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Chapter I

The film is a text, every meaning is carried in the movie actually comes
from the string of signs are arranged so that form a meaning. The film can
not be separated from the frame and experience thinking frame of film
makers to submit frame thought is expressed or implied. Films is one of the
products and technologies into highly salable commodity in the market
because of its presence is a balm to stress the reality of an increasingly
Airing : February 28, 2008
Genre : Drama Religious Romance / Love
Director : Hanung Bramantyo
Scriptwriter : Salman Aristo & Ginatri S. Noer from Novel Works
Habiburrahman El Shirazy
Producer : Manooj Punjabi
Production House : MD Pictures
Duration : 95 Minutes
Audience Classification : 13 Years Top All (13 +)
Portal :
Players :
Fedi Nuril as Fachri
Rianti Cartwright as Aisha
Zaskia Adya Mecca as Noura
Melanie Putria as Nurul
Carrisa daughter as Maria
Oka Antara, Surya Saputra, Dennis Adiswara
One of Indonesia's homage to romantic films islam is the film Ayat-Ayat
Cinta. This film is a religious movie adaptation of a best-selling novel titled
Ayat Ayat Cinta by El Shirazy Habiburrahman whose sales more than half a
million copies. With royalty income of $ 1.1 billion for the author. It all makes
the novel verses of love as the most successful and best-selling novel, even
in the southeast Asian region, and the film itself is a masterpiece, starring
Hanung Bramantyo Nuril Fedi, Rianti Cartwright, Carissa Putri, Zaskia Adya
Mecca, and Melanie Putria. The film is produced by film producer Manoj
Punjabi Picture of MG.

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