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Armthorpe Academy




Mere Lane
South Yorkshire


Our Ref: ACo/ANi

April 20th 2016

Dear Parent/Carer
I am becoming increasingly concerned by the number of students who are informing us that they do
not intend to attend the Year 11 parents evening tomorrow, Thursday, April 21st.
In some cases, we have contacted parents directly to confirm that what we have been told is
accurate. Surprisingly, and very worryingly, it would appear that a significant proportion of parents
do not intend to support the parents evening.
This is arguably the most important parents evening of your childs five years at this school. As I
know you are aware, you have a vital role to play in supporting your son/daughter as the
examinations approach, and the interest which you show in his/her learning and progress at this
stage is of inestimable value. It shows that the exams do matter, that you do care about your child
doing well, and, most importantly, you are keen to do whatever you can to encourage, reassure and
support him/her in the weeks to come.
Unless they are absent through illness, Year 11 teachers will be available from 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm
tomorrow evening. Even if your son/daughter has not made any appointments, I would urge you to
attend. We will arrange appointments for you when you arrive.
This last paragraph is difficult. I realise I am writing to parents who, almost without exception, have
supported the school throughout their childrens time with us. I am also very much aware of the
many ways in which you have supported your childrens learning over the years. However, it is a
fact that parental presence at the beginning of the Year 11 prom has tended to be greater than it
has typically been at Year 11 parents evenings in recent years. The prom is obviously special to
students and marks an important milestone in their young lives and I fully understand why you
would want to be there. The Year 11 exams are incomparably important and will, without a doubt,
have a significant impact upon the rest of their lives.
I would ask that you make every effort to attend the Year 11 parents evening.

Yours sincerely

Andy Cope

Headteacher: Andy Cope

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