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(CEC 1236)




SEM 2 2015/2016

1) Do summarization of this story.

The film Im Not Stupid explores the issue of poor parent child communication. Im
Not Stupid adventures of three Singaporean youth, Tom Yeo 15 years old, his younger
brother Jerry Yeo 8 years old and Toms friend name Chengchai 15 years old who have
strained relationship with their parent. Tom and Jerry are siblings. The mother is a magazines
writer that popular in their company and their father is a businessman. Tom is a talented
blogger but doesnt supported by his mother. Jerry also a talented children which is a good
actor and he also the lead role in the school performance but didnt have the attention that he
want from his parents.
During a school check for mobile phones, Tom is caught with a pornography CD and it
resulted in fighting, chengcai as a friend help tom fight with the homeroom teacher. The act
of their fighting is caught in a video and went viral. This video affecting tom, chengcai and
the teacher life. As a punishment, chengcai is expelled and tom is punish with canning in
front of everyone.
The next, Jerry who wants his parent to come to the school concert but his parents is too
busy with their work. Tight working schedules give them a little time to spend with their
children, leading to a strained relationship at the end. So Jerry started to save money, but
cant save enough money and eventually he resorts to stealing. Jerry act is recorded in the
canteen CCTV. After that, their parent know Jerry stealing the money. After he is caught, his
furious father repeatedly canes him and shouts at him, but forgives him when the Jerry
explains that he wanted $500 to buy an hour of his father's time His parents began to realize
they were wrong attitude.
Tom and Chengcai joined a gang, one of the things that they were taught is shoplifting by
the gang leader but at the first try they were caught by two policemen who asked $2000 in a
week as bribe to keep their silence about the incidence. Tom even took Jerrys piggy bank but

was caught red handed by Jerry. So, Tom told Jerry that he needed the money or he and
Chengcai will be imprisoned because shoplifting. After hearing the reasons Jerry decided to
give his saving to Tom. This prompts Mr. and Mrs. Yeo to read Tom's blog and realise how
unappreciated and alienated their children feel at the same time they read the blogger's son
Even though, Jerry give his money it still doesnt enough, Tom and Chengcai decided to
rob an old lady for her necklace, but realize their wrong action and try to return it to back.
People around the grandmother still does not receive the treatment tom and chengchai loot
the chain grandmother. While Tom's mobile phone falls out of his pocket as he is tackled by
vicious vigilantes. The phone hits the ground, accidentally calling Mr. Yeo, who is doing a
presentation about the contract worth $3 million. When the police arrive, she tells them she
made a prank call. Having finally understood their children, the Yeo parents watch Jerry's
concert, much to his delight.
Later, the gangsters whom Chengcai bumped into earlier beat him up. Mr. Lim, who
happens to be nearby, tries to protect his son, but suffers head trauma after being pushed
down the stairs. He is taken to a hospital, critically injured. On his deathbed, Mr. Lim tells
Chengcai that he loves him and that he should pursue his talent for fighting. Witnessing this
scene, the principal is touched and allows Chengcai to return to school.

2) What are the positive and negative behaviour of the children that you observed
from the video?

Positive behaviour
1) Helping each other.
- Tom told Jerry that he needed the
money or he and Chengcai will be


Negative behaviour
1) Parent no time to spend with their


Toms family busy schedules give them
little time to spend with their children,

After hearing the reasons Jerry

leading to a strained relationship.

decided to give his saving to Tom.

So that Jerry help them from go to
2) They realise their mistake and try

2) Stole the money.

Jerry who a stole the money for parent

to be a good person.
Unable to raise $2000 themselves,

can come and see the performance at

Tom and Chengcai rob an old lady

the school concert.

of her necklace, but regret their

action and try to return it to her.
Tom and Chengcai rob an old lady
of her necklace but regret their

action and try to return in to her.

3) Helping their parent
Tom help his father repair the

3) Join a local street gang.

- Tom and Chengcai join a local street

laptop when it broke down and sent

gang, as their initiation, they are forced

it to his father at the office.

to shoplift an iPod.

3) Explain three reasons of the children problematic behaviour. Relate three

different psychological theories (refer to chapter 2) for each reason.
Three reason of their behaviour by relating psychological theories and
behaviourist theories the constructivist theories is Howard Gardner construction is a
theory of learning which states that individuals learn through adaption. What they
learn or adapt to is directly influenced by the people, materials and situation which
they came into contact. For the example Tom and Chengcai regret what they doing
and give the necklace to an old lady.
The next, operant conditioning B.F Skinner for the negative reinforcement.
For the example as his teacher confiscates it Chengcai makes a cheeky remark that
provokes the teacher into slapping him, leading to an exchange that escalates into a
massive scuffle. The principal decides to expel Chengcai. While Tom receives a
public caning for his part in the scuffle. Tom and Chengchai join a local street gang as
their initiation, they are forced to shoplift an iPod.
Lastly, maturationist theories is Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). The
maturationist is the process of physical and mental growth that is the determind by
heredity. The maturation Sequence occurs in relatively stable and orderly ways.
Jacques Rousseau believed that the children should be allowed to unfold. A child is
like a seed that contains all the elements to produce a wonderful apple it given the
proper amounts of the nutrients from the soil and water along with sunshine and an
ideal climate. For the example Jerry is stole the money because went to make sure the
father came and see them the performance at the school.

4) Suggest three solution for their problematic behaviour shown by the children. It
is advisable to include theories to support your answer.

Three solution for their problematic behaviour shown by the children is parent should
know how to give proper advice to their children. Parent should avoid to use harsh words that
can be decrease children life esteem.
The next, expect children to do their best and allow children to be involved in creative
activities and projects. For the example any parents do not care and directing talent is the
most important of his son get a perfect score. As a parent of young talent not broken, because
every human being is born with their talents. Tom is a talented blogger but her mother did not
want to acknowledge and appreciate the talent. Then you have friend named Chengcai talent
martial however, his talent was strongly opposed by his father because his father did not want
his son to defect like him. They also teaches how best to encourage parents to his talents as a
friend of her father's mother Chengcai overwhelming talent of his shot-put up his national
shot put champion.
Last but not least the children must respect their own parent because can make the
strongly relationship and happy family forever.

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