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Moral development plays a lot in the show Pretty

Little Liars. Moral development is when

individuals focus on feelings, behaviors, and
thoughts within society (Winsor, Murrel, & MagunJackson 1983). Moral development has six stages
according to Kohlberg (Winsor, Murrel, & MagunJackson 1983). In one of the episodes (season 6) of
Pretty Little Liars shows moral development of
stage 5. Stage 5 conflicts between doing the right
thing within the law and doing what feels
important to you regardless of the consequences.
Here is a summary of the episode: Recently, there
has been a murder. Hanna has a friend named Aria.
Well one night, Hanna and Aria, along with their
two other friends decided to stay in a hotel for the
night. During in the middle of the night, Aria and
her friend Ezra decide to leave to hotel room
together. The same night they left the hotel; a

murder also happened. Police start to investigate

and find the tape of Aria and Ezra leaving the hotel
lobby a few minutes before the murder took place.
Yet, police have not taken to video in as evidence.
That night, Hanna goes to recording room and
deletes the tape to save her friend from being
questioned. If Hanna was caught from deleting
evidence, she would have consequences that
include jail time.

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