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October 26th, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It has been my pleasure to be Adrienne Tittlers teacher at Western High
School. Over the past four years, I have had the opportunity to observe
Adrienne grow into an amazing young woman. During her freshman year, her
work ethic and intuitiveness was far beyond the other Algebra 1 students. In
Quest class, her junior year, I had the chance to see her express herself and
care for others as we explored the levels of character development. As a
senior, I look forward to watching her push through Pre-Calculus with hard
work and dedication as she has shown throughout all courses. I am pleased to
highlight the positive qualities of this phenomenal student.
Adrienne walks into the classroom ready to learn every single day. She is
organized, prepared, and attentive. She has completed every single
assignment; no matter individual or group work. She has exceeded my
expectations on countless assignments. I admire her ability to produce such
outstanding work no matter the individuals she is paired with. Last spring, as
we discussed possible fundraiser ideas in Quest, I appreciated how invested
Adrienne was in the conversation. She was offering suggestions about donation
locations and how we could fundraise. Without question, she has an enormously
charitable heart. Her kindness is empowering.

Throughout her four years, Adrienne has spent many hours at Western High
School beyond the normal school day. She has been actively involved in the
Prom Committee, Grad Committee, Student Council, and Senior Leadership. I
admire the time she has given to multiple leadership roles. Adrienne is not
afraid to take the initiative and advocate for her classmates. The Prom was
absolutely stunning last spring as the juniors and seniors spent their entire
dance on a beautiful boat in Lansing. Additionally, I look forward to
graduation next spring because it is going to be tremendously different from
previous years. Adrienne has helped spearhead these changes. All in all, her
sense of responsibility is far beyond her age. I look forward to seeing her
succeed next year in college.
Without a doubt, Adrienne Tittler would be an amazing addition to your
profound community. I urge you to consider her in your selection.
All the Best,

Aisleen V. Pack

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