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Annotated Bibliography

Brown, Avery. What I Remember of My Brother Leaving for College. 26 February 2014.
My poem, What I Remember of My Brother Leaving for College, was written when I was a
sophomore in high school. I wrote this for my Pre-AP English class because my teacher asked us
to write about a time in our lives that impacted us. My primary audience was my teacher, but my
secondary audience was my brother, Drew. I desired for him to know how much of an impact he
made on my life. I wrote this poem quickly, so I did not have any help from others. Truthfully,
after reading through it again, I would not change anything about it. I believe this poem is a good
reflection of my love for my brother and the legacy he has left behind.

Brown, Avery. College Acceptance. 26 April 2015.

My research paper, College Acceptance, was written in my AP English class junior year of
high school. I wrote this paper for my teacher, Mrs. Moore. She asked us to write a paper over an
issue we cared about, so I decided to write about the disadvantages of standardized testing. I
chose this topic because testing is something I have struggled with for a long time. I get anxiety
when I take tests and when I am around a large group of people, so tests like the ACT do not
work well for me. If I remember correctly, I spent about a month writing and revising this paper.
I wrote at least three rough drafts, and I made all my family members help me with revisions. If I
could re-do this paper, I would add more personal examples from my own life. While it is wellwritten, it comes across dry and with little voice.

Brown, Avery. Why I Believe. 29 January 2016.

I wrote, Why I Believe, in my Composition II class my senior year of high school. This paper
was written for my teacher, Mrs. Davis. For the prompt, we had to choose something we
believed in and write an essay describing why we believe in it. I chose to write about love and
how it has affected my life. I spent a couple of weeks writing this paper and I used a tutor to help
me edit it. Overall, I believe this paper is well-written. If I could change anything, I would add
bible verses so there could be some ethos to support my statements.

Brown, Avery. Food and Culture. 3 February 2016.

I wrote my essay, Food and Culture, in my Composition II class. My intended audience was
my teacher, Mrs. Davis. I wrote this paper primarily about the positive impact food has made on
my life. I described the impact it has made on my family, and the memories we share of sharing
food with one another. I spent about a month researching and writing this paper. I had both my
mom and my dad revise it for me, and I also had one of my friends look over it. If I could change
something about my paper, I would add more statistics and facts.

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