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Alexis Wright
Professor Welch
English 102

Criminal Rehabilitation
Visualize a world where you could go about your activities freely and safely, not
feeling vulnerable or fearing anyone. You do not have to stress about an unlocked door or
constantly having to keep an eye on all of your belonging. Just imagine how it would be; all of
the citizens abiding by the laws. No robbers, hackers, rapists, murderers, or abusers. Basically
living in a world without criminals. Instead, we live in a world where crime is a rising problem in
Even though it seems impossible to get rid of crime altogether, we can make efforts to
make sure criminals do not recommit acts of crime. Many individuals assumed that the best way
to attack criminal behavior is to place them inside of prisons for long periods of time. It is agreed
that criminals should be punished for their wrong doings, but they should also get the
opportunity to have one more chance at turning their life around. This is where criminal
rehabilitation falls into place.
Punishing them with lengthy sentence terms does not benefit them at all. The lengths of
some of these prison terms are outrageous. Who is expected to live 145 years? No natural life has
been known to exist that long for mankind. With that kind of sentence, the prisoner will end up
dying inside the penitentiary. What the system should do is make sure that while the convicts are
in their care, they should re-educate them because as of now many released convicts do not make
the transition successfully, and huge numbers of them are reprocessed back into prison. The

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overall recidivism rate in the United States hovers around 67 percent from ex-prisoners
committing new crimes or violating parole.
Some examples of rehabilitation are counseling, group therapy, halfway houses, and
additional programs. An alternative sentence is community service which allows the offender to
give something positive to their community. This route avoids the cost of confinement while the
lawbreaker benefits from a lesser sentence and is rehabilitated and enhanced through the work
they perform.
The effects of a successful rehabilitation allow the prisoners to be able to learn new skills
to assist them with working life on the outside. Inmates gain greater self-awareness and a new
outlook on life. They are finally able to take a deep look within their selves making changes that
are most effective for them, their family, and their environment. If we are releasing delinquents
back into the society we have re-introduced them into society the proper way and that is why
rehabilitation is the best decision. Thousands of lives are changing through the assistance and
inspiration these programs are bringing.

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