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Jimmy Hendrix was born in Seattle, Washington, on November 27, 1942.

At the age of 14, he received his first acoustic guitar for only 5 dollars.
He learned to play the guitar by himself, practicing and watching other great
guitar players like BB king.
Hendrix is considered as one of the best guitar players in the history of Rock 'N
In 2003 the Rolling Stones magazine chose him as the best guitar player of all
Hendrix had a great gift, he had an absolute hearing, which is the hability to
identify one note without using any reference.
This is an hability related to the auditive memory (being able to remember
certain sounds).
Thanks to that, he composed many songs, besides of creating the best guitar
riff in music history, with the song "Voodoo Child".
Hendrix played in many rock festivals like Woodstock and Miami Pop Festival.
Sadly, Hendrix died on September 18 in 1970, in London at the age of 27,
drowned in his own vomit.

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