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Internship Journal September 14-18

This week was a very fulfilling week for me. On Monday I rode with
Officer Cordelle. The biggest thing we did on this day was go to food country
and check out some vandalized drink machines. On Tuesday I worked in the
office and finished my MOU. I also started drafting a policy for body worn
camcorders (BWC). This part of my internship is very fulfilling for me because
I am creating documents that are going to go on file and be used for years to
come. I am also only the third person in the whole agency to ever write a
policy. On Wednesday I got to see the mental health side of the job. I rode
with Officer Holbrook who got called for an ECO. This is where the mental
health people call dispatch and an officer transports the mental health
patient to the hospital to get checked out. Because this process is so long,
and I would not learn anything from sitting in a hospital for hours watching a
mental health patient, I was moved into a car with Yancey Wilmoth. While I
was with Yancey we received a call to respond to someone who received a
threatening text. The call ended up being nothing big and we left for Yancey
to do the report. On Thursday I was back in the office. I finished the BWC
policy I started on Tuesday and started drafting a policy for the use of LIDAR,
which is a type of radar that uses a laser instead of radio waves. I also was
able to turn my MOU and BWC policy into the Chief that was a very proud

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