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Nick Crider
Jacob Herrmann
Unit III Final Draft
April 21, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Savali, Kirsten West. Killers Behind The Badge: NewsOnes
Investigative Series On Police Brutality In Black America.
NewsOne. NewsOne, 2012. Web. 13 April 2016.
This article provides statistical information and analysis from an
author with experience as an editor and a mental health
professional, and she also has a degree in Psychology. The article
focuses on the statistics of the recent history of police brutality
on black people. This will be our primary source for introducing
why our Black Lives Matter topic is relevant in todays society.
Coping with Racism & Discrimination. Csumb. California State
University, Monterey Bay, n.d. Web. 14 April 2016.
This article from Cal State Monterey State does at great job at
giving a psychological analysis behind racism in todays society.
Not only does the context explain what its like to be
discriminated against, but it also discusses the negative impacts
discrimination can directly have on an individual. We will use this
article to incorporate pathos into our project, as it can be a
sensitive topic for some people.
Blay, Zeba. 4 Reverse Racism Myths That Need To Stop.
Huffingtonpost. The Huffington Post, 26 August 2015. Web. 14
April 2016.
Zeba Blay from The Huffington Post gives us a couple takes from
a black person addressing racism against whites. She writes
about specific examples of white people acting victimized by
discrimination. In the article, Blay suggests that racism against
whites can never compare to racism against blacks. We will use

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this context to provide a counterargument against people that
claim whites and blacks experience the same kind of racial
Atlanta Black Star. Ray Lewis Makes Uninformed Condemnation of
Black Lives Matter Movement in Couch-Side Sermon. Online
video clip. YouTube. 6 April, 2016. Web. 18 April, 2016.
This YouTube video shows former NFL Star Ray Lewis making a
case against Black Lives Matter. He is upset with the movement
because it overshadows a bigger issue, and that is the number
of black on black murders we see. We put this video on our
website to display an example of one of the misconceptions
people have on the Black Lives Matter. We will then provide
counter-arguments for Ray Lewis video.
New York Daily News. Original Eric Garner Fatal Arrest Video. Online
video clip. YouTube. 30 December, 2014. Web. 19 April, 2016.

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