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India is a land of opportunities with great diverse and linguistic cultural

attracting the people from all over the world. Being the second most populous
country, it is also the fastest growing economy in the world.

It is home to a

diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats. It was home to ancient

Indus valley civilization and various trades routes. In ancient time it was one of
the wealthiest countries in the world. It has produced warrior like Puru, Ran
Pratap and Shivaji and leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi and
Sardar Patel and freedom fighters like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat
Singh and Lala Lajpet Ray. India is a secular state. In her lap breathe the happy
followers of the various religions of the world. It has a unique culture which has
devolved through the centuries. There is much diversity among our people.
India is a land of many languages, worship many gods and yet we have the
same spirit, the spirit of India, running through all parts of our country binding
us together. We have great unity in diversity.

North region consist of

Himalayas, Kashmir which is heaven of India. The 7 Sisters and Sikkim also
belong to north region. They have their own religion temples. This place
belongs to Lord Buddha and its temple. East region is known for Bengali places

and rivers. It also consists some very interesting heritage story and monuments.
Middle region consists of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh which is mainly known as land
of Krishna, land of Lord Ram, land of love i.e. Taj mahal, Land of monuments
and heritage and Punjab which is a state known for king of farms land in India.
People in the country observe many festivals with great devotion as they believe
that fasts and festivals purify their minds and inspire them to lead a better and
purer life. If is for this reason that the old, young and children all observe these
fasts and festivals with great enthusiasm. Indian festivals have a great religious
and social significance. They teach a moral lesson to the people and unite them.
People forget all their differences and observe these festivals with a sense of
togetherness. The festivals teach them how to forget their enmity, narrowness
and bitterness and join hand with each other for the sake of their religion and
their society and for the sake of friendship and universal brotherhood.

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