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Jack Lanning
Annotated Bibliography
English 102
14 April 2016
Black Lives Matter
Altman, Alex. TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Black Lives Matter. Time.
Time, 5 Oct. 2015. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
This article from Time focuss on the history of the Black Lives Matter
movement and how it actually got started. The article opens with a description of the very
first BLM meeting, which was just blocks away from the white house. The meeting was
held to tell people what the message they want to send to people. The objective of this
movement is to make an emphasis on equality. Equality is a major topic in our society
today, which is why this movement is necessary. This article gives multiple examples as
to why the movement is needed. Over the past ten years, there has been way to many
accidents and murders because of racial profiling.

Murray, Ken, Kerry Burke, Chelsia Rose Marcius, and Rocco Parascandola. VIDEO:
Man Dies after NYPD Cop Puts Him in Chokehold. NY Daily News, 3 Dec.
2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.

This article includes a video of Eric Gardener being taken down by two police
officers and eventually choked to death. Racial profiling is clearly present in this example
because of the actually context of what was happening. Eric Gardener was standing on a
street corner when the police approached him. They thought he was selling untaxed cigs
so he was taken to the ground because the police feared that since he was a very large
man, he would fight back.
Smith, Khury. Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter, ISReview, 18 June 2015. Web.
13 Apr. 2016.
This article is important because it backs up the BLM movement and describes
the BLM campaign from the very beginning. This article talks mostly about what people

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think the movement is verses what it is actually about. Most people think that the Black
Lives Matters movement is about how black people are trying to get rewarded for bad
things that have happened to their culture. However, the movement was created to help
make equality in the United States. Its not about the differences between white and black
people. It is about everyone being equal and not racially stereotyping people.
Kosar. Ray Lewis Just DESTROYED Black Lives Matter In A BIG WAY! (Video).
The Political Insider. 08 Apr. 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
This article talks about how NFL Star, Ray Lewis completely destroys the ideas of
the BLM movement. In the video he says, Im trying to figure out why no one is paying
attention to black men killing black men. This brings up a huge point about how the
BLM community focuss on the white on black crime but does not do anything to stop
black on black crimes. Ray Lewis does a great job analyzing what the BLM members are
doing wrong. He talks about the heavy black on black crime rate in Chicago and how no
one ever talks about how big of a problem it is but when a white man kills a black man, it
was because of racism.
About Black Lives Matters. Black Lives Matter. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
This source is the official BLM website. I chose to use the About Us page
because it describes what the goal is for this community. They talk about how their
mission is to create an environment in which all races are treated equally, no matter what
their skin color. This is important because it is an official statement from the BLM
community. However, I will say that this organization needs to focus on the negatives of
every race and not just white people. Once people realize that the purpose of all of this is
to destroy racism, equality will be way easier to achieve.

"5 Devastating Facts About Black-on-Black Crime - Breitbart." Breitbart News. N.p., 28
Nov. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
This article gives a bunch of different statistics about homicide rates, and other

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