce
522 Leornard Nimoy
523 Lemon
524 Lehrer
525 Le lait
526 Lego
527 Lexus
528 Level
529 Leprechaun
530 Lizard
531 Lid
532 Lindsay
533 Limo

534 Lyra
535 Lilypad
536 Ligament
537 Liquefy
538 Lift
539 Lips
540 Lozenge
541 Lottery
542 Laundry
543 Llama
544 Lori
545 Lollipop
546 Log
547 Lock
548 Loft
549 Loppers
550 Lust
551 Lutz
552 Lung
553 Lumberjack
554 Lurch
555 Lullaby
556 Luggage
557 Lucky
558 Love
559 Lubbock
560 Laser
561 Ladle
562 Langevin
563 Lame
564 Layer
565 Leyland
566 Lady Gaga
567 Laker
568 Lave
569 Labeler
570 Leash
571 Leader
572 Leanto
573 Lemur
574 Leroy
575 Leela
576 Legion
577 Leek
578 Levis
579 Leapfrog
580 Lysol
581 Lightning
582 Linebacker
583 Limestone
584 Lyre
585 Lyle Lovett

586 Ligation
587 Lycan
588 Lifesaver
589 Librarian
590 Lowes
591 Lotus
592 Lone Ranger
593 Loam
594 Lore
595 Lolita
596 Logan
597 Locomotive
598 Loaf
599 Lopez
600 Juice
601 Judy
602 June
603 Jumanji
604 Guru
605 Julia
606 Jujo
607 Jukebox
608 Goofy
609 Goop
610 Gas Pump
611 Gatling
612 Janitor
613 Jam
614 Gary
615 Galaxy
616 Jagger
617 Jackie
618 Javelin
619 Japanese
620 Jester
621 Jet
622 Jennifer
623 Gem
624 Gerald
625 Jellyfish
626 Jger
627 Gecko
628 Jeffrey
629 Jepsen
630 Giuseppe
631 Guitar
632 Jingle
633 Jiminy
634 Ghiradelli
635 Gillian
636 Jigsaw
637 Chicken

638 Jiffy
639 Gibson
640 Jaws
641 Godfather
642 JFK
643 Gombei
644 Geordi
645 Golf club
646 Goggles
647 Jockey
648 Joffrey
649 Jobs
650 Gusher
651 Gutter
652 Gun
653 Gumby
654 Gurney
655 Gul Dukat
656 Juggler
657 Jacuzzi
658 Governor
659 Guppy
660 Jason
661 Gator
662 Jane
663 James
664 Gayer
665 Jail
666 Gauge
667 Jacob's Ladder
668 JV
669 Gabe Kotter
670 Jesus
671 Jeter
672 Jeannie
673 GM Truck
674 Gear
675 Gila
676 Gigi
677 Geek
678 Chief
679 Jeep
680 Geyser
681 Guide
682 Guinan
683 Chime
684 Gyroscope
685 Guile
686 Geiger counter
687 Geico
688 Jive
689 Jibe

690 Josie
691 Jodie
692 Joanie
693 Gomer
694 Gore
695 Goal
696 Gogo
697 Joker
698 Gopher
699 Gobi
700 Koosh
701 Coot
702 Coon
703 Kumar
704 Coors
705 Kool Aid
706 Cujo
707 Cuckoo
708 Khufu
709 Cooper
710 Castro
711 Cat
712 Canteen
713 Camera
714 Carol
715 Calculator
716 Cagney
717 Cactus
718 Calf
719 Cap
720 Kestrel
721 Kettle
722 Kenny
723 Chemical
724 Carrie
725 Kellogg's
726 Keg
727 Keck
728 Kevin
729 Kepler
730 Kiss
731 Kidd
732 Kinkos
733 Kim
734 Kirin
735 Kilt
736 Kitchen
737 Kickball
738 Kif
739 Kip
740 Cosmos
741 Cot

742 Connery
743 Comet
744 Corvette
745 Colander
746 Cogswell
747 Caulk
748 Coffee Grinder
749 Cop
750 Custer
751 Cutoff
752 Cunningham
753 Kumquat
754 Curry
755 Cult
756 Cudgel
757 Cocoon
758 Cuff
759 Cub Scout
760 Case
761 Katie
762 Cane
763 K-Mart
764 K. R.
765 Kaylee Frye
766 Cage
767 Cake
768 Caveman
769 Cape
770 Keys
771 Keats
772 Keno
773 Kimono
774 Kieran
775 Keel
776 Keychain
777 Kikuchi
778 Kiefer
779 Keebler
780 Kaiser
781 Kite
782 Kind
783 Climber
784 Chiropractor
785 Kyle
786 Qui-Gon Jinn
787 Kayak
788 Kai-fu Lee
789 Kuiper
790 Coast
791 Coat
792 Conehead
793 Comb

794 Koresh
795 Colin Powell
796 Kojak
797 Coke
798 Kofi
799 Cobra
800 Foosball
801 Voodoo
802 Funeral
803 Fumigator
804 Furious
805 Fuel
806 Fuji
807 Fukui
808 Viewfinder
809 Foobar
810 Fastener
811 Fat
812 Fan
813 Vampire
814 Fairy
815 Falcon
816 Fag
817 Vaccine
818 Pfaff
819 Fabulous
820 Fez
821 Fedora
822 Fence
823 Fembot
824 Ferris Wheel
825 Velma
826 Vegetable
827 Vector
828 Pfeffer
829 February
830 Fist
831 Fiddle
832 Fin
833 Fim
834 Virile
835 Phil
836 Fig
837 Vicar
838 Vivian
839 Fibrillator
840 Fossil
841 Vodka
842 Vonn
843 Vomit
844 Fork
845 Volleyball

846 Fog
847 Fox
848 Fava
849 Fob
850 Fuzz
851 Fudd
852 Funnel
853 Fumble
854 Fur
855 Vulture
856 Fudge
857 F*er
858 Fuffle
859 Fubble
860 Phaser
861 Vader
862 Vein
863 Famous
864 Pharaoh
865 Veil
866 Vagrant
867 Fake
868 Favorite
869 Vapor
870 Visa
871 Feeder
872 Venus
873 Femur
874 Fear
875 Felix
876 Fiji
877 Fecal
878 Fifi
879 Phoebe
880 Vice
881 Fighter
882 Vinyl
883 Weimaraner
884 Fireman
885 File
886 Feigenbaum
887 Viking
888 Pfeiffer
889 Fiberoptic
890 Pho Soup
891 Photocopier
892 Phone
893 Foamy
894 Vortex
895 Volt
896 Vogue
897 Focus

898 Fovea
899 Phobia
900 Booze
901 Boot
902 Boone
903 Boomerang
904 Poor
905 Pool
906 Boogie
907 Bouquet
908 Poof
909 Pooh Bear
910 Basil
911 Batman
912 Banjo
913 Bambi
914 Parrot
915 Palo Alto
916 Badger
917 Pacman
918 Pavlov
919 Baboon
920 Pez
921 Bed
922 Penny
923 Pembleton
924 Bear
925 Bell
926 Peggy
927 Pecker
928 Beverly
929 Peppermint
930 Bishop
931 Pitt
932 Pin
933 Pimp
934 Pyramid
935 Bill
936 Pig
937 Bic
938 Pivot
939 Bib
940 Boss
941 Potter
942 Bonfire
943 Bomb
944 Board
945 Polish
946 Boggle
947 Boxers
948 Bovril
949 Popcorn

950 Bus
951 Butterfly
952 Bunny
953 Bumblebee
954 Burton
955 Bulb
956 Bugs
957 Bucky
958 Buffy
959 Bubble
960 Baseball
961 Bait
962 Painter
963 Payment
964 Payroll
965 Pail
966 Bagel
967 Baker
968 Paver
969 Paper
970 Peas
971 Pizza
972 Penis
973 Beam
974 Beer
975 Peeler
976 Beagle
977 Beaker
978 Beaver
979 Beep
980 Bicycle
981 Bite
982 Pine-Sol
983 Bimonthly
984 Pirate
985 Pylon
986 Pie Chart
987 Pike
988 Bifocals
989 Pipe
990 Bozo
991 Boat
992 Bone
993 Bowman
994 Borg
995 Bowling Ball
996 Pogo
997 Pocahontas
998 Bovine
999 Pope


MUB - Moob or Mubarak

MUP - microprocessor (P)
MiB - Men in Black
KIP - kippah
LaL - Lalla Ward (I don't know how to pronounce it, but that's where it ended up)
BeP - maybe go with one of the Beppos
BAG - bagel
PUK - Pooky
PiB - I didn't choose a person yet, but was going to go with Peabody
PIB - pie-berries (blueberry pie)
I don't have images for these yet either:

Try adding any consonant between x and y. Example:

GEG. Try GREG (you know r doesnt play a role anyway)

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