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Naws Herwlae Yr, ——— Social skills and cooking presented at "Dinner Table’ HSHS St. Francis Hospital has partnered with the Litchfield Park District to raise awareness of the Importance of family mealtimes. A four session program, entitled Des- tination Dinner Table, will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. each Tues- day from April 26 to May 17 at the Litchfield Community Center, 1100 South Stat street. Registration is required. Family members participai in Destination Dinner Table will learn how to prepare and cook a ‘new healthy meal each week, as well as learn how to apply social skills at dinner time. Families will receive groceries needed to pre- are the meal at ome. For program details and regis- tration contact Meghan Bertolino, community outreach facilitator at the hospital, 217-324-206,

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