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Name: ______________________

Billy has 51 chickens to feed. He feeds

23 female and feed 13 males. How many
more does he need to feed?

Sarah collects 28 eggs, John collects 52,

and Kara collects only 13 eggs how
many eggs were collected?

Lisa saw 23 rabbits on the farm, Kathy

saw 50 rabbits, and Corey saw only 7.
How many rabbits did they all see today?

Mr. Farmer John has 71 cows. He needs

to feed a total of 100 cows. How many
more cows does he need to feed?

Mrs. Farmer cooked 13 egged, then

another 42 eggs. Mr. Farmer and the
family ate only 26 eggs. How many eggs
are left over to eat?

Mrs. Farmer bought 81 llamas, and then

10 more. Mr. Farmer thought they had to
many and sold 25. How many does Mrs.
Farmer have now?

Farmer Johns Family Farm Word Problem

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