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Electronic Media and Live Performance 2016 | LARPing and Other Live Incursions

History of LARP
This is a game:
A VERY Brief History of LARP
Tudor History of LARP

Present-day LARP
Profiling the LARPer: What is Actually at Stake
Gender, Sexuality and Race in the Gamespace of Live Action Role Play -thesis by Lena
Danielle Tudor
The Harry Potter LARP Youve Always Dreamed Of
Fairweather Manor LARP: A Nordic LARP inspired by Downton Abbey
Doctor Who LARP
Star Trek Holodeck finally real: The Void mixes VR with LARP for gaming

Video: Drachenfest 2012 - Chaos, Orcs and Battles

LARP in media
Video: Supernatural: LARP and the Real Girl
Video: Community: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
LARPS the Series - YouTube
Podcast: Hello from the Magic Tavern - Offices and Bosses


Electronic Media and Live Performance 2016 | LARPing and Other Live Incursions

Character creation
Character Generator

Cosplay and Identity

Cosplaying While Black tumblr

On Gender and Cosplay
- Megan Malone
What a Racebent Hermione Granger really represents
- Buzzfeed
Cosplaying While Trans: Exploring the Intersection between Cosplay and Gender
Queering comics, cosplay and gaming -The Villager
Cosplay and Body Positivity
- The Mary Sue on (
Cosplay Case Study
Misa on Wheels Rolls into Cosplay
Student Turns his Wheelchair into an Epic Mad Max Cosplay
Brichibi Cosplay, the Queer, Plus-Size Diva Taking the Cosplay Scene by Storm
- Mic
Geeks for CONsent
Im up here: On getting the full Tara treatment at NYCC and why consent to
photograph cosplayers is not enough
How Big of a Problem is Harassment at Comic Cons? Very Big - Janelle Asselin

For fun
RLPhotoArt - The Real Finn and Rey
(a cosplay photoshoot)
Cat Cosplay

Therapeutic LARP
playing Games Used as Educational and Therapeutic Tools for Youth and Adults
Larping saved my life
LARPing as a Form of Therapy: Featuring Dr. Bowman, Hawke, Chris, and Jamie

LARP and Virtual Reality

How a startup is making it easy to build virtual reality worlds
Video: AMD and VR: A Game Changer

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