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Connor OConnell

Keith Oliver
18 Apr 2016
My Personal Beliefs and Science
First off I would like to come out and say that Im a Christian. I am a firm believer in
God and Jesus our savior. I believe that there is a Heaven and that the only way we can make it
there is by our faith in God not just by good works. I FaceTime my Bible study group back home
every Tuesday and a quote we like to live by is Through faith, good works will come. This
means that if you are a Christian and have strong faith, you will also be a person that promotes
healthy behavior. In addition to my Bible study group I also attend Campus Ministry on Sundays
at the Cook-Dewitt center. Now that I have my background out of the way I can start talking
about religion and science. I hear a lot of people say that religion and science are contradicting
and you can only believe in one or the other. I beg to differ. In my opinion, the more I learn about
science and the processes, my faith grows. When I was younger I was taught that science was
facts and everything is proven. Later as I got older, I became aware that the more I learn about
science, the more I realize how many things in this world/universe/dimension are not
explainable. To me learning astronomy provides more proof that there must be a creator. Theres
no way something just was made from nothing. Space didnt just form from nothing, something
had to create it, and I believe that, that someone is God. In addition to astronomy, I also like to
look at biology. Have you ever looked at an organism and observed the complexity? The whole
uniqueness of organism on our planets is so unbelievable, even for the smallest organism. Cells

being own living morsels that come together to create a working machine of living flesh. There is
so much design that goes into biology just to have happened on its own without at least a start
from some type of engineering. To conclude, to me, science isnt a principle that disproves God,
yet a principle that is evidence he exists.

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