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Carson Kreitzer
The Human Salamander, teens to twenties
Aquaboy, The Human Salamander was born with webbed hands and feet, but grew gills
to adapt the sideshow lifestyle. Ends up falling in love with an audience member after
making eye contact with her during a show.

THE HUMAN SALAMANDER: I am a mutation. That means change. Changed. And I have
mutated. Into this half-human creature. Because just a bit of skin between the fingers and
toes is fine for back home but it doesn't keep the crowd leaning in for a glimpse. So I
became the Human Salamander. Until she saw me. Staring eyes. Burning. The Human
Salamander does not blush. The intricate network of veins and capillaries works
differently than in ordinary humans. But there it was. I felt my skin growing hot. Under
her gaze. How could she see me? Inside my guise. If it's happened once, it could happen
again. That show could come when suddenly, an entire audience sees me. Some skinny
kid, bloated with water. Sad. An entire audience suddenly overcome with revulsion
and...pity. Now I know fear. She has ruined my life. A wandering pair of eyes, set the lie
to the whole thing. She's cracked my tank. I won't notice the water level sinking slow, just
one day will come and I'll be naked. She doesn't even know what she's done. A day trip,
idle staring. One moment of recognition-oh, that poor kid. He's about my age. Sitting
there in a tank of water all day while people stare. Then moving on to see the other
marvels. Then home. Cracked my tank and went about her life. Left me hear to leak.

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