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Connor OConnell

Keith Oliver
18 Apr 2016
Solar Twin

First, I started my research to find out what stars in our galaxy are most similar to the sun.
I discovered multiple stars that are extremely similar that are called solar twins. This list of stars
are all approximately the same size as well as they are all around the same temperature of about
5,000K. This grew my curiosity so I decided to click on one of the solar twins. The lucky star
was Epsilon Eridani this star was a part of the Eridinus star constellation. In addition, this star
was the first star outside of our solar system known to have a planet that orbits. This solar system
outside of ours is under prospect to discover whether there is a planet similar to earth. Since I
was so interested I decided to go to school to be an astronomer. This was not easy, the number of
physics and astronomy classes I had to take blew my mind. But it was all worth it in the end
when I gained my Ph.D. in Astrophysics. As a working astrophysicist I explored this solar twin
phenomena and my discoveries were shocking. I discovered that there was a planet that orbited
Epsilon Eridani that was a similar distance away as Earth. I named this planet Earth. As
technology advanced I was able to observe the surface of this water/ice covered planet.
Shockingly it has an atmosphere as well. Using Geographical systems we were able to scan this
planet to discover underwater rifts and trenches revealing convergent and divergent boundaries.
This indicated tectonic plate shifting and geological characteristics similar to earth. Based off the
brightness of the star with similar nuclear fusion happening we can determine this star is about

the same age as our sun. My hypothesis is that this planet is just experiencing an ice age and the
next generations may get to observe this planet during an interglacial period.

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