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Joshua Howard

Writing into the Day


For the remainder of the month, Id like you to reflect on the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
for this class and write about how you are understanding them and meeting them. Please review
the first SLO below. Then write about how you understand this as a student in this class. How
are your activities and composing experiences building your rhetorical knowledge?

Rhetorical knowledge is a key component when writing any sort of academic paper. It
allows the writer to have insight on how he can portray his feelings in a way that makes sense for
the reader. By being able to identify these issues and address them in a way to refine the final
product into a clean cut work of art. Being able to do things such as writing on the same level as
the audience separates the good authors from the good and rich authors. A writer must take all
these factors into consideration if one wishes to create an appealing, interesting final product.

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