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Calculation Scripts:- Session 9

DATACOPY: The DATACOPY command copies a range of data cells to another range within the
DATACOPY mbrName1 TO mbrName2;
mbrName1, mbrName2 - Any valid single member name or member combination, or a function
that returns a single member or member combination.

This command is useful when you must maintain an original set of data values and perform
changes on the copied data set, say if we want to copy all data from Version1 to Version2 then
we can use the following syntax:
DATACOPY Version1 TO Version2;

Lets copy the data from FY11 Actuals to FY12 Budget. Assume that we have below data

Here is the data copy script

After executing this script on above data

Little more about data copy: if any dimension(s) represented by the members in source
combination are not represented in destination combination, then by default the same member
or members from source are assumed to exist in destination to complete the range. The
reverse is not true. Any dimension explicitly represented in destination must be represented by
another member of the same dimension in source. To understand this let have a look at below

Here is the script

Result of this one will be

Here is Jan is automatically assume on the as the destination.

Clear Data: The CLEARDATA command clears data values from the database and sets them
to #MISSING. We can use CLEARDATA to clear a section of a database. Ex:

In our existing data lets us clear data to clear data of Feb,FY12.

Existing data


After execution of script

CLEARDATA does not clear blocks, even if all data values in a block are #MISSING. (This
statement will make more sence after next session).

Clear Block: Just for theoritical purpose, The CLEARBLOCK command clears blocks of data
and sets them to #MISSING.

ALL - Clears all data blocks.

UPPER - Clears all consolidated level blocks.
NONINPUT - Clears blocks containing values derived from calculations.
DYNAMIC - Clears blocks containing values derived from Dynamic Calc And Store member

More on blocks in next session.

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