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The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS

Resources Emergency (CARE) Act,
established in 1990, is a federal program
designed to provide medical care and services
to individuals with HIV. Though it is not health
insurance, it helps pay for care not covered by
Medicare, Medicaid, and third party insurers to Though the CARE Act is
more than 500,000 people in the United States. immensely beneficial, it requires
reform in order to provide the most
Since its inception, the CARE Act has been
effective care. As recommended by
reauthorized four times, last in 2009. In
an expert HIV committee, the
FY2012, of those that received help from the
CARE Act needs to improve
CARE Act, 33% were uninsured and 56% were integration with other insurance
underinsured. By helping these populations,

providers, better identify what

the program can 1) Decrease mortality 2)

services are not provided by

Reduce ED visits 3) Improve quality of life 4) mainstream insurance, and

Reduce hospitalizations.
Nutrition services, such as education,
counseling, home-delivered meals, ONS, and
food vouchers, are commonly provided by
Ryan White programs, along with specialized
Medical Nutrition Therapy preformed by

optimize capacity through

innovative means.
Key Points
The CARE Act helps provide
essential medical care to
individuals with HIV

RDNs. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Evidence Analysis Library (Grade I) found that
MNT for individuals with HIV can improve
outcomes, including weight, quality of life, and
CD4 Count. Other studies have shown MNT to
be cost-effective for people with HIV.

MNT is cost-effective and

improves outcomes in HIV
Reform is necessary to
maximize effectiveness

Hab H. Ryan White HIV / AIDS Program Part B Manual.

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