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Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chronicle 5 Vocabulary

1. Hewn (noun): pg. 97; chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an
axe, pick or other tool
- The trees were hewn by the lumberjacks, who make a living harvesting wood for
the town.
2. Squalid (adjective): pg. 98; (of a place) extremely dirt and unpleasant, especially
as a result of poverty or neglect
- All the townspeople purposefully avoid going to the squalid house because it
seems haunted.
3. Enigma (noun): pg. 99; a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to
- Despite years of investigation, the murderer of the young girl remains an enigma
to everybody.
4. Imputed (verb): pg. 100; represent (something, especially something undesirable)
as being done or possessed by someone; attribute
- He was unwilling to take the blame for the scandal, so he imputed the damage to
his partner.
5. Cynicism (noun): pg. 101; an inclination to believe that people are motivated
purely by self-interest; scepticism
- Her cynicism impeded her ability to see the good in some people.

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